Edinburgh Bookshelf

Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time


I 04 MEMORIALS OF EDINBURGH. portion of the ground between the old port and the building still known as Queen Mary’s Bath, the intervening ground being then entirely unoccupied. After being devoted to the humble purpose of a weaver’s workhouse, it was at length burnt to the ground, in the year 1777.l Many traditions still preserved prove his keen relish for this game, in which he is said to have become a proficient. ‘‘ The Duke of York,” says Tytler, ‘‘ was frequently seen in a party at golf .on the Links at Leith, with some of the nobility and gentry. I remember, in my youth, to have often conversed with an old man, named Andrew Dixon, a golf club-maker, who said that, when a boy, he used to carry the Duke’s golf clubs, and to run before him and announce where the ball fell.” ’ The general harmony of the Court of Holyrood, during the visit of the Duke of York, was, however, occasionally interrupted by other annoyances besides those occasioned by the struggles of the Covenanters. A custom had long prevailed in Edinburgh, of annually burning the Pope in effigy on Christmas-day ; but the magistrates, justly conceiving that such a procedure was calculated to afford little satisfaction to the Duke, determined to prevent its recurrence during his stay in Edinburgh. The populace, however, were not then impressed with such awe for civic enactments as the modern system of police has since produced. The students of the College took up the matter, and bound themselves by a solemn oath to effect the incremation of his Holiness in defiance of both Duke and magistrates. The military were called out to put a stop to their proceedings, and some of the most active ringleaders taken captive; but the populace rose in defence of the students, and finished the day’s work The students, as the most zealous movers in thk tumult, were first visited with the wrath of offended authority. The college gates were ordered to be closed, and the collegians to remove to the distance of fifteen miles from the city ; but the excitement after a time abated, and they were again restored to their wonted privileges. In 1682, the famous old cannon, Mons Meg, was burst in firing a salute in honour of the Duke of York, shortly before his return to England. The Duke took his departure in great state in the month of May, leaving the citizens of Edinburgh to resume their quiet decorum, unseduced by the example of the Court. The older gentry of the last age continued to cherish a pleasing remembrance of his visit, and to tell, with great delight, of the gaiety and brilliancy of the court at Holyrood House. The intelligence of the death of Charles 11. reached Edinburgh on the 6th of February 1685. The Chancellor and other officers of state, with the Privy Council, the lords of session, the magistrates, and many of the chief nobility, proceeded to the Crosfi, accompanied by the Lyon King-at-Arms, and his heralds, and proclaimed James Duke of York, King of Great Britain. In April, on the assembling of Parliament, an act was passed for the confirmation of the Protestant religion, and fresh tests enacted for its protection ; but the actions of the King showed little respect for such laws, and much excitement was occasioned by proceedings that were generally believed to be preparatory to the subversion of the Protestant Church. Leith Links was the usual scene of the Duke’s trials of skill at golf. . by burning the Provost’s house at Priestfield to the ground. Amot, p. 195. 9 Archaelogia Scotica, vol. i. p. 504.
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