Edinburgh Bookshelf

Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time


YAMES V. TO ABDICATION OF QUEEN MARE 75 throughout the country, requiring them to march with their adherents to Edinburgh, to reduce its citizens to a sense of duty; but the magistrates having sent a humble representation to her of their loyalty and desire to stay the popular violence, she contented herself with reqniring the immediate liberation of the prisoners. The Queen, however, shortly after ordered the Provost to be degraded from his office, and another to be elected in his stead.’ On the 28th of July 1565, Darnley was proclaimed King at the Market Cross of Edinburgh. The banns had already been published in the usual form in the Canongate Kirk,’ and on the following day, being Sunday, at six o’clock in the morning, he was married to the Queen, in the chapel of Holyrood House, by the Dean of Restalrig. During several days, nothing was heard at the Court but rejoicing and costly banquets, while the people .were treated with public sports.a The marriage, however, excited the strongest displeasure of the reformers. Knox, on learning of its proposal, regarded it with especial indignation, and in one of his boldest and most vehement harangues, in St Giles’s Church, challenged the nobles and other leaders of the Congregation, for betraying the cause of God, by their inaction. “ I see,” said he, suddenly stretching out his arms, as if he would leap from the pulpit and arrest the passing vision, ‘( I see before me your beleagured camp. I hear the tramp of the horsemen as they charged you in the streets of Edinburgh ; and most of all, is that dark and dolorous night now present to my eyes, in which all of you, my Lords, iu shame and fear, left this town-God forbid I should ever forget it! ” He concluded with solemn warning against the royal marriage, and the judgments it involved.. Such was his vehemence, says Melvil, that, ‘‘ he was like to ding the pulpit in blads, and flee out of it ! ” This freedom of speech gave general offence, and Knox was summoned before the Queen ; he came to Court after dinner, and was brought into her cabinet by Erakine of -Dun, one of the superintendents of the kirk; but the presence of royalty was no restraint. She wept ay she listened to his bold harangues ; and he left her at length, as she yielded anew to a passionate flood of tears. As he passed from the outer chamber, he paused in the midst of a gay circle of the ladies of the royal household, in their gorgeous appare1,- and addressed them in a grave style of banter on the pity that the silly soul could not carry all these fine garnishings with it to heaven ! Queen Mary dried her tears, and took no further notice of this interview, but Knox must have been regarded amid the gay haunts of royalty, at Holyrood, like the skull that checked the merriment of an old Egyptian feast. He was fully three years younger than her, of royal blood, and a near heir to the Crown ; but in every other respect totally unworthy of her regard. He appears to have been made the complete tool of the designing nobles. On the 9th of March 1566, the Queen was at supper in her cabinet, at Holyrood House, in company with the Countess of Argyle and Lord Robert Stuart, her natural sister and brother, Beaton of Creich, Arthur Erskine, and David Rizzio, her secretary, when her husband Darnley conducted a body of armed assassins into his apartments in the north-west tower of the Palace, immediately below The Queen’s marriage to Darnley was indeed fatal to her future happiness. Knox’e Hist., pp. 325, 326. ’ “The Buick of the Kirk of the Canagait, July 1565.” ’ Chalmera’s Queen Mary, vol. i. p. ,146. Edio. Mag., Oct. 1817, p. 33, apud ChaImera ‘ MelvU’s Diary, p. 26. Tytler, vol. vi. p. 330,
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