Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


GENERAL DESCRIPTION. 9 stranger who had come to visit it ‘in Erin’s yellow vesture clad,’ and in’ bearing ‘ every inch a king.‘ The second time was when, in 1842, we saw the young Prince Albert and Victoria riding up from Holyrood to the Castle. Then too Nature was propitious, and her smile mingled with those of tens of thousands of the loyal and leal-hearted of the land, at the sight of the princely pair in ‘the day of their espousals, and in the day of the gladness of their heart’ Nor did any prophetic whisper then darken or disturb the general and enthusiastic joy. Surely it was one of the proudest and most magnificent days that our Scottish metropolis ever saw-and she looked that morning as if she herself felt that it was. OLD INPIRUARY TOWER
Volume 11 Page 13
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