Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


NEWHAVEN. 93 the butcher, or it may be some higher official of the port. Perhaps we should add that on the east of the spacious open area leading on to the foot-of the pier, is erected a handsome and commodious hotel, with edifices, of a similar style, on the opposite side, occupied as private residences. Besides, the important village of Wardie, with its rows of villas and elegantly built houses, is sufficiently near to be included in Granton. The large open space landward, conducting on to the pier, flanked by edifices of ' elegant, massive, whitesandstone masonry,' with its spacious harbour crowded with craft of every description and of every country, a forest of masts, blending so agreeably with the general joyousness of the natural scenery around, contrasts most favourably with the usual dinginess and dirt of most of the other seaports of the nation. A walk to the pier-head, on which there is a lighthouse with a brilliantly distinctive light, or along the breakwater, within 'whose giant arms the harbour lies so peacefully, is both interesting and refreshing, and is greatly frequented, especially in the long summer evenings, by the inhabitants of the city and neighbourhood. Granton is finely situated, and is a nice airy place. NEWHAVEN Is a fishing village with a harbour, and an active and industrious population, a little to the southeast, in the parish of North Leith. It sprung up during the reign of James IV., and under his favouring smile was rapidly rising into importance, when it received a check from the repressive hand of the Edinburgh Tom-Council. Jealous of its rising consequence, and entertaining fears lest it might in some manner or way affect the city injuriously, they purchased from the King, who, like all the Stuart family of royal lineage, was ever in need of money, the town and harbour, with all their rights and privileges, and so acquired a sort of absolute power over it, which, as might be expected, was not wielded to the advantage of the locality, Shortly after the creation of the village a chapel was erected, which likewise owed its existence to the King. James, with all his fun and frolic, energy and chivalry, was terribly superstitious. That untoward circumstance which, when a mere boy, he was all but forced to take a part in-the rebellion against, and murder of his father by, his subjects-had ever afterwards a most unhappy effect upon him. He never could forget it ; often it came up into his mind, disquieted his conscience, and plunged him into the deepest grief and melancholy, the only solace to, or relief from, which was in doing penance and in building chapels, Very p'ossibly it was in one of those fits of religious
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