Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


out were subsequently considerably enlarged, and the United Industrial School was the ultimate result of the modification of the original plan. According to a paper which was read before EDINBURGH UNITED INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. on June 29, 1876, the day of inspection, may be considered to represent a fairly typical statement of the average condition of the school. According to this report, the number of inmates stood trial School had been found to work most satisfactorily. The plan on whiah the school ?was instituted in 1847, and on which it has now (1863) for nearly a quarter of a century been conscientiously and successfully conducted, is that of combined instruction in things secular, separate in things religious. The school is attended by both Protestant and Catholic children, boys and girls.? Statistics of such institutions may vary a little from year to year j but the printed report issued 34 14 girls on the voluntary list, and g day scholars ; of these 70 were Protestant and 86 Roman Catholics.? The cases of absconding are few, and the punishments small. The industrial training is regarded with the full consideration it deserves, %re are brushmaking, carpentry, turning, tailoring, shoemaking, and woodcutting, for the boys ; ?school washing, cooking, household work, and knitting, for the girls. The nett cost per head, including profit and loss on the industrial departments, ?
Volume 2 Page 265
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