Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


LEITH. "7 ~~~ ~~~ ~ There are other names, both living and dead, which well deserve some notice here; but our limits forbid. There are two, however, we must not overlook; we refer to Robert Nicoll and Robert Gilfillan Of the former we regret to say that Leith has not shown herself very sensible of the honour his connection with her has conferred; otherwise she never would have suffered his grave to remain so long in the neglected and shameful condition in which it is. On paying it a visit the other day, we were perfectly shocked to find it quite overgrown with rank grass and nettle, with nothing to mark it off from the other deep deep sleepers but an humble stone with the humble inscription, ' In memory of Robert Nicoll, Author of Poems and Lyrics, who died on the 7th December 1837, aged 23 years.' A youthful genius of so much promise, which the rude, rough hand of death had so prematurely plucked, denying him the opportunity of cultivating and ripening into fruit the mighty potentialities which were in him, deserves a sweeter spot and a more adorned resting-place. Surely it would involve no great sacrifice on the part of our merchant princes, and would be creditable alike to their head and their heart, to raise over his lowly dust some tablet or monument honouring to him and worthy of themselves. And what is true of Robert Nicoll in this respect is, in some measure, true also of his brother-lyrist, Robert Gilfillan. He has not had the honour done him, either, that his name and memory deserve ; and we trust the day is not far distant when our fellow-townsmen will bestir themselves in the matter, and evince, in some substantial and handsome way, their livelier sympathy with, and deeper interest in, the genius and eminence which has budded and, blossomed in their own streets and within their own walls. Gilfillan, like Nicoll, although not a native of, was very early in life connected with, Leith, long occupying the situation of collector of police rates in the burgh,-not a lucrative office certainly, but one in which he could fairly live,-and employing his leisure hours in courting the Muses, and pouring out those short, sweet, linnet-like likings of which he has given us but too few. James Hogg says of Burns's fine Song, ' The Lass 0' Ballochmyle,' that ' upon first reading it, it made the hair of his head stand on end, he thought it so beautiful.' We cannot say that we were just so moved upon hem'ng sung for the first time that tender, regretful effusion of our Leith bard, '0 why left I my hame?' but we thought it very beautiful. Elliot the poet observes of Nicoll, ' Unstained and pure, at the age of 23, died Scotland's second Bums.' We have no such high word of praise for Gilfillan ; but this at least we shall venture to say, that, if not 'a second Bums,' he has at any rate much of
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I18 QUEENSFERRY TO MUSSELBURGH. Bums’s sweetness and pathos, and emits in many of those musically strung and beautifully expressed warblings of his the true Bums’s intonation or ring. ‘ The idea of their lives should sweetly creep Into our study of imagination ; And every lovely organ of their lives Should come apparell’d in more precious habit . Into the eye and prospect of our souls Than when they lived indeed.’ P o RT o BE p L 0.‘ Travelling eastward for about two miles along the shore we reach this town, pleasantly situated and looking out upon the Firth, with a considerable extent of fine level sandy beach, which renders it a most enjoyable place during the summer for sea-side holiday-seekers. It lies in the parish of buddingstone, and is comparatively of recent origin. Little over half a century ago it could hardly be said to have an existence; and it is only within these last thirty years that it has shot up into anything like its present extensive and imposing dimensions. Indeed, within the memory of many still living, the whole district around was one rude barren waste, covered with furze or whin, the haunts of the tinker, the smuggler, and the robber. ‘The Figget,’ as it was then called, was the terror of travellers in that direction after nightfall, and many are the stories told of hairbreadth escapes, daring rencontres, and cruel, murderous assaults, as associated with the locality. Perhaps it may not be uninteresting to state that, at a much earlier period, this same wild, whin-covered district-the last remnants of which may be seen on the north and southeast slopes of Arthur’s Seat-gave shelter to a much more respectable set of outlaws,-to Wallace and his brave compatriots who at this time were meditating an attempt on Berwick. He foresaw that the district, wild and waste as it was, was capable of improvement,and he set himself to do what might have been done long years before,-to reclaim and enclose the land. Very noticeably, too, just about this time, and a little inland from the shore of this ill-reputed and dreary quarter, an humble, solitary cottage was seen to arise. Tradition says that it was built and inhabited by a retired sailor. As the story runs, he had served under Admiral Vernon in his South American Expedition in 1739, and returning with the little prize-money he had been prudent enough to save, erected this The proprietor meanwhile began to bestir himself.
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