Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


288 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [ S t . Giles Street. In course of time the politics of the Couranf graduallychanged, and it is still a flourishing paper as the organ of the Conservatives and of the landed ?interest in Scotland. The DaiZy Review, which came into existence in April, 1861, has always been a highclass and wellconducted paper of Liberal principles, and a leading -organ on ecclesiastical matters among the greater body of Scottish Dissenters-the Free and United coveries yet made to his prejudice,? the judges inflicted punishment upon MacEwan, who was compelled in his next issue to apologise to his country subscribers, and explain why they were not served ?? with that day?s Couranf, as also why we have been so sparing all along of home news.? esteemed as one of the greatest journalists in Scotland, it gained a high reputation for art criticism, and an increased circulation. Mr. Manson had an earnest susceptibility for art, and everything he wrote on that subject proceeded from genuine and native interest on the subject, and expressed convictions which he cherished deeply. The quarterlies, too, occasionally contained articles from his facile pen, and not unfrequently has Pzmch been Presbyterian chnrches. It was founded by the late Mr. David Guthrie to advance the views and interests of the Nonconformist Evangelical Church in Scotland, while at the same time taking its fair share in the general news of the country. ? Under the editorship of Mr. James Bolivar Manson, who was INTERIOR OF TRINITY COLLEGE CHURCH, JEFFREY STREET.
Volume 2 Page 288
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