Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


GENERAL DESCRIPTION. 7 great thunderstorm is advancing from the west, to steep it in darkness and in fire, and by the eye of the young enthusiast which turns to it from the volcanic pages of the RmoZt of IsZam he is reading on the Half-moon Battery, where occur the lines- ‘As when some great Painter dips His pencil in the gloom of earthquake and eclipse.’ Often have attempts been made to picture the Bridge by night, with those enormous masses of building on the south-illuminated by countless THE OLD TOWN. twinkling lamps, which only make the darkness visible,-and with that great gulf already alluded to, between two cities, or worlds, beaming with lights, as with shining stepping-stones across,-lights which at once enliven and measure its tremendous depth, and which might remind a fancifd imagination of those
Volume 11 Page 11
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