Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


North Bridge.] LADY GLENORCHY. 361 they dispensed with the ?moderation of the call,? a form about which they stickle zealously, if by it they could get a minister presented by the legal patron to be rejected; while they did not insist upon the stipend being properly secured ; while they agreed to permit Lady Glenorchy to dispose without control, upon those pious offerings which should have been applied towards the support of the chanty workhouse; while they, in fact, eluded that right of patronage over all churches in this city, the chapel to all the privileges it had enjoyed by the countenance and protection of the Presbytery. In 1776 Lady Glenorchy invited Dr. Thomas Snell Jones, a Wesleyan Methodist, to accept the charge of her chapel, and after being ordained to the office of pastor by the Scottish Presbytery of London he became settled as incumbent on the 25th of July, 1779, and from that date continued to labour as such, until about three years before his holding communion with the Established ministers, which is vested in the magistrates of Edinburgh ; and while they had no powver to depose from the benefice in this chapel the minister installed by them in case of his errors in life or doctrine !? To avoid unpleasantness, Mr. Balfour, like Mr. Grove, declined the charge. It was now that the matter came before the Synod, which not only gave judgment in the matter, but forbade all ministers or probationers within their bounds to preach in this unlucky chapel, or to employ the minister of it in any capacity. From this sentence the Presbytery of Edinburgh appealed to the next General Assembly of the Church, which reversed it, and restored 46 death, which occurred on the 3rd of March, 1837, a period of nearly fiRyeight years. He preached the funeral sermon on the demise of Lady Glenorchy on the 17th July, 1786, in her forty-fourth year. She was buried, by her own desire, in avault in the centre of the chapel By a settlement made some time before her death, she endowed the latter with a school which wac built near it. Therein, a hundred poor children were taught to read and write. It was managed by trustees, with instructions which secure its perpetuity. Lady Glenorchy?s Free Church schooI is now at Greenside. In I 792 Dr. Jones had as a colleague, Dr. Greville Ewing, afterwards editor of 2?? Missionary
Volume 2 Page 361
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