Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


24 EDINBURGH PAST AND PRESENT. of such melodies as AzZd Robin Gray and the Rowers of fhe For&,- Lady Anne Barnard (Lindsay), Jane Elliott, and Mrs. Cockburn, come into delightful though momentary view. And the list at this point may be fitty closed by the names of Adam Fergusson the Roman historian, and Lord Monboddo, whose strange theories, after a century's sterility, seem now showing some symptoms of vitality, shooting root downwards and bearing fruit upwards. DAVID HUMSS GRAVE. About the close of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth centuries, more if not brighter spirits appear in the Scottish Metropolis. DugaId Stewart is still in the Moral Philosophy chair, and yet to be long there. Professor Playfair is in the niiddle of his usefui career. Henry Mackenzie has laid aside the pleasing and pathetic pen with which he wrote his novels, but is stiIl alive and active. Sir John Leslie is preparing his great work on Heat, and is soon to be appointed Playfair's successor in the chair of Mathematics. Dr. Thomas M'Cne is preaching in Edinburgh, and already collecting materids for his Xt;e of Knoz. (The grave of Knox,
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