Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


284 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Cockbum Street. abuse, however flagrant, if in doing so there was any risk of giving offence in high quarters ; and the time had come when a free organ was necessary for Scotland. It was calculated that if only 300 subscribers were obtained the project would have a chance of success, and Mr. Maclaren, with Mr. house, it was deemed unwise that he should be known as the editor of an opposition journal. At this time the paper consisted of eight pages, less than ha!f the size of the present page, and the price was 1od.-6d. for the paper and 4d. of stamp duty. From the latest news columns of l e numbei. THE " SCOTSMAN OFFICE. William Ritchie, were to be joint editors. The leading arficle of the first number appeared on the 25th of January, 1817, and was from the pen of Charles Maclaren, who, during Mr. Ritchie's absence on the continent, found a valuable coadjutor in Mr. John Ramsay McCulloch, afterwards the eminent statist and economist, who temporarily assumed the office of responsible editor of the infant journal. Mr. Maclaren having become a clerk in the Customfor 25th of January, some idea, says Mr. Bremner, of the time occupied in the transmission of intelligence in 1817 may be gleaned; the latest from London was the zznd; from Paris, January 15th; and from New York, December 15th. The first advertisements were wholly of a literary nature. In 1823 the paper was published twice weekly at 7d., and when the stamp duty was abolished the daily Scotsman appeared in 1 8 5 5 6
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