Edinburgh Bookshelf

Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time


BATTLE OF FLODDEN TO DEATH OF YAMES V. 37 lished an edict prohibiting any of the name of Douglas or Hamilton to interfere in the election of provost, the Earl of Arran, who had held that high office during the previous year, 1519, attempted to control the citizens in their free choice. They immediately shut their gates upon him, and a scu€0e ensued, in which one of the deacons of the crafts was slain. . A fierce and sanguinary tumult followed this, in consequence of the attempt of Arran and the nobles of the west to surprise the Earl of Angus; in which Gawin Douglas, the Bishop of Dunkeld, tried in vain to act as mediator. “he following is the graphic account which Drummond furnishes of this famous contest :-Angns with an hundred resolute followers, armed with long spears and pikes, which the citizens, as he traversed the streets, furnished them from their windows, “invested a part of the town, and barricado’d some lanes with carts and other impediments, which the time did afford, The adverse party, trusting to their number, and the supply of the citizens (who, calling to mind the slaughter of their deacon, showed them small favour), disdaining the Earl should thus muster on the streets, in great fury invade him. Whilst the bickering continued, and the town is in a tumult, William Douglas, brother to the Earl of Angus, Sir David Hume of Wedderburn, George Hume, brother to the late Lord, with many others by blood and friendship tyed together, enter by violence the east gate of the town, force their passage through the throngs, seek the Earl’s enemies, find them, and scour the streets of them, The Master of Montgomerp, eldest son to the Earl of Eglinton, sir Patrick Hamilton, brother to the Earl of Arran, with almost fourscore more, are left dea.d upon the place. The Earl himself f&ideth an escape and place of retreat through a marsh upon the north side of the town ; the Chancellor and his retinue took sanctuary in the Dominican Friars. Some days after, the Humes, well banded and backed with many nobles and gentlemen of their lineage, took the Lord Hume’s and his brother’s heads from the place where they h h been fixed, and with the funeral rites of those times interred them in the Black-Friars.” James Beatoun, Archbishop of Glasgow and mancelIor of the kingdom, who was a zealous adherent of Arrmn, and had taken an active share both in planning and executing the scheme, on the discomfiture of his party &d .to the Black Freir Kirk, and thair was takin out behind the alter, and his rockit rivin aff him, and had beine slaine, had not beine Mr Gawin Douglas requeisted for him, mying, it was shame to put hand on ane consecrat bischop.” ’ It was at the commencement of this affray, which took place on the 30th April 1520, and is khown by the name of Cleanse tAe Causey, from the scene of contest, that the well-known repartee of Gawin Douglas to the Archbishop of Glasgow occurred. Douglas, who was uncle to the Earl of Angus, and now Bishop of Dunkeld, having appealed to the Archbishop to use his influence with his friends to compromise matters, and prevent, if possible, the bloodshed that must otherwise ensue ; the Archbishop excused himself, on many accounts, adding, 6‘ Upon my conscience, I cannot help it; ” at the same time, striking his breast in the heat of his asseveration, he betrayed the presence of a concealed coat of mail, whereupon Douglas retorted, ‘‘ How now, my lord, methinks yonr conscience clatters.” * Hawthornden, p. 88. * Pitscottie, vol. ii p. 288. ?I Crawford’s Lives, vol. i p. 62. The term ckzttms is peculiarly expreeaive here, as it signitlea either & a mise, or tdUea, and may be rendered thus :-Methinks ~10urQOnrcientae lls anothcr talc !
Volume 10 Page 39
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