Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


306 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Leith Wynd. housses, biggins, and yards adjacent thereto, and by and contigue to the samyn, to be ane Hospitd to the Puir, and to be biggit and uphaldane by the Guid Toun and the Elemosinaries to be placet thakinto. the samyn, it was not his mind to lauborit to his awin behuif,but to the GuidToun as said is,and therefore, presentlie gaess (gives) the gift thereof to the Guid Toun, and transferit all right and tytill he had, hes or might have thereto, in to the Guid Toun, fra him and his airs for ever, and promisit that quhat right hereafter they desyrit him to make thereof, or -suretie, he would do this samyn, and that he, nor his airs, would never pretend rycht thereto, and . . . . and notwithstanding that he has laborit The history of this old ecclesiastical edifice is intimately connected with that of the Trinity Hospital, founded by the same munificent queen, and though the original edifice has passed away, her foundation is still the oldest charitable institution in heradopted city of Edinburgh. According to her plan or desire, the collegiate buildings were built immediately admen, whom they required only to know the Lord?s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and to be neither drunkinsom tailyiours,? bouncers, nor swearers. Under the new rggime, the first persons 011 James Gelly, John Muir, James Wright, John Wotherspoon, Isabel Bernard, and Janet Gate. In 1578, when Robert Pont had been seven years Provost of Trinity, and the establishment of a university in Edinburgh was contemplated, the magistrates endeavoured to arrange with him for having their new institution grafted on the old foundatioa of Mary of Gueldres, and to be called the University of Trinity College; but the idea record as being placed in it, are Robert Murdoch, this of his awin free motive will, for the favour and luiff that he bears the Guid Toun.? Notwithstanding all this verbose minute, his grant was burdened with the existing interests, vested in the officials of the establishment, who had embraced the principles of the Reformation, and passed a series of new rules for their bedes-
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