Edinburgh Bookshelf

Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time


THE STUARTS TO THE DEATH OF YAMES III. I3 after this, Henry IV. of England renewed the oft-confuted claim of superiority over Scotland; and in pursuance of this, wrote letters to the Scottigh King, and to the nobles and prelates of Scotland, requiring them to meet him at Edinburgh by the 23d of August, in order to pay the homage due to him as their superior and direct lord.’ King Henry was as good as his word, for with a well-ordered and numerous army, he crossed the Borders, and was at Edinburgh before the day he had appointed ; as appears from a letter written by him to the King of Scots, dated at Leith, 21st August 1400.* While there, the Duke of Rothsay, who then held the Castle of Edinburgh, sent him a challenge to meet him where he pleased, with an hundred nobles on each side, and so to determine the quarrel. But King Henry was in no humour to forego the advantages he already possessed, at the head of a more numerous army than Scotland could raise ; and 80 contenting himself with a verbal equivocation in reply to this knightly challenge, he sat down with his numerous host before the Castle, till (with the usual consequences of the Scottish reception of such invaders), cold and rain, and absolute dearth of provisions, compelled him to raise the inglorious siege and hastily recross the Border, without doing any notable injury either in his progress or retreat. During the minority of James I., the royal poet, and his tedious captivity of nineteen years in England, Edinburgh continued to partake of all the uncertain vicissitudes of the capital of a kingdom under delegated government, though still prosperous enough to contribute 50,000 merks towards the payment of his ransom. When at length he did return to enter on the cares of royalty, his politic plans for the control of the Highland clans seem to have led to the almost constant assembly of the Parliaments, as well as his frequent residence at Perth. Yet, in 1430, we find him residing in Edinburgh, attended by his Queen and court, as appears from accounts of the surrender of the Earl of Rosa. At thia time, the rebellious Earl, having made a vain attempt to hold out against the resolute measures of the King, wrote to his friends at court to mediate a peace ; but finding their efforts unavailing, he came privately to Edinburgh: where, having watched a fit opportunity, when the Ring and Queen were in the church of Holyrood Abbey at divine service, he prostrated himself on his knees, and holding the point of his sword in his own hand, presented the hilt to the King, intimating that he put his life at his Majesty’s mercy. At the request of the Queen, King James granted him his life, but confined him for a time in the castle of Tantallan. His imprisonment, however, seems to have been brief, and the reconciliation, on the King’s part at least, sincere and effectual ; for the Queen having shortly after this given birth to two sons-Alexander, who died 00011 after; and James, afterwards the second monarch of the name ;-the King not only liberated him, with many other prisoners, but is said to have selected him to stand sponsor for the royal infants at the font. The style of building, still prevalent at this period, was of the same rude and fragile nature as we have already described at an earlier period ; and repeated enactments occur, intended to avert the dangerous conflagrations to which the citizens were thus liable. In the third Parliament of this reign, a series of stringent laws were passed, requiring the magistrates to keep I( siven or aught twenty fute ledders, as well as three or foure sayes to the comnoun use, and sex or maa cleikes of iron, to draw down timber and d e st hat are fired.” And, again, ‘I that na fie be fetched fra ane house, til me uther within the town, Hartial Achievements, vol. ii. p. 200. ’ Ibid, p, 215. * Ibid,p. 289.
Volume 10 Page 14
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