Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


North Bridge.] MRS. SIDDONS. 34s her first engagement the appearances of Mrs. Siddons were as follows :- May zznd, Venice Preserved. 24th, The Gamester. ? 26th, Venice Preserved. ? zfth, The Gamester. ? zgth, Mourning Bride. June Ist, Douglas. ? 3rd. Isabella. ? Sth, Jane Shore with a magnificent piece of plate. The Courunt tells us that during her performance of Lady Randolph U there was not a dry eye in the whole house.? During the summer of 1785 she was again ?. in Edinburgh, and played on eighteen nights, her receipts being more than handsome, averaging about A120 per night, and Azoo for the Gamester. Never did the old theatre behold such a firorc 1 as Mrs. Siddons excited, and during the time of VIEW FROM THE BACK OF SHAKESPEARE SQUARE. ( A f t r EdatA.) June fth, Douglas. ? ? loth, Mourning Bride. ? gth, Grecian Daughter (her beneht). 11th. Grecian Daughter (for the benefit of the Charity Workhouse). Kay gives us an etching of her appearance as Lady Randolph, in a powdered toupee ; but costume was not a study then, nor for long after. Indeed, Donaldson, in his I? Recollections of an Actor,? mentions, ?In 1815, in Scotland, I have seen Macbeth dressed in a red officer?s coat, sash, blue pants, Hessian boots, and cocked hat !? On the ~ z t h of June Mrs. ,Siddons departed for She?had shared A50 for ten nights ; at her benefit she drew &so, and was presented I Dublin: 44 her second engagement nothing was thought of or talked of but her wondrous power as an actress, and vast crowds gathered not at night, but in the day, hours before the doors were open, to secure places. It became necessary to admit then1 at three in the afternoon ; then the crowds began to gather at twelve to obtain admittance at three; and a certain set of gentlemen, by subscribing &zoo as a guarantee beforehand, considered themselves very fortunate in securing a private and early entrance to the pit; and eventually the General Assembly of the Church, then in session, were compelled to arrange their meetings with reference to the appearance of Mrs. Siddons. ?People came from distant places, even from
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