Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. I


smaller cross was raised, " In memory of Colonel Kenneth Douglas Mackenzie, C.B., who served for forty-two years in the 92nd Highlanders-who saw much of service in the field, and deserved well of his country in war and in peace. . . . Died on duty at Dartmoor, 24th August, 1873." On the green bank behind the duke's statue is a Two relics of great autiquity remain on this side of the Castle bank-a fragment of the secret passage, and the ruins of the Well-house tower, which, in 1450, and for long after, guarded the pathway that led under the rock to the church oi St. Cuthbert. Within the upper and lower portion of this tower, a stair, hewn in the living rock, was EDINBURGH CASTLE, FROM THE KING'S MEWS, 1825. (AfterEw6ank.) very curious monumental stone, which, however, can scarcely be deemed a local antiquity-though of vast age. It was brought from the coast of Sweden by Sir -4lexander Seton, of Preston, many years ago. On it is engraved a serpent encircling a cross, and on the body of the former is an inscription in runes, signifying- ARI ENGRAVED THIS STONE I q MEMORY OF HIALM, HIS FATHER. . GOD HELP HIS SOUL! found a few years ago, buried under a mass of rubbish, among which was a human skull, shattered by concussion on a step. Many human bones lay near it, with various coins, chiefly of Edward I. and Edward 111. ; others were Scottish and foreign. Many fragments of exploded bombs were found among the upper layer of rubbish, and in a breach of the tower was found imbedded a 48-pound shot. At certain seasons,. woodcock, snipe, and waterducks are seen hovering near
Volume 1 Page 80
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