Edinburgh Bookshelf

Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time


YAMES VI. TO RESTORATION OF CHARLES II. 85 when the siege commenced, and all further supplies were then completely cut off; yet he held out gallantly for thirty-three days, until reduced to the last extremities, and. threatened with the desertion and mutiny of his men. The garrison did not despair until the besiegers had got possession of the spur, within which was the well on which they mainly depended for water. This battery stood on the Esplanade, nearest the town, as may be seen in the view given at the head of Chapter III., and was demolished in the year 1649, by order of the Committee of Estates. , Holinshed mentions also the spring at the Well-house Tower, under the name of “ St Margaret’e Well, without the Castle, on the north side,” by which some of the garrison suffered, owing to its being poisoned by the enemy. The only well that remained within the Castle was completely choked up with the ruins, and so great was the general devastation, that when a parley was demanded, the messenger had to be lowered. over the walls by a rope.’ The brave commander was delivered up by the English General to the vindictive power of the Regent, and he and -his brother James, along with two burgesses of the city, were ignominiously ‘‘ harlit in cartis bakwart” to the Cross of Edinburgh, and there hanged and quarteredY4 and their heads exposed upon the Castle wall.’ The Regent put the Castle into complete repair, and committed the keeping of it to his brother, George Douglas of Parkhead. He was at the same time Provost of the city, though he was speedily thereafter deprived of the latter o%c& Morton was now firmly established in the Regency, and he immediately proceeded to such acts of rapacity and injustice as rendered his government odious to the whole nation ; until the nobles at last united with the people in deposing him. He succeeded, however, in speedily regaining sufficient influence to Secure the cufitody of the King’s person. The loyalty which the citizens of Edinburgh displayed at various times, until the King’s full assumption of the reins of government, obtained from him epecial acknowledgments of gratitude. In 1578, one hundred of their choicest young men were well accoutred and sent to Stirling as a royal guard’ They sent him also, at a later period, costly gifts of plate, though they remonstrated, with considerable decision, when he attempted to interfere with their right of election of Magistrates ; apologising, at the same time, for not sending the bailies to assign their reasons to him personally, because two of them were absent, and (‘ the thrid had his wyfe redy to depart furth of this warld.” The King at length summoned a Parliament to assemble at Edinburgh in October 1579, and made his first public entry into his capital. He was received at the West Port by the Magistrates, under a pall of purple velvet ; and an allegory of King Solomon with the twa wemen,” was exhibited as a representation of the wisdom of Solomon ; after which the sword and sceptre were presented to him. At the ancient gate in the West BOW, the keys of the city were given him in a silver basin with the usual device of a Cupid descending from a globe, while (4 Dame Music and hir scollars exercisit hir art with great melodie.” At the Tolbooth, he was received by three gallant virtuous ladies, to wit, Peace, Plenty, and Justice, who harangued him in the Greek, Latin, and Scotch languages; and, as he approached St Giles’s Church, Dame Religion showed herself, and in the Nebrm 1 Bannatyne Misc. vol., ii. p. 76. Diurnal of Occuaents, p. 535. Idid, p. 37. ’ Hkt. of James the Sext., p. 145. Maitland, p. 36.
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