1845, Old Greyfriars Church was restored and reopened in 1857. What a
strange and varied history it has gone through!--'not a church, but a
caravanserai.' Here, after a sermon by Alexander Henderson of Leucbars in
1663, the Solemn League and Covenant was signed, laid out on a gravestone,
the parchment at length failing them, and many of the signatures being written
in blood ! (In the Engraving the stone is enclosedaithin' the railing, and a
glimpse of light rests on it.) Here'"Dr>Robertson the historian rolled along
his splendid sentences in the morning, and Dr. John Erskine in the afternoon
pierced and scattered them by hii Presbyterian dagger ! the one contending that
virtue, were she coming to earth in human form, would be adored ; the other
announcing that sheshad come in the person of Christ, and had been crucified
and slain. Here Dr. Robert Lee, a reformer too, in his own way, discerning
perhaps his time as well as Henderson did his, introduced an organ and a
liturgy, and struck a chord of innovation which his successor, the sagacious
and daring Wallace-now Editor of the Scofsman-boIdIy and successfully
The Greyfriars Churchyard stands on the ruins of the Franciscan
Monastery, and strange it was that the first man of note buried in it should
be George Buchanan, the scourge of the Franciscans as well as of the other
orders of monks-described by Miiton as 'white, black, and grey, With all
their trumpery.' Buchanan's funeral was attended by a 'great company of
the faithful,' and, standing near a small tablet erected to his memory by a
working blacksmith-his only monument here,-let us recall for an instant into
honourable remembrance the greatest of Scottish Latin scholars and not the
least of Scottish poets, the noble, brave-hearted, outspoken, manly, and eloquent