Edinburgh Bookshelf

Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time


CHAPTER VI. FROM THE ACCESSION OF YAiMES VI. TO THE RESTORATION OF CHARLES II. # the scene of many of the principal events connected with the national history of the period. Immediately on-the departure of the Queen from Holyrood, diligent search was made throughout the city for the murderers of Darnley. Sebastian, a French attendant of the royal household, and Captain William Blackadder, were seized and lodged in the Tolbooth : and, as appears by the Record of the Privy Council,’ three others were shortly afterwards placed in the same durance on this charge. Sebastian contrived to escape, but the others were ordered ‘( to be put in the irins and tormentis: for furthering of the tryall of the veritie; ” and although they persisted in denying all knowledge of the crime, they were drawn backward on a cart to the Cross, and there hanged and quartered on the 24th of June 1567.’ The Magistrates of Edinburgh had obtained from Queen Mary a ratification of their long-coveted superiority over the town of Leith; but they had never been able to avail themselves of it to any practical end. They now took advantage of the general confusion to assert their claims; and accordingly, on the 4th .of July, the Provost, Bailies, and V I O X ~ E - H O ~C~ha~peOl. O ~ - l Keith, voL ii. p. 652. * i.e., Tortured. Birrel’s Diary, pp. 10, 11. L
Volume 10 Page 89
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