Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


Volume 3 Page xii
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THE CANONGATE TOLBOOTH. OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. - CHAPTER I. THE CANONGATE. Its Origin-Songs concerning it-Records-Market Cross-St. Job?s and the Girth Crosses-Early Hktory-The Town of H~bcrgarc- Canongate Paved-The Governing Body-Fbising the DeviL-Purchase of the Earl of Roxburgh?s ?? Superiority ?-The Foreign Settlement -Gorge Heriot the Elder-Huntly?s House-Sir Walter Scott?s Story of a Fire-The Morocco Land-Houses of Oliphant of Nmland, Ltrd David Hay, and Earl of Angus-Jack?s Land-Shoemakers? Lands-Marquiz of Huntly?s How-Nisbet of Dirleton?s Mansion- Golfer?s Land-John and Nicol Patemn-The Porch and Gatehouse of the Abbey-Lucky Spence. THE Canongate-of old the Court-end of Edinburgh- takes its name from the Augustine monks of Holyrood, who were permitted to build it by the charter of David I. in I I 28, and to rule it as a burgh of regality. ?The canons,? says Chalmers, .<?? were empowered to settle here a village, and from them the street of this settlement was called the Canongate, from the Saxon gaet, a way or street, 40 according to?the practice of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries in Scotland and England. The irnmunities which the canons and their villagers enjoyed from David?s grant, soon raised up a town, which extended from the Abbey to the Nether Port of Edinburgh, and the townsmen performed their usual devotions in the church of the Abbey till the Reformation,? after which it continued to
Volume 3 Page 1
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