Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


THE OLD TOWN. 47 alurnnus of its University, to be a source of unmingled and unending satisfaction. Let us close by quoting a few of Burns’s verses, which it is as difficult to hackney as to forget :- ‘ Edina ! Scotia’s darling seat, All hail thy palaces and towers, Where once beneath a Monarch’s feet Sat Legislation’s sovereign Powers ! Here Wealth still swells the golden tide As busy Trade his labour plies ; There Architecture’s noble pride Bids elegance and splendour rise. Here Justice from her native skies High wields her balance and her rod ; There Learning with his eagle eyes Seeks Science in her coy abode. Thy sons, Edina, social, kid, With open arms the stranger hail ! Their views enlarged, their liberal mind Above the narrow rural vale ; Attentive still to sorrow’s wail, Or modest merit’s silent claim : And never may their sources fa& And never envy blot their name. Thy daughters bright thy walks adorn, Gay as the gilded summer sky, Sweet as the dewy milk-white thorn, Dear as tiie raptured thrill of joy.’ MIDDLE U’ALK. MEADOWS.
Volume 11 Page 73
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