Edinburgh Bookshelf

Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time


THE WEST BOW AND SUBURBS. 343 when the Lords of the Congregation I‘ past to Halyrudhous, and tuik and intromettit with the irnis of the c~nzehous.~. ~ The general aspect of the Grassmarket appears to have suffered little change for above two hundred years. One of the most modern erections on its southern side is that immediately to the west of the Templar Lands we have just described, which bears on a tablet over the entrance to Hunter’s Close, ANNO. DOM . MDCLXXI . It is not likely to be soon lost sight of, that from a dyer’s pole in front of this old tenement Captain . Porteous was hung by his Lynch-law judges A.D. 1736. . The long range of buildings that extend beyond this, present as singular and varied a group of antique tenements as either artist or antiquary could desire. Finials of curious and grotesque shapes surmount the crow-stepped gables, and every variety of form and elevation diversifies the sky line of their roofs and chimneys; while behind, the noble pile of Heriot’s Hospital towers above them a8 a counterpart to the old Castle that rises majestically over the north side of the same area’ Many antique features are yet discernibIe here. Several of the older houses are built with bartizaned roofs and ornamental copings, designed to afford their inmates an.uninterrupted view of the magnificent pageants that were wont of old to defile through the wide area below, or of the gloomy tragedies that were so frequently enacted there between the Restoration and the Revolution. One of thesej which stands immediately to the west of Heriot’s Bridge, exhibits a very perfect specimen of the antique style of window already frequently referred to. The folding shutters and transom of oak remain entire below, and the glass in the upper part is Bet in an ornamental pattern of lead. Still finer, though less perfect, specimens of the same early fashion, remain in a tenement on the north side, bearing the date 1634. It forms the front building at the entrance to Plainstane’s Close-a distinctive title, implying its former respectability as a paved alley. A handsome projecting turnpike stair bears being thairin.”-Diurn. of OCC. p. 269. Humble as this nook appears, it is possible that it may be a fragment of the Regent Murray’s lodging. 1 The careful and elaborate history of Heriot’s Hospital, by Dr Steven, renders further investigation of its memorials unnecesaary. Tradition assigns to Inigo Jones the merit of having furnished the beautiful design for the Hospital, which is well worthy of his genius. If so, however, it has been carried‘out in a modified form, under the direction of more modern architects. “May 3 t T h e r e is a necessity that the steeple of the Hospital be finished, and a top put thereupon. Ro. Miln, Master Mason, to think on e drawing thereof, against the next council meeting.” The master mason doea not appear to have thought to good purpose, as we find recorded the following year :-“July 10.-Deacon Sandilans to put a roof and top to the Hoepital’s ateeple, according to the draught condescended upon be Sir William Bruce.” In one of Captain Slezer’s very accurate general view8 of Edinburgh, published towarda the close of the 17th century, Heriot’s Hospital is introduced 88 it then appeared, with the plain square tower over the gateway, and near to it the Old Oreyfriars’ Church, with the tower at the west end, aw it stood previous to 1718, when the latter waa accidentally blown up by gunpowder, which had been deposited there for aafety. A view of the Hospital, by Glordon of Rothiemay, which was engraved in Holland before 1650, is believed to aford an accurate representation of the original deeign. The aame is engraved in the fourth edition of Sleser’s views, under the name of Bogengkht. In thia view, the tower is surmounted by a lofty and beautiful apire, carrying out the idea of contrast in form and elevation which appears in the reat of the dedign, much more effectively than the dome which has been substituted for it. The large towers at the angles of the building appear in this view covered with ogee roofs, in mora questionable tsste. Several entries in the Hospital %cords seem to imply that two of the four towers had been completed according to this idea, and afterwards altered. The Recorda afford evidence of frequent deviations from the original design being sanctioned, even rfter auch parta of the building were 6niahed according to the plan. The following entry occurs in the Hospital Recorda for 1675.
Volume 10 Page 375
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