Edinburgh Bookshelf

Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time


ST LEONARD’S, ST MARY’S WYND, AND COWGATE. 323 and crowned heart, the well-known crest of the Douglases of Queensberry ; suggesting the likelihood of its having been the town mansion of one of the first Earls, not improbably William Douglas, Viscount Drumlanrig, created Earl of Queensberry by King Charles I. during his visit to Scotland in 1633. The projecting staircase of the adjoining tenement to the south had a curious ogee arched window, evidently of early character, and fitted with the antique oaken transom and folding shutters below. A defaced inscription and date was decipherable over the lintel of the outer doorway, and one of the doors on the stair possessed the old-fashioned appendage of a tirling-pin. Many of the buildings which remained till the total demolition of the Wynd were of an early character; and some 01 them bore the initials of their builders on an ornamental shield sculptured on the lowest crow-step, with the date 1736-the only specimens of the kind that were known belonging to the eighteenth century. At the head of the wynd, on the east side, and on ground partly occupied by North College Street, once stood a house which would now have been regarded with peculiar interest as the birthplace of Sir Walter Scott. The elder Mr Scott then lived, according to the simple fashion of our forefathers,. on a Jut of the old tenement, approached from a little court behind by a turnpike stair, the different floors of which sufficed for the accommodation of equally reputable tenants, until its demolition about eighty years since to make way for the projected extension of the College. Here also, near the top of the wynd, was the residence of the celebrated chemist, Dr Bla’ck; and doubtless, many of the learned professors were distributed, with other eminent persons, among the densely-peopled lands of this classic locality ; where, to complete its literary associations, tradition delights to tell that Oliver Goldsmith lodged, while studying medicine at the neighbouring University. The accompanying engraving represents a portion of the antique range of edzces that extends between the College and the Horse Wynds. Here again, however, we are baffled in our search after their earlier occupants. The building to the east of St Peter’s Close was a very substantial stone edifice of a highly ornamental character, which undoubtedly formed the residence of noble proprietors in early times. It appeared to be an ancient building, remodelled and enlarged, probably about the close of James VL’e reign. Three large and elegant dormer windows rose above the roof, the centre one of which was surmounted by an escallop shell, while a second tier of windows of similar form appeared behind them, and sprang from what we conceived to have been the original stone front of the building. The antique ; staircase projected forward in a line with the more recent , additions, and on its lintel the initials of the original proprietors, as represented in the accompanying woodcut. On the other side of St Peter’s Pend was the singularly picturesque timber-fronted tenement, the cu;iously-carved lintel of which forms the vignette at the head of this chapter. An outside stair, constructed in a recess formed by the projection of a neighbouring building, 1 The College and Horse Wynrh have, with the exception of a land of each, suffered at the hands of the Improvementa’ Commission. St Peter’s Closey standing as it did between the two wpnds, haa been totally extinguished.
Volume 10 Page 351
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