Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


260 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [High Sueet. equally irritated and alarmed on hearing of this flat refusal, and, starting from his chair exclaimed, ?Then, by the holy name of God, he shall eat his dinner with me? and repairing instantly to the house of Morton, brought about a reconciliation, to Leith to beg his life as a boon at the hands of? Lennox and her seducer. But the latter, inflamed anew by her charms and tears, was inflexible ; the Regent was his tool, and the prayers and tears of the wretched wife were poured forth at their feet, HOUSE OF THE EARLS OF MORTON, BLACKFRIARS STREET. by making two very humbling concessions :-First, by dismissing Drumquhasel, who was banished from court, which he was not to approach within teu miles under a heavy penalty ; second, the life of Captain James Cullayne, that Morton inight have more peaceable possession of his wife. Mistress Cullayne, a woman of great beauty, filled with pity by the danger impending over her husband (then a prisoner), and touched with Temorse for her former inconstancy, had come in vain. The poor captain, who had seen many a hot battle in the fields of the Dane and Swede, and in the wars of his native country, was ignominiously hanged on a gibbet, as a peaceoffering to Morton?s wickedness.? In the contemporary life of Queen Mary, printed for the Bannatyne Club in 1834, we have the following strange anecdote of Morton. We are told that he ?had credite at the court, being leR there by the traitoures to give intelligence of all
Volume 2 Page 260
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