Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Leith Wynd. 304 of the building, among these; on a buttress, at the west angle of the southern transept, was a shield, with the arms of Alexander Duke of Albany, who, at Mary?s death, was resident at the Court of the Duke of Gueldres. Among the grotesque details of this church the monkey was repeated many times, especially among the gurgoyles, and crouching monsters, as corbels or brackets, seemed in agony under the load they bore. the entire teeth in the jaws, were found on the demolition of the church in 1840. They were placed in a handsome crimson velvet coffin, and re-interred at Holyrood. Portions of her original coffin are preserved in the Museum of Antiquities. Edinburgh could ill spare so fine an example of ecclesiastical architecture as this church, which was long an object of interest, and latterly of regret; for ?it is with some surprise,? says a writer, TRINITY COLLEGE CHURCH, AND PART OF TRINITY HOSPITAL (TO THE RIGHT. [Afn a Draw.ng @ Clerk of Eldin, 1780.1 Uthrogal, in Monimail, was formerly a leper hospital, and with the lands of Hospital-Milne, in the adjoining parish of Cults, was (as the Statistical Account of Scotland says) given by Mary of Gueldres to the Trinity Hospital, and after the suppression, it went eventually to the Earls of Leven. According to Sir Robert Sibbald, the parish church of Easter Wemyss, in Fife, also belonged ?? to the Collegiata Sancta Trinitis de Edinburgh.? ,The parish churches of Soutra, Fala, Lampetlaw, Kirkurd, Ormiston, and Gogyr, together with the lands of Blance, were annexed to it in 1529. The tomb of the foundress lay in the centre of what was the Lady Chapel, or the sacristy of old, latterly the vestry ; and therein her bones, with ?that the traveller, just as he emerges from the temporary-looking sheds and fresh timber and plaster-work of. the railway offices, finds himself hurried along a dusky and mouldering collection of buttresses, pinnacles, niches, and Gothic windows, as striking a contrast to the scene of fresh bustle and new life, as could well be ?conceived ; but the vision is a brief one, and the more usual concomitants of railways-a succession of squalid houses, and a tunnel-immediately succeed it? In 1502 the establishment was enlarged by the addition of a dean and subdean, for whose support the college received a gift of the rectory of the parish church of Dunnottar; and owing to the unsettled state of the country, it would appear that Sir Edward Bonkel, the first Provost, had to apply
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305 Leith Wynd.1 THE DUCHESS OF LENNOX Pont, an illustrious Venetian who came to Scotland in the train of Mary of Guise-the last Provost of Trinity, in 1585, sold all the remaining rights that he had in the foundation, which James VI. confirmed by charter two years afterwards. When the old religion was abolished, the revenues of the church amounted to only A362 Scots yearly. Its seal, Scotland and Gueldres quarterly, is beautifully engraved among the Holyrood charters. In May, 1592, Sophia Ruthven, the young Duchess of Lennox, was buried with great solemnity at the east end of the church. She wss a daughter of the luckless Earl of Gowrie, who died in 1584 andwas forcibly abducted from a house in Easter Wemyss, where she had been secluded to secure her from the violence of the Duke?s passion. But he carried to Parliament for assistance, to enforce the payment of his rents in Teviotdale. In June, 1526, its Provost sat in Parliament. In 1567 the Earl of Moray, then Regent of Scotland, gave to Sir Simon Preston of Craigmillar, then Provost of the City, the Trinity College church with all that belonged to it ; and the latter bestowed it on the city. Robert Pont-an eminent churchman, judge, and miscellaneous writer, the son of John de 18th of December, 1596, by her will, dated 9th of that month, bequeathed IOO merks to the Trinity College church, for a ?burial1 place there. The church and other prebendal buildings suffered with the other religious houses in the city during the tumults of the Reformation, and, according to Nicoll, in later years, at the hands of Cromwell?s sordiers. While trenching the edifice, seeking for the remains of the Queen, those of many others, all Iong before violated and disturbed, were found, together with numbers of bullocks? horns, and an incredible quantity of sheep-head bones, and fmgments of old Flemish quart bottles, the de?bris doubtless of the repasts of the workmen of 1462 ; and every stone in the building bore those marks with which all freemasons are familiar. ~ her OE on his own horse in the night, and married i her in defiance of king and kirk. This was on the 19th of April, 1591, consequently she did not long survive her abduction. Lady Jane Hamilton, youngest daughter of the Duke of Chatelherault, and Countess of the Earl of Eglinton, from whom she was divorced, in consequence of the parties standing in the fourth degree of consanguinity, who died at Edinburgh on the
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