Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


QUEENSFERRY TO MUSSELBURGH. It was erected only a few years ago in consequence of the congregation being ejected from their old place of worship by a decree of the Law Courts in favour of the Auld Kirk. The building is of a composite character, has a very handsome tower topped by an open crown-like spire, after the manner of St. Giles’ in Edinburgh, and is a great ornament to the town. The Episcopal Church, however, is decidedly the finest structure of the kind in the parish. It is in ihe light Gothic style, and cruciform, With buttresses along its side walls, and a fine semicircular apse on the east gable. On the south-east side is a massive and well-Groportioned tower, springing from the ground and terminating in a spire of a peculiarly airy and graceful appearance. The windows are all of stained glass, with beautiful figures of Scripture scenes and characters painted on them; the furnishings are of the most handsome description ; and it is said to possess a peal of bells the finest in Scotland. The churches of the United Presbyterian denomination and the other Nonconforming bodies in this quarter are all of an humbler character, although that of St. Andrew’s Place in the Links, and Great Junction Street, on the margin of that broad and much frequented thoroughfare, are both very large and massive structures, and internally not quite destitute of very comely and effective ornamentation. In North Leith, likewise, there are a few very stately and attractive ecclesiastical fabrics. The United Presbyterian Church in Coburg Street, near the Citadel, is a conspicuous erection, with a Gothic front, central pediment and balustrade, and flanked with embrasured turrets. St. Ninian’s, a little further to the north-west, looking into Dock Street, and quite adjacent to the old Saxon arch which formed one of the entrances into the Citadel, is also an interesting structure. It is of the early Gothic, with handsome doorway and main window, sided by two small octangular towers with pinnacles. The history of this church, if we were at liberty to give it, is well worth relating. The North Leith Free Church in Ferry Road, too, is a characteristic building. Not that we are quite pleased with it in many ways, for it has always appeared to us rather dumpy and out of proportion,-the faGade being far too heavy and massive for the rest of the edifice. Still, if viewed quite in front, with its fine Gothic entrance, noble window of exquisite tracery and stained glass, and tall stately tower and spire, i! produces a good effect. The North Leith Parish Church, however, is confessedly the most imposing structure of the kind in this quarter. Not that it has much to boast of in the way of ornateness or elaboration ; it is rather a plain building, of an oblong form, and distinguished for no particular style of architecture j but its
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