Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


very probable that the Earl may often have been a guest in that old mansion, and King James himself in later years. The bishop, who married Margaret Murray of Touchadam, died in 1593, and was succeeded in the old mansion by his son John Bothwell, designed of Auldhamer, who accompanied King James to England, and was created Lord Holyroodhouse, in the peerage of Scotland, in 1607. Here dwelt his sister Anne, a woman of remarkable beauty, whose wrongs are so touchingly re- THE EXCISE OFFICE AT THE NETHERBOW. (After a Pkotograplr & A k x d e r A. Ingir.) ?? an English villain,? according to Balfour-a servsnt boy, out of revenge against his master. In the Scots Magazine for 1774 we have a notice of the death of Eleonora Bothwell, daughter of the deceased Henry, Lord Holyroodhouse. Alexander, his son, Master of Holyroodhouse, who died about the middle of the last century, ended the line of the family, of whom no relic now remains save the tomb of Bishop Adam, which still exists in Holyrood chapel On the front of .corded in the sweet old ballad known as ? Lady Anne Bothwell?s Lament.? She was betrayed in a .disgraceful Ziaison by Sir Alexander Erskine (a son af John, 14th Earl of Mar), of whom a portrait by Jamieson is still extant, and represents him in the military dress of his time-a handsome man in a cuirass .and scarf, with a face full of nobility of expression. The lady?s name does not appear in the Douglas peerage ; but her cruel desertion by Sir Alexander was confidently believed at the time to have justly exposed him to the vengeance of heaven, for he perished with the Earl of Haddington and others in the Castle of Dunglas, which was blown up by guhpowder in 1640, through the instrumentality of the third pillar from the east is a tablet with his arms-a chevron, between three trefoils slipped, with a crescent, and a very long inscription, the first six lines of which run thus :- ? Hic reconditus jacet nobilissimus vir Dominus Adamus Bothuelius, Episcopus, Orcadum et Zethlandiz : Commendatonus Ifonasteni, Sancti Crucis ; Senator et Consiliarius Regius : qui obiit anno ztatis suz 67, 23 die Meosis August4 Anno Domini 1593.? The ancient edifice is associated with an eminent citizen, who lived in later but not less troublesome and warlike times, Sir William Dick, ancestor of the present baronets of Prestonfield. The south,
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High Street.] SIR WILLIAM DICK. 221 and only remaining part of the bishop?s house has been completely modernised, and faced with a new stone front j ?but many citizens still (in 1847) remember when an ancient timber faGade projected its lofty gables into the street, with tier above tier, then astonishing sum of ~zoo,ooo sterling, and whose chequered history presents one of the most striking examples of the instability of human affairs. farming the Crown rents of the northern isles at He came of Orkney people, and began life by ?. . THE NETHER BOW PORT, FROM THE HIGH STREET. (Frmn an 0n;PrircJ Draw& ammxg tk Kirg?s Prints nnd Drawings, BriiiSk Muscnm.) far out beyond the lower storey, while below were the covered piazza and darkened entrances to the gloomy laigh shops, such as may still be seen in the few examples of old timber lands that have escaped demolition? (Wilson). Here then abode Sir William Dick of Braid, provost of the city in 1638, whose wealth was so great that he was believed to have discovered the philosopheis stone, though his fortune only reached the .&,ooo sterling, after which he established an active trade with the Baltic and Mediterranean, and made, moreover, a profitable business by the negotiation of bills of exchange with Holland. ?? He had ships on every sea, and could ride on his own lands from North Berwick to near Linlithgow, his wealth centreing in a warehouse in the Luckenbooths, on the site of that now (in 1859) occupied by John Clapperton and Co.?
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