Edinburgh Bookshelf

Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time


86 MEMORIALS OF EDINBURGH. tongue desired his presence, which he obeyed by entering the Church. After sermon, a more lively representation was prepared for him ; Bacchus appeared on the Cross distributing his wine freely to all; the streets through which he passed were strewed with flowers, and hung with tapestry and painted histories ; and the whole fanciful pageant wound up with a very characteristic astrological display, exhibiting the conjunction of the planets, in their degrees and places, as at his Majesty’s happy nativity, vividly represented by the assistance of King Ptolomd ! ” The King then passed on to his Palace of Holyrood, attended by two hundred horsemen, and the Parliament assembled immediately after in the Tolbooth, and contiuued its delibemtions there for some weeks. The influence of Morton had been rapidly lessening with the King, while the number and power of his enemies increased. Towards the close of 1580, he was arraigned to stand his trial for the murder of Darnley ; and he was executed the following year by an instrument called the Naiden, a species of guillotine which he had himself introduced into Scotland. His head was placed on the Tolbooth, and his body ignominiously buried at the Borough Muir-the usual place of sepulture for the vilest criminals. Considering the high hand with which the civic rulers of the capital contrived to carry nearly every point during the reign of Queen Mary, it is astonishing how speedily James VI. brought them into subjection. ,He interfered constantly in their elections, though only with partial success, and used their purse with a condescending freedom that must often have proved very irritating. They were required to maintain a bodyguard for’ him at their own expense ; and whenever it suited his Majesty’s convenience, were commanded to furnish costly entertainments to foreign nobles and ambassadors.2 In October 1589, the King suddenly sailed from Leith to bring home his Queen, Anne of Denmark, leaving orders of a sufficiently minute and exacting nature for their honourable reception on his return. One of the first articles requires, that the town of Edinburgh, the Canongate, and Leith, shall be in arms, ranked on both sides of the way between Leith and Holyrood House, to hold off the press; and the Council are directed to deal earnestly with the town of Edinburgh for providing ships and all other necessaries. Various acts of the Town Council show the straits they were put to in the accomplishment of this. “ The Baillies were ordained to pass through their quarters, and borrow fra the honest nychtbouris thairof, ane quantitie of the best sort of thair naiperie, to serve the strayngeris that sal1 arryve with the Quene.” Orders were given for Hist. of James the Sext., p. 178-180. &itland, p. 37, * Haitland, p. 44, 5. YIONETTE-The Maiden.
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