Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


28 EDINBURGH PAST AND PRESENT. Thomson, and so are the various journals and encyclopedias under the eye of the indefatigable Sir David Brewster and of Professor Jamieson, and the 3hmzaZ uf Ph~enologye dited by George Combe. In this list there are no doubt many omissions, but the above is, we hope, a fair enough general estimate of Edinburgh celebrities duri,ng the period referred to. Artists, sculptors, and architects are so numerous that we can only mention a very few, (among the past) such as Sir David Wilkie, the Hogarth of Scotland (whose first studio was in Paul Street, in the near building on the left of the Engraving), the bold and picturesque Raebum, Thomson of Duddingston, in the sublime style, the Grand Monarque of Scottish painting ; Sir William Allan, Sir John Watson Gordon, David Scott with his Dantesque imagination and sombre grandeur ; David Roberts, Horatio Macculloch, D. 0. Hill, Sir George Harvey, Adam, Playfair, Bryce, Handyside Ritchie, and M'CaIlum; (and among the present) Sir J. Noel Paton with his boundless fancy and delicate finish ; Sir Daniel Macnee, Herdman, Drummond, Waller H. Paton, Hugh Cameron, G. Paul Chalmers, Smart, and the bold inimitable Sam Bough ; Anderson, Morham, Matheson ; Sir John Steell, Brodie, Mrs. D. 0. Hill, Hutchison, and David Stevenson. We name these as specimens-there are others besides of equal ox nearIy equal genius. . . . . . I COLLEGE QUADRANGLE. Returning from this excursus we find ourselves again at the College. Changed it is from the days when we could pass over from tracing Sir John Leslie in ltis giant leaps from system to system of the stellar universe, to the class where Wilson was painting scenery with the 'potent dash of a Salvatok Rosa, and analysing the human heart and its intricacies of passion
Volume 11 Page 46
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