Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


HISTORICAL AND DESCRTPTIVE NOTES. 77 ~ little to the east of Winchburgh station, the old square keep is distinctly seen from the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway. It is well known that the unfortunate Mary Stuart found shelter within its massive walls, on her flight from Loch Leven to the disastrous field of Langside, in 156%. Her loyal host and protector' was long commemorated by a brief inscription on an oblong stone tablet surmounting the east window of the Castle. Unfortunately, the tablet has disappeared within the last few years ; but the restoration of the inscription is contemplated by the Earl of Hopetoun, to whom the ancient structure now belongs. The tablet appears on the following page. THE OLD YEW TREE While leaving the more historical features, let us glance for a little -at the picturesque, and from the Dean Cemetery, with its memories of departed 1 George, seventh Lord Seton, who was Provost of Edinburgh in 1557. He was the elder brother of John, first Baron of Cariston in the county of Fife, and half-bro:her of Mary Seton, one of the ' four Maries ' in attendance upon the beautiful Scottish Queen. The office of Provost was also held by his distinguished son Alexander, Earl of Dunfermline (younger brother of the first Earl of Winton). from IS+ to I*. Lord Dunfermline, whose armocia1 ensigns appear in the upper portion of the great south window in the Parliament House, was appointed President of the Court of Session in 1593, and discharged the duties of Chancellor of Scotland from 1604 till his death at Pinkie in 1612. Impartial as a judge and able as a statesman, he is praised by both Spttiswoode and Calderwood
Volume 11 Page 122
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