Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. I


them were captured, among others old McLean, who made a desperate resistance in the West Port with a musket and bayonet. Many who rolled down the rocks to the roadway beneath were severely injured, and taken by the City Guard. A sentinel was bound hand and foot and thrown into Macintosh, of Borlum, in his 80th captivity of fifteen years, for participation rising of 1715; and for twelve months, there were confined in a small, horrid, unhealthy chamber above the portcullis, many a year as '' the black hole " of south) where he confessed the whole plot ; the corporal was mercilessly flogged ; and Sergeant Ahslie was hanged over the postern gate. Colonel Stuart was dismissed ; and Brigadier Grant, whose regiment was added to the garrison, was appointed temporary governor. From this period, with the exception of a species of blockade in 1745, to be related in its place, the history of the Castle is as uneventful as that of the Tower of London, save a visit paid to it in t+ time of George I., by Yussuf Juniati, General and Governor of Damascus. Many unfortunate Jacobites have suffered most protracted periods of imprisonment within its walls. ' with her daughters, the Ladies Mary who were brought in by an escort of twenty under a ruffianly quartermaster, who with every indignity, even to tearing weddingring from Lady Strathallan's finger, and daughters of their clothes. During the these noble ladies were in that noisome the gate, they were without female attendance, under the almost hourly surveillance sergeants of the guard. The husband of was slain at the head of his men on Culloden, where the Jacobite clans were by neither skill nor valour, but the sheer numbers and starvation.
Volume 1 Page 69
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