Edinburgh Bookshelf

Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time


58 MEMORIALS OF EDINBURGH. hands, whatever might be the feelings of a few interested partizans of the Regent Arran. In the midst of these transactions, and while the Queen Dowager was skilfully arranging for the transference of the government into her own hands, the death of Edward VI. had created a total change in the neighbouring kingdom, and rendered the position and future line of policy to be pursued by Scotland in its intercourse with England altogether difFeren t. Probably, no ruler ever assumed the reins of government in Scotland with such general approbation of the people as the Queen Regent now did. She had already manifested both skill and judgment in attaining the Regency. She had secured it, although a decided Catholic, with the full concurrence of the Protestant party; and while, by her prudent concessions to them, she had won their favour, she had managed this with such skill as in no way to alienate from her the powerful Catholic party, among whose leaders were some of the chief men of learning and ability at the Scottish Court. But it has ever, even with the wisest rulers, proved a more dacult thing to maintain authority than to acquire it. To the peoplerindeed, any government capable of securing to them the free exercise of their rights, and curbing the licentious turbulence of the nobles, must have proved a change for the better. Yet, in her very first proceedings, she attacked one of the most deeply-rooted national prejudices, at once disgusting the nobility, and exciting the jealousy of the people,-by placing many of the most important offices of state in the hands of foreigners, and rousing a spirit of opposition to the government which led to the most fatal results. Meanwhile, the Regent devoted herself sedulously to the promotion of peace. A cordial union was established with England, and a Parliament assembled at Edinburgh, June 20th, 1555, many of whose enactment8 were well calculated to promote the interests of the nation. One of them, however, entitled “ An Act anent the speaking evil of the Queen’s Grace, or French-men,” affords evidence not only that the jealousy occasioned by the presence of the foreign troops was unabated, but that the unpopularity of her auxiliaries was already extending to the Queen Regent. Several of the new statutes are directed to restrain the laxity of the people in their religious observances. One is entitled “ Anent eating of flesh in Lentron (Lent) and other daies forbidden.” Another of these Acts ‘‘ Anent Robert Hude and abbot of Un-reason,” exhibits symptoms of the spirit of jealous reform, that was now influencing both parties on every question in the remotest degree affecting religion. It is the first attack on those ancient games and festivals, which this spirit of reform succeeded at length in banishing entirely from Scotland. The Act prohibits, under severest penalties, the choosing any such personage as Robin Hood, Little John, abbot of Un-reason, or Queen of May; and adds (‘ if onie weomen or others, a6out wmmer trees singing, make perturbation to the Queen’s lieges, the weomen perturbatoures sal1 be taken, handled, and put upon the cuck-stules of every burgh or toune. ’” It may well be regretted by others, besides the antiquary, that the singing about summer trees, as it is poetically expressed, should have excited the jealousy of any party, as detrimental to the interests of religion. . Scots Acta, vol. i. p. 294. 9 Ibid, vol. i. p. 307.
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