Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. I


50 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Edinburgh Castlc. brother Sir James, with two burgesses of the City, were drawn backwards in carts to the market cross, where they were hanged, and their heads were placed upon the ruined castle walls. Within the latter were found twenty-two close carts for ammunition, and 2,400 cannon balls. The whole gamson were thrust into the dungeons of adjacent castles in the county; and four soldiers- Glasford, Stewart, Moffat, and Millar-?declared traitors ? for having assisted Kirkaldy ? in the demolishing and casting down of the bigginis, showting great and small peissis, without fear of God or remorse of conscience,? had to do public penance at one of the doors of St. Giles?s for three days ?? cleid in sack cleith.? * The Regent made his brother, George Douglas of Parkhead (one of the assassins of Rizzio), governor, and he it was who built the present half- . moon battery, and effected other repairs, so that a plan still preserved shows that by 1575 the fortress had in addition thereto eight distinct towep, facing the town and south-west, armed by forty pieces of cannon. exclusive of Mons Meg, arquebusses, and cut-throats. Over the new gate Morton placed, above the royal arms, those of his own family, a fact which was not forgotten when he lost his head some years after. In 1576, Alexander Innes of that ilk being summoned to Edinburgh concerning a lawsuit with a clansman, Innes of Pethknock, met the latter by chance near the market cross-then the chief promenade-and amid high words struck him dead with his dagger, and continued to lounge quietly near the body. He was made prisoner in the Castle, and condemned to?lose his head; but procured a remission from the corrupt Regent by relinquishing one of his baronies, and gave an entertainment to all his friends. ?If I had my foot once loose,? said he, vauntingly, ??I would fain see if this Earl of Morton dare take possession of my land!? This, though a jest, was repeated to Morton, who retained the bond for the barony, but, according to the history of the Innes family, had the head of Innes instantly struck off within the fortress. So odious became the administration of Morton that, in 1578, James VI., though only twelve years of age, was prevailed upon by Argyle and Athole to summon the peers, assume the government, and dismiss Morton, an announcement made by heralds at the cross on the 12th of March, under three salutes from the new half-moon ; but it was not until many scuffles with the people, culminating in Keith?s ?Register?; ?Maitknd Club nIiiellury.? a deadly brawl which roused the whole city in arms and brought the craftsmen forth with morions, plate sleeves, and steel jacks, and when the entire High Street bristled with pikes and Jedwood axes, that Parkhead, when summoned, gave up the fortress to the Earl of Mar, to whom the Ezrl of Morton delivered the regalia and crown jewels, conformably to an ancient inventory, receiving in return a pardon for all his misdemeanours-a document that failed to save him, when, in 1580, he was condemned and found guilty of that crime for which he had put so many others to death-the murder of Darnley-and had his head struck off by the ?Maiden,? an instrument said to be of his own adop tion, dying unpitied amid the execratidns of assembled thousands. Calderwood relates that as he was being conducted captive to the Castle, a woman, whose husband he had put to death, cursed him loudly on her bare knees at the Butter Tron. His head was placed on a port of the city. From this period till the time of Charles I. little concerning the Castle occurs in the Scottish annals, save the almost daily committal of State prisoners to its dungeons, some of which are appalling places, hewn out of the living rock, and were then destitute nearly of all light. From one of these, Mowbray of Barnbougle, incarcerated in 1602 for slaying a servant of James VI. in the palace of Dunfermline, in attempting to escape, fell headlong through the air, and was dashed on the stony pathway that led to the Royal Mews 300 feet below. His body was quartered, and placed on the Cross, Rether Bow, Potter Row, and West Ports. In May, 1633, Charles I. visited the capital of? his native country, entering it on the 16th by the West Port, amid a splendour of many kinds ; and on the 17th, under a salute of fifty-two guns, he proceeded to the Castle attended by sixteen. coaches and the Horse Guards. He remained in the royal lodgings one night, and then returned to Holyrood. On the 17th of June he was again in the Castle, when the venerable Earl of Mar gave a magnificent banquet in the great hall, where many of the first nobles in Scotland and England were, as Spalding states, seated on each side of Charles. To that hall he was conducted next morning, and placed on a throne under avelvet canopy, by the Duke of Lennox, Lord High Chamberlain of Scotland. The peers of the realm then entered in procession wearing their crimson velvet robes, each belted with his sword, and with his coronet borne before him. The Chancellor, Viscount Dupplin, addressed him in the name of the Parliament. Charles was then conducted to the gate, from whence began a procession to Holyrood
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Edinburgh Cad:.] CORONATION OF CHARLES I. 51 and long it was since Edinburgh had been the scene of anything so magnificent. Every window was crowded with eager faces, and every house was gay with flowers, banners, and tapestry. *? Mounted on a roan horse, and having a saddle of rich velvet sweeping the ground, and massive with pasements of gold, Alexander Clark, the Provost, appeared at the head of the bailies and council to meet the king, while the long perspective of the crowded street ( then terminated by the spire of the Nether Bow) was lined (as Spalding says) by a brave company of soldiers, all clad in white satin doublets, black velvet .breeches, and silk stockings, with hats, feathers, scarfs, and bands. Thesegallants haddaintymuskets, pikes, and gilded partisans. Six trumpeters, in gold lace and scarlet, preceded the procession, which moved slowly from But most of the assembled multitude looked darkly and doubtfully on. In almost every heart there lurked the secret dread of that tampering with the Scottish Church which for years had been conspicuous. Charles, with great solemnity, was crowned king of Scotland, England, France, and Ireland, by the Bishop of St. Andrews, who placed the crown upon his head; and on the 18th July he left Edinburgh on his return to London. Under the mal-influence of the zealot Laud ruin and civil war soon came, when Episcopacy was imposed upon the people, A committee of Covenanters was speedily formed at Edinburgh, and when the king?s commissioner arrived, in 1638, he found the Castle beset by armed men. His efforts at mediation were futile ; and famous old ?Jenny Geddes? took the initiative the- Privy Seal; Morton the Treasuw?s golden mace,with its globe of sparkling beryl ; the York and Norroy English kingsat- arms with their heralds, pursuivants, and trumpeters in tabards blazing with gold and embroidery; Sir James Balfour, the Scottish Lion king, preceding the spurs, sword, sceptre, and crown, borne by earls. Then came the Lord High Constable, riding, with ,his blton, supported by the Great Chamberlain and Earl Marshal, preceding Charles, who was arrayed in &robe of purple velvet once worn by James IV., and having a foot-cloth embroidered with silver and pearls, and his long train upborne by the young Lords Lorne, Annan, Dalkeith, and Kinfauns Then came the Gentlemen Pensioners, marching with partisans uplifted ; then the Yeomen of the Guard, clad in doublets of russet velvet, with the royal arms raised in embossed work of silver and gold on the back and breast of each coat-each company commanded by an earL The gentlemen of the Scottish Horse Guards were all armed d la cuirassier, and carried swords, petronels, and musketoons.? of trained Scottish officers and soldiers, who had been pushing their fortune by the shores of the Elbe and the Rhine, in Sweden and Germany, came pouring home to enrol under the banner of the Covenant ; a general attack was concerted on every fortress in Scotland; and the surprise of Edinburgh was undertaken by the commander of the army, Sir Alexander Leslie of Balgonie, Marshal of Sweden under Gustavus Adolphus-a soldier second to This he achieved successfully on the evening of the 28th March, when he blew in the barrier gate with a petard. The Covenanters rushed through the Spur sword in hand, and the. second gate fell before their sledge-hammers, and then Haldane of Gleneagles, the governor, gave up his sword. That night ieslie gave the Covenanting lords a banquet in the hall of the Castle, .w&reon they hoisted their blue standard with. the miotto, ? For an oppressed kirk and broken? Covenant? Montrose?s regiment, 1,500 strong, replaced the gamson ; Lord Bdmerbo was appointed goxernor, and many
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