Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


DALMENY. 85 a castle famous in traditional lore as the birthplace of Cromwell’s mother, and which the ‘Protector’ is said to have visited during his invasion of the nation; in like manner Dundas Hill with its wonderful range of basaltic columns, eight hundred feet high and two hundred broad; and Blackness away in the distance, the state prison of a former age, darkly looming on a narrow point of land jutting out into the Firth, the ancient harbour of Linlithgow- ‘ Where Rome’s strong galleys found a safe retreat, -all these may be taken as forming remarkable and deeply interesting features in the landscape, of which Queensferry may be regarded as the standpoint, and’ lending a charm and aitractiveness to the place which in itself it would not possess. And Commerce moored her richly-freighted fleet ;’ DALMENY. Joumeying eastward through a beautifully diversified district, of undulating character and great fertility, we enter this parish. Like Queensferry, it lies in the county of Linlithgow, is well enclosed, finely wooded, and richly cultivated, and now embraces Auldcathy within its area, which was formerly an independent parish. There are in it also one or two quarries of excellent freestone, which have long been very remuneratively worked, and are even yet far from being exhausted. Of the village which takes the name of the parish very little need be said. It is just such a wral village as is frequently to be met with in the country districts of Scotland. It is chiefly remarkable for its-fine 016 church, which is in the Saxon style of architecture, and has long been justly admired. Its apse, or semicircular recess, with its semicircular windows and semi-vaulted dome, is regarded as the best and most perfect specimen of this ancient kind of structure now existing in Scotland. Perhaps we may add that in the church of the next parish, Kirkliston, there is likewise an interesting relic of this same order of edifice, in the form of a circular doorway, in a good state of preservation. A very noticeable feature of this district is that, within so narrow a compass, comparatively, there should be found adorning it the stately seats of so many families of distinction. Here we have Craigie Hall, a handsome old mansion, inviting to peace and retirement by the deep quiet and sage serenity of its aspect : there Dundas Castle, a massive and substantial structure of
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