Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. I


88 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. tThe Castle Hill. the steep flight of steps that descend to Johnston Terrace, we find a date 1630, with the initials A. M.-M. N., and in the wall below there still remains a cannon ball, fired from the half-moon 3 ~ - ~ * - .... ,-. ,~,_., -.,- :.. ~- - - , ~ ~ ~ .,- .,~-- %..:,> street some are unchanged in external aspect since the days of the Stuarts. On the pediment of a dormer window of the house that nom forms the south-west angle of the street, directly facing the Castle, and overlooking of Huntly in 1684; but the edifice in question evidently belongs to an anterior age; and the old tradition was proved to be correct, when in a disposition (now in possession of the City Improve- __-- L n _-_-_ :--:--\ =.. e:- -_=--& TI-:-> L_ 1.1- I arch, within which, is a large coronet, supported by two deerhounds, well known {eatures in the Gordon arms. Local tradition universally affirms this mansion to have been the residence of the dukes of that title, which was bestowed on the house THE CASTLE HILL, 1845. aunng me DiocKaae in 1745. I nrougn rnis DWUing there is a narrow alley named Blair?s Close-so narrow indeed, that amid the brightest sunshine there is never in it more than twilight-giving access to an open court, at the first angle of which is a handsome Gothic doorway, surmounted by an ogee iiiriii LuiiitIiissiunl uy air M J U ~ K ~ Dam tu nis son William, dated 1694, he describes it as ?all and hail, that my lodging in the Castle lHill of Edinburgh, formerly possessed by the Duchess of Gordon.? The latter was Lady Elizabeth Howard, daugh
Volume 1 Page 88
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