Edinburgh Bookshelf

Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time


I 8 MEMORIALS OF EDINBURGH. Edinburgh, that in requital thereof, he granted to them a charter, empowering the free citizens to trade to any part of England, subject to no other duties than those payable by the most highly favoured natives: in acknowledgment, as he states, of the humane and honourable treatment he had received from the provost, ministers, and burgesses of Edinburgh. As, however, the house of Lancaster never regained the crown, the charter survived only as an honourable acknowledgment of their services. About this time it whs that the Collegiate Church of the Holy Trinity, and the Hospital attached to it, were founded by the Queen Dowager, Mary of Guelders : and here the royal foundress was interred in the year 1463. In 1471, the Scottish capital again witnessed a royal marriage and coronation ; Margaret, Princess of Denmark, having landed at Leith in the month of July of that year, where she was received with every demonstration of welcome and rejoicing. The courtly historians of the period describe her as winning the favour of both Prince and people, by a beauty and grace rarely equalled among the ladies of the age. Lindsay of Pitscottie adds-“The gentlevoman being bot twelff yeires of age at the tyme.”’ The alliance was further rendered acceptable to the nation, by the royal bridegroom, King James III., having ‘‘ gatt with the King of Denmarkis dochter, in tocher guid, the landis of Orkney and Zetland.” To all this we may add, from Abercromby ’-“ The very sight of such a Queen could not but endear her to all ranks of people, who, to congratulate her happy arrival, and to create in her a good opinion of themselves and the country, entertained her and her princely train for many days, with such variety of shows, and such delicious and costly feasts, that Ferrerius, a foreigner, who had seen all the gallantry and pomp of the Courts of France and Savoy, tells us that no pen can describe them so much to the advantage as they deserve.” It is to be regretted that a more detailed account of this royal reception has not been given, as it would better than any other have served to convey a lively picture of the manners of the citizens, and the character of the Scottish capital at this period. These joyous proceedings speedily gave place to others of a very different character. The historians, in accordance with the credulity of the times, have preserved the tradition of numerous prophecies and omens, wherewith the king was forewarned of the troubles that awaited him, and his jealousy excited against his brothers. The youngest of them, the Earl of Mar, was committed a prisoner to Craigmillar Castle, from whence he was afterwards permittet to remove to the Canongnte, when suffering under a violent fever, of which he died there, under the care of the King’s physician ; not without suspicion of foul play, After his death, some reputed witches were tried‘ at Edinburgh, and condemned to the stake, for plotting, along with him, the death of the King ; and these, according to the historians of the time, confessed that the Earl had dealt with them to have him taken away by incantation-‘‘ For the King’s image being framed in wax, and with many spells and incantations baptized, and set unto a fire, they persuaded themselves the King’s person should fall away as it consumed.”’ The successful confederacy against Cochrane, the succeeding Earl of Mar, and the other royal favourites, belong not to our subject. But immediately thereafter, in 1481, we find the King a captive in the Castle of Edinburgh, which served alternately as a palace and a Pitscottie, vol. i. p. 178. Nartial Achierements, vol. i i p. 407. a Drum. of Hawthornden, p. 48.
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