Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


26 EDINBURGH PAST AND PRESENT. Engraving on the left shows the entrance to the grinting-office and the window of the room in which Sir Walter revised his proofs, and that on the right Ballantyne's house in St. John Street.) The Edinburgh Reviaer PAUL'S WORE. BALLANTYNE'S HOUSE. is in undiminished force. John Wilson has arrived, and is forcing his way toward the immense popularity he is soon to gain. In the Chairs of the University, Dugald Stewart, Playfair, Thomas Brown, Leslie, Pillans, and Dalzel are teaching. Andrew Thomson is thundering statedly in the pulpit, and Chalmers is preaching occasionally, as no one but himself can preach, and is by and by to be Divinity Professor. James Hogg is in Gabriel's Road meditating the Queen's Wake. Edward Irving is studying in Bristo Street for the ministry. M'Crie is issuing the Lfe of Andrew McZviZZe, and attacking OLd MortaIity with merciless power. BZmkwood's Magazine has started, and is attracting to itself such spirits as Thomas Pringle (at first) and J. G. Lockhart, Maginn, Galt, Croly, Delta, and Christopher North, who also in 1820 mounts the Moral Philosophy Chair, and takes to him his great power and reigns for more than thirty years, while a profounder, if not so brilliant a man, has been obliged to retire upon the Chair of History, whence he by and by emerges on that of Logic, as the full-fledged and unique Sir Wiliiam Hamilton. Meantime the Bar is radiant with Jeffrey, Cockburn, Cranstoun, John Clerk, Moncreiff, and Murray, and the Bench with President Blair, Hemand, and Hope, and the Medical SchooIs are resplendent with Munro,
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