Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. I


Parliament House PARLIAMENT HOUSE IN THE PRESENT DAY. the Earl of Marchmont Earl of Cromarty . . . . 300 0 o Lord Prestonhall . . . , 200 o o Lord Ormiston, Lord Justice Clerk zoo o o Duke of Montrose . . . . 200 o o Dukeof Athole . . . . 1000 o o Earl ofBalcanis . . . . 500 o o EarlofDunmore . . . . 200 o o Stewart of castle Stewari . . 300 o o Earl of Eglinton . . . . 200 o o LordFraser . . . . . 100 o o Lord Cessnock (afterwards Polworth) 50 o o Mr. JohnCampbell . . . zoo o o Earl ofForfar . . . . 100 o o Sir Kenneth Mackenzie. . . IOO o o EarlofGlencaim . . . . 100 o o Earl of Kintore . . . . zoo o o Earl of Findlater . . . . 100 o o John Muir, Provost of Ayr . . 100 o o LordForbes . . 5 0 0 0 Earl of Seafield (tfte&ards ?Findlater) . . . . . 490 o o Marquis of Tweeddale . . . 1000 o o Dukeof Roxburghe . . . 500 o o Lord Elibank? . . . . . 50 o o LordBanff . . . . . 11 z o Major Cunninghame ofEckatt . 100 o o Bearer ofthe Treaty of Union . 60 o o Sir William Sharp. . . . 300 o o Coultrain, Provostof Wigton . . 25 o o Mr. Alexander Wedderburn . 75 0 0 High Commissioner (Queensberry) 12,325 o o L207540 17 7 Lord Anstruther . - . 3 0 0 0 0 Ere the consummation, James Duke of Hamilton and James Earl of Bute quitted ? the House in disgust and dispair, to return to it no more.? The corrupt state of the Scottish peerage can scarcely excite surprise when we find that, according to Stair?s Decisions,. Lord Pitsligo, but a few years before this, purloined Lord Coupar?s watch, they at the time ?? being sitting in Parliament !? Under terror of the Edinburgh mobs, who nearly tore the Chancellor and others limb from limb in the streets, one half of the signatures were appended tc the treaty in a cellar of a house, No 177, High Street, opposite the Tron Church, named ?the Union Cellar;? the rest were appended in an arbour which then adorned the Garden of Moray House in the Canongate ; and the moment this was accornplished, Queensberry and the conspiratofs-for such they really seem to have been-fled to England before daybreak, with the duplicate of the treaty. The Curses,? was long after sung in every?street. A bitter song, known as ? Curs?d be the Papists who withdrew The king to their persuasion ; Cun?d be the Covenanting crew Who gave the first occasion.
Volume 1 Page 164
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