Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


300 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Leith Wynd. broad and spacious thoroughfare, named St. Mary?s Street, presenting on its eastern side a series of handsome fapdes, in the Scottish domestic style, with a picturesque variet)iof outline and detail. edifice a relic of one of the older ones, a lintel inscribed thus, with the city motto :- NISI . DEVS . FRVSTRA. I B 1523 E L C H A P T E R X X X V I I . LEITH WYND. Leith Wynd-Our Lady?s Hompita-Paul?s Work-The Wall of r540-Its Fall in 1854-The ?Happy Land?-Mary of Gueldres-Trinity College Church-Some Particulars of its Charter-Interior View- Decorations-Enlargement of the Establishment-Privileges of its Ancient Officers-The Duchess of Lennox-Lady Jane Hamilton-Curious Remains-Trinity Hospital-Sir Simon Preston?s ? Public Spirit ?-Become5 a Corporation Chariw-Description of BuildinpPmvisions for the Inmates-Lord Cockburn?s Female Pensioner- . basement of which is occupied by spacious shops, and which stands upon the site of the old ?White Horse ? Inn, as an inscription built into the wall records thus :- Edin6urgic, I& Augwt, 1773, on his m.emorabZe four to the Hebrides, occuj.ied the Zargerpavt (If the si& .f f h i Eui(ding.? There is also built into another part of the ? I Boyd?s Inn, at which DY. Samuel phnson oflived in . Demolition of the Hospital-Other Charities. THE connecting link between St. Mary?s Wynd and Leith Wynd was the Nether Bow Port, a barrier, concerning the strength of which that veteran marshal, the Duke of Argyle, spoke thus in the debate of 1736 in reference to the Porteous mob:- . ?? The Nether Bow Gate, my Lords, stands in a narrow street; near it are always a number of coaches and carts. Let us suppose auother insurrection is to happen. In that case, my Lords, should the conspirators have the presence of mind to barricade the street with these carriages, as may ? be done by a dozen of fellows, I affirm, and I appeal for the truth of what I advance to any man of my trade, who knows the situation of the place, if five hundred men may not keep out ten thousand for a longer time than that in which the mob executed their bloody designs against Porteous.? From the end of this gate, and bordered latterly on the west by the city wall, Leith Wynd, which is now nearly all a thing of the past, ran down the steep northern slope towards the base of the Calton Hill. In the year 1479, Thomas Spence, Bishop of many who are honorary, but subscribe to the Association, the objects of which are to promote sobriety, religious deportment, and a brotherly feeling among young men of the Catholic faith. It contains a library and reading room, lecture and billiard room. It has a dramatic association, and by the committee who conduct it no means are left untried to increase the moral culture of the members, Aberdeen, previously of Galloway, and Lord Privy Seal, founded, at the foot of Leith Wynd, and on the east side thereof, a hospital for the reception and entertainment of twelve poor men, under the name of ?? the Hospital of our Blessed Lady, in Leith Wynd :? and subsequently it received great augmentations to its revenues from other benefactors ; but at first the yearly teinds did not amount to twelve pounds sterling, according to Arnot. From the name afterwards given to it, we are led to suppose that among the future benefactions there had been added a chapel or altarage, dedicated to St. Paul. The records of Parliament show that somewhere in Edinburgh there were a hospital and chapel dedicated to that apostle, and that there was a chapel dedicated to the Virgin in 1495, by Sir William Knolles, Preceptor of Torphichen, who fell with King James at Flodden. The founder of the hospital in Leith Wynd died at Edinburgh on the rgth of April, 1480, and was buried in the north aisle of Trinity College church, near his foundation. ?
Volume 2 Page 300
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