Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


PORTOBELLO. 119 dwelling, naming it Portobello, in commemoration of the bombardment of a town of that name at which he had been present. This cottage, situated on the south side of the main street, and still pointed out to strangers, formed . the nucleus around which other houses arose, which, increasing in number and respectability, as time rolled on, have in these days of ours blossomed into the important and much-frequented watering-place it has become. So originated both the name and town of our- Scottish Brighton. Very early in its history the manufacture of bricks and tiles was instituted. Shortly afterwards a pottery was started, and that again was followed at short intervals by other public works, as bottle-making, crystal and glasscutting, a paper-mill, and chemical works. These, for the most part, are all built on the banks of the rivulet called the Figget Burn, which falls into the sea at the west end of the town, and which constitutes the boundary between the parishes of Duddingstone and South Leith. Originally the town does not appear to have been built regularly, or on any plan, as there is an evident want of uniformity or orderliness in the laying out of the streets, and the style of the houses. Each proprietor seems to have been left very much to his own mind in the matter, and, as taste or means or circumstances dictated, erected a larger or smaller dwelling, without any reference either to character or effect. The consequence is that we have, in a great measure, a town of almost all sizes and styles of building : handsome villas retiring from the public view, embowered nest-like in a sea of foliage : and houses of an humbler and meaner class close upon, or skirting the thoroughfare, presenting a cold, stiff, and uninteresting aspect to the visitor, unrelieved either by tree, plant, or flower-plot Latterly, indeed, this has to a great extent been corrected. Within these thirty or forty years the style and character of the architecture, as well as the regular and orderly disposition of the streets, have had the attention of competent judges, and the more modem parts of the town are now all that could be desired in these respects. Altogether, Portobello is a fine town, interesting in itself and fortunate in its surroundings : the city of Edinburgh within an easy walk, with Arthur’s Seat, the village of Duddingstone, Lhddingstone Loch, the grounds of Abercorn, and the grand historic ruin of Craigmillar Castle; Leith, a quaint old seaport of stirring memories, with its spacious harbour, magnificent docks, and numerous fleet of steamers ever in motion, telling in poetic utterance of the life, energy, and enterprise abroad in these days of ours; and Musselburgh also, ‘the honest toun,’ two miles or so to the east, is not without its attractions, alike to the antiquarian, the historian, or the
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