Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. I


plead With great eloquence upon what they had picked up from the opposite counsel. When acting as a volunteer against the Highland army, in 1745, he fell into the hands of Colonel John Roy Stewart, and was nearly hanged as a spy at Musselburgh Bridge. He was author of several literary works; but had many strange fancies, in which he seemed to indulge with a view to his health, which was always valetudinarian. He had INTERIOR OF THE JUSTICIARY COURT.* ' he used to measure out the utmost time that was allowed for a judge to deliver his opinion; and Lord Arniston would never allow another word tc, be uttered after the last grain had run, and was frequently seen to shakeominously this old-fashioned chronometer in the faces of his learned brethren if they became vague or tiresome. He was a jovial old lord, in whose house, when Sheriff Cockburn lived there as a boy, in 1750, sixteen hogsheads young one, which followed him like a dog wherever he went, and slept in his bed. When it attained the years and bulk of swinehood this was attended with inconvenience ; but, unwilling to part with his companion, Lord Gardenstone, when he undressed, laid his clothes on the floor, as a bed for it, and that he might find his clothes warm in the winter mornings. He died at Morningside, near Edinburgh, in July, 1793. Robert Dundas of Arniston succeeded Culloden, in 1748, as Lord President. In his days it was the practice for that high official to have a sand-glass before him on the Bench, with which Dalrymple -said : " I knew the great lawyers of the last age-Mackenzie, Lockhart, and my OWD father, Stair-but Dundas excels them all !" (Catalogue of the Lords, 1767.) Among the last specimens ot the strange Scottish judges of the last century were the Lords Balniute and Hermand. The former, Claud Boswell ot Balmuto, was. born in 1742, and was educated at the same' school, in Dalkeith, with Henry Dundas, afterwards Lord Melville ; and the friendship formed by the two boys there, lasted till the death of the peer, in May, 181 I. He always spoke, even on the Bench, He died in 1787. Tn the dnwing visitors are represented as looking down the stairs leading to the cells below.
Volume 1 Page 172
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