Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


I04 QUEENSFERRY To MUSSELBURGH. General Monk succeeding him, took up his residence in the town-greatly to its advantage-which he at once set about to fortify and secure, enlarging the citadel, providing suitable and wellconstructed houses for the governor, officers, and soldiers, and furnishing it with a chapel, as well as ample accommodation for magazines and stores. During his residence, too, it is related that many English families of wealth and position were induced by him to come and settle in it. Bringingwith them the spirit of mercantile enterprise, and possessed of the means andenergynecessaryto establishandsuccessfully cany on suchundertakings, they then inaugurated and profitably pursued certain trades and manufactures which are yet among the staple industries of the place. As was to be expected, the restrictive burdens of the city Town-Council proved very annoying and harassing, and they frequently appealed to the Republican Government to ease their chain and give them a little more freedom, but somehow or other it never was done. Having recovered in a measure from the dejection and hopelessness into which it had been thrown by the humiliating event of the complete loss of its independence, and stimulated and energised by the new life which had budded forth in it by the residence of Englishmen of wealth and position within it, it advanced, and, in spite of the hampering and grinding imposts with which it was saddled, eventually attained to a prosperity and influence which commanded respect. A very memorable event now occurs in the history of Leith, the landing of George IV. Two hundred and sixty-one years before this a young Queen, of surpassing beauty and high accomplishments, set foot on her native land near the same place, and much about the same time of the year, to assume a crown entwined with many a thorn, and to wield a, sceptre which had the touch of saddest trouble in it, but whose landing, in most of its attendant circumstances, was widely different. On this occasion all was pomp and circumstance. Preparations on the grandest scale had been going on for months, and long before the royal yacht had made its appearance in the roadstead all was ready. Then began the imposing spectacle of disembarking. The King, shortly before twelve o’clock, having entered his barge, moved slowly landwards, preceded by that of the Admiral, and followed by others from all his Majesty’s ships on the station, together- with an immense number of private boats, all gaily trimmed, and crowded with people in their holiday attire. forming an aquatic procession such as never before had been witnessed on Scottish shore. Amving within hail of the pier, which was cavered with thousands, the royal barge was saluted in a right loyal fashion. The royal standard, then hoisted, floated over the lighthouse, and a simul- Meanwhile, Leith gradually grew.
Volume 11 Page 157
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