Edinburgh Bookshelf

Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time


CHAPTER 11. FROM THE ACCESSION OF THE STUARTS TO THE DEATH OF YAMES III. cession of Robert IL, the first of the Stuarts, a new era begins in the history of Edinburgh. From that time may be dated its standing as the chief burgh of Scotland, though it did not assume the full benefits arising from such a position till the second James ascended the throne. It may, indeed, be emphatically termed. the capital of the Stuarts; it rose into importance with their increasing glory ; it shared in all their triumphs ; it suffered in their disasters ; and with the extinction of their line, it seemed to sink from its proud position among the capitals of Europe, and to mourn the vanished glories in which it had taken so prominent a part. The ancient Chapel of Eolyrood, neglected and forgotten by their tmccessors, was left to tumble into ruins ; and grass grew on the unfrequented precincts of the Palace, where the Jameses had held high court and festival; and the lovely but unfortunate Mary Stuart had basked in the brief splendour of her first welcome to the halls of her fathers; and endured the assaults of the rude barons and reformera, with whom she waged so unequal a contest. During the reigns of the earlier Stuarts, the relative positions of Scotland and England continued to preserve more of the character of an armistice in time of war, than m y approach to settled peace; and in the constant incursions which ensued, Edinburgh ex- .
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