Edinburgh Bookshelf

Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time


CHAPTER IV. FROM THE BATTLE OF FLODDESV TO THE DEATH OF YAMES V. m[HE ready voice of rumour preceded the more certain ‘news of the disastrous field of Flodden, and filled the Scottish capital with dismay : already sufficiently overcast by the prevalence of the plague, which continued to haunt the city during this eventful year. The provost and magistrates had marched at the head of their trusty burghers to the field, and were involved in the general misfortune ; but fortunately for the country, the wisest precautions had been adopted to provide for such a contingency. The provost and bailies “in respect that they were to pass to the army, chose and left behind thame George of Touris, president, for the provost, and four others for the bailies, till have full jurisdictioun in thair absence.” The battle of Flodden was fought on the 9th of September 1513, and on the following Registers of the City-Lord Hailes’ Remarks. VroNErTE-Jamea v.’s Tower, Holyrood, previous to 1554. [Note]-The following ballad, the mene of which is laid h St Oiles’s Church, may find a place here, both from its local allusions, and its general refere’nce to the subject of the text :- Wae worth the day our burghers lea1 Rade our the Ynglish yird; Wae worth the day shan leman’s guile, To bluidy grave fand wit to wyle Our gallant James the Feird. Uawn Douglas rase frae a dead-txoth sleep, Queen Margaret in Halyrood waukt to weep Sin’ their maister a leman’a tryst will keep Teenefh’ wi’ erie dream ; Ayont Tweed‘s border streams.
Volume 10 Page 36
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