Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


I13 QUEENSFERRY TO MUSSELBURGH. Wooin’ at her, puin’ at her, Courtin’ her, and canna get her. Filthy self! it’s for her pelf That a’ the lads are wooin’ at her.’ Young Logan enrolled himself in the list of her admirers, and had not much difficulty in carrying her off from all the other competitors for her hand. It is said that he built, wifh the mong ske brought him, a large handsome house at the head of the’shirra Brae fronting the Coalhill, in which they resided, and which continued to be shown as an object ‘of interest until 1845, when it was removed to make room for other erections. As however we cannot possibly advert to them all, we shall, for that reason, just select for description what are considered the most prominent of them. The Exchange, in Constitution Street, facing westward into Bernard Street, is an extensive and handsome structure in the chaste Grecian style. It rises to the height of three stories, is adorned with-Ionic columns, and contains a large assembly-room and a public reading-room, together with a number of offices. Then immediately opposite, and in the south-east corner of Baltic Street, stands the Corn Market, a large and substantial edifice, with a side-wall, looking into Constitution Street, of polished stone beautifully ornamented with cherub-like figures in basso-reZimo-some busily engaged in carrying sacks of grain, others in whirling along barrow-loads of the same produce, and others again in ploughing or driving the harrows. It is an attractive erection of highly dressed ashlar, surmounted by a dome of very fine proportions, with a number of spacious business-rooms, well lighted and comfortably ventilated. So also the Banks, of which there are no fewer than seven or eight, principally in Bernard Street, are all very substantial buildings -the RoyaZ, of an ornate and handsome appearance, and the NafionaZ, with its semicircular projecting front, ribbed wi’th Ionic columns and crowned with a dome, are especially interesting specimens of architecture, and quite ornamental to the locality. Nor are the Court House, the Trinity House, andthe Custom House in any way inferior in these respects. The first mentioned is a compact, massive structure of four stories, with an elegant Ionic fagade on the side of Constitution Street, and a fine Doric portico on that of Charlotte Street. The Council Chambers are very handsomely fitted up, and, among other pictures, contains a large painting of the landing of George IV. In like manner the Trinity House, situated in Kirkgate, and just opposite the church, is a graceful edifice of the Grecian type. It stands The public buildings of Leith now deserve our notice.
Volume 11 Page 165
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