Edinburgh Bookshelf

Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time


CHAPTER 111. FROM THE ACCESSION OF JAMES IK TO THE BATTLE OF FLODDEN. - -_ --._ .- -7 / -, ___ --.. . ' very inauspicious circumstances. His tender age seemed to hold out a very unpromising future, under the guidance of such councillors as had already made him their tool in the Field of Stirling. Yet his reign of twenty-five years is one of the brightest in our national history, and furnishes many valuable local associations, as well a8 curious traditions connected with our present subject. The opening scenes of this eventful reign introduce to our notice Sir Andrew Wood, the most famous of our Scottish seamen, whose undaunted courage and loyalty shone conspicuously, while yet the death of his royal master, James III., remained uncertain. The Prince, as James IV. was still called, had assembled the nobility adhering to him, along with their followers at Leith, from whence messengers were despatched to Sir Andrew's ships, then lying in the Firth, to ascertain if the King had found refuge on board ; and, if not, to endeavour to engage his adherence to their party.' The sturdy seaman indignantly rejected the latter proposition, and refused to come on shore, till certain of the nobility were delivered up as hostages for his safe return ; and he being detained long on shore, his noble substitutes, the Lords Seton and Fleming, narrowly escaped the halter, by his opportune arrival.' Immediately after the coronation of the young King, his heralds were sent to demand the restitution of the Castle in his name; and thig, with other royal strongholds, being promptly surrendered to his summons, he assumed the throne without further obstacles. Towards the close of the same year, 1488, his first Parliament assembled within the Martial Achievements, vol. ii. p. 489. Pitacottie, vol. .i p. 225. VIQNETTE-The Castle, from the West Port, J. a., about 1640.
Volume 10 Page 24
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