Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


96 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [The Mound. arts classes as well as those for theology; and accordingly Mr. Patrick C. Macdougal was appointed, in 1844, Professor of Moral Philosophy, the Rev. John Millar was appointed Classical Tutor, and in 1845 the Rev. Alexander C. Fraser was appointed Professor of Logic. To give effect to the view long cherished by the revered Dr. Chalmers, that logic and ethics should follow the mathematical and physical sciences in the order of study, the usual order thereof was practically altered, though not imperatively so. procured in George Street, and there the business of the college was conducted until 1850. These class-rooms were near the house ot Mr. Nasmyth, an eminent dentist, and as the students were in the habit of noisily applauding Dr. Chalmers, their clamour often startled the patients under the care of Mr. Nasmyth, who by letter requested the reverend principal to make the students moderate their applause, or express it some other way than beating on the floor with their feet. On this, Dr. Chalmers promptly informed THE BANK OF SCOTLAND, FROM PRINCES STREET GARDENS. The provision thus made for arts classes was greatly due to the circumstance that at that time the tests imposed upon professors in the established universities were of such a nature and mode of application as to exclude from the professorial chairs all members of the Free Church. When these tests were abolished, and Professors Fraser and Macdougal were elected to corresponding chairs in the University of Edinburgh, in 1853 and 1857, this extended platform was renounced, and the efforts of the Free Church of Scotland were concentrated exclusively upon training in theology. Premises-however, inadequate for the full development of the intended system-were at once them of the dentist?s complaint, and begged that they would comply with his request. ?I would be sorry indeed if we were to give offence to any neighbour,? said the principal j adding, with a touch of that dry humour which was peculiar to him, ?but more especially Mr. Nasmyth, a gentleman so very much in the mouths oi the public.? Immediately after the Disruption, Dr. Chalmers had taken active steps to secure for the Free Church a proper system of theological training, in full accordance with the principles he had advocated so long, and subscription lists were at once opened to procure a building suited to the object. Each contributor gave Lz,ooo, and Dr. Welsh succeeded in obtaining from twentp
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