Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Bookshelf


Index for “adam ferguson”

Cable?s Wynd, Leith, XI. 226, 227
Caddies,orstreetmesngers, I. 151,
Cadell and Co.. Robert. I. 2x1. 11.
. .
Caer-almon (Cmmond), 111. IQ
?Cage,? The, 11. 348
Caiiketton Craigs, 111. 324
Cairncross, Robert. the simonist,
111. ir6-
Caithness. Earl of. I. 111. 118. 111. . .-_,
4,63, 348, 350
Calcraft the actor I. 350
Calderwlood, Sir &lliam, 111. 359
Calderwocd, the historian, I. 50,
126, 1432 150, 151, 195, 104, 218,
22 19, 11. 131, 225, 330. 341. IIP~ :,, 61,170! 183, 184, 228,231
Caledontan Distillery, 11. 218
Caledonian Horticultural Society,
Caledonlan InsuranceCompany, XI.
Caledonian Railway, 11. 116, 138
Caledonian Theatre 11. 179
Caledonian United? Service Club,
I. 379.
11. 153
Callender, Colonel James, 11. 162
Calton ancientlya burgh, 11. 103
Calton burying-ground, 11. 101,
103, * ?05, * 108, 111. 78
Calton gaol I. 176, 11. 31, ?105,
228, 28- fI. 243
Calton $11, I. 55. 76, 136, 300, 11.
17, 18, raa--rr+ 161, 182, 191,
296, 306, 111. 82, 128, 151 158,
165, zog ; view of, 11. * 105 :view
from, 11. * I q
Calton Stairs, I. z p
Cambridge Street, 11. 214
Cambuskenneth, Abbots of, I. 1r8,
Camden Lord I. 272
Camera?John he Provost, 11.278
Cameroh, Sir Dincan, 11. 163
Cameron, Bishop Alexander, 11: 179
Camemn Bridge, 111. 58
Cameron, Charter of Thomas, 11.
Camemn clansmen, The, I. 326,330
Cameronbns, The, I. 63, 67, 111. ,? 30, 195-
Camp Meg,? and her story, 111.
159. 253
Campbell, Lord, the judge, XI. 195
Campbell, Lord Niel, I. a03
Campbell Lord Frederick, 11. 143
Campbell: Sir James, I. 282
Campbell, Lady, 11. 128
Campbell, Lady Charlotte, XI. 192,
Campbell, Lady Eleanor, I. 103,
104 : her m a k a e to Lord Stair. .. -
I. 103
Black Warch, I. 274
Campbell, Lieut.-Col. John, of the
Campbell of Aberuchill, Sir James,
Campbell of Ardkinglass, Si James,
Campbeli of Baicaldine 111. 162
Campbellof Elythswood, Col. John,
111. 135
1. 239 * Lady 162
III. a7.
Campbell of Bcquhan General
Campbell of Bumbank, I. 67
Campbell of Glenorchy, Duncan,
Campbell of Kevenknock 11. 183
Campbellof Loudon, He;, 111.334
Campbell of Shawfield, House of,
Campbell of Skipness, Archibald, 1.
Campbellof Succoth, Si Archibald,
I1 ?4 > 1873 344
Cam&il of Succoth, Sir Islay, I.
98, 11. 143, 270, 344; house of,
Campbell, Duncan, the lithotomist,
I. 320
Campbell, Mungo, I. 320 ; Earl of
Eglinton murdered by, I. 132,
=34. I[. 307
Campbell, john Hwke, I. 372
Campbell, Precentor, I. 107
Campbell of Mamore, Primrose,
widow of Lord Low, 1. 255.
(Fletcher of Saltoun), iII. go
111. 35
11. 168
hmpbell, Thomas, the poet, I. I-
:amp)beli, ;he opponent of Hume,
3amphell the tailor, 11. 271
Jampbell: the historian of Leith,
111. 238 246 258
3ampbe11?5 Niw Buildings, XI. a71
lamus Stone, The, 111. -326
lanaan Lane, 111. 40
Janaan Lodge, 111. 39
:anal Basin, The, 11. 215
Sanal Street 11.
lanch, Majdr, IIP63
Sandlemaker Row, I. 292, 11. 121,
168, 230, 239, 244 242, 259, 260,
~ 6 7 ~ 268, 271, 374, 375, 3% 381,
bndlish, Rev. Dr,, I. 87, 11. 138,
210, 111. 75
Cannon-ball in wall of house in
Castle Hill, I. 88, *rp
Cannye, Sir Thomas, 11. 102
Canongate Church, 11. 28, *29.
111. 91, 158; Ferguswn?s grave,
XI. 34 Dugald Stewart?s grave,
11. 206
79, 90s 97s 1053 I34 ?557 191, 1%
19% 217, 219, 2797 2987 3341 11. 1
-411 1738 23 7 241, 250, 288, 3307
161, 165, 188, 191 ; emnent rwdents
in, I. 282; origin of the
name 11. I ; songsconcerning it,
X I . 2 : records, 11. 2 3; burgh
sealofthe, 11. * 3 ; pahngofthe,
11. 3; burghal seals, 11. za ; becomes
subordinate to Edinburgh,
11. 3; cleansing of the, 11. 15 ;
plans of the 11. ? 5 16, *36 ; its
fashionable? residehts, 11. 17 ;
views of, 11. *37 : anciently a
burgh, 11. ?03; its guard, 11.183
Canongate Cross 111.
Canongate-head ?The ? 375
Canongate The&, ?The, I. 341,
342, 343 11. 2 258, 310; disturbance?
s at tte, XI. 23, 24;
closing of the, 11. 25
Canongate Tolbooth, The, 11. *I,
stocks from the old
Y;d2t?i1. * 31
Canonmills,? II. 47, 115, 181, 184,
191, 278, 111. 70, 71, 78, 83, 86,
87 101, 124
Can&mills and Inverleith, 111.
Canonmills House, 111. ?93
Canonmills Loch, 111. 86,306
Canonmills Loch and House, 111.
Canonmills Park, 111. 84
Cant Adam 11. 241
Cant: Alexander, 11. 241
Cant, Andrew, Principal of the
University, 111. IT
Cant?sClose, I. 115 253,264,II. 241
Cant?s hostelry, Lehh, 111. 180
Cantore?s Close, Luckenbooths, 11.
Cap-and-Feather Close, I. 238, 337
Cap-and-Feather Club, 111. 123
Cape Club, The, I. 230, 111.125 ;
knights of the, I. 230
Capelaw HiU, 111. 324
Capella John de, Lord of Craigmillat!,
111. 58, 59, 61
Capillaire Club The 111. 124
Carberry, Surrinder Gf Queen Mary
at, 11. 71, 280
Cardonel Commissioner, 11. 26
Cardrod, Laird of, 1. 230
Cargilfield, 111.
Care ill, Donald, t%:r&cher, I I. 231
Caribris, William of, 11. 241
Carlisle Road 11. 346
Carlton Stree;, Stockbridge,II. rgg,
Carlung Place 111. 46
Carlyle of Inviresk, Dr., I. 322,323,
324 11. a6 a7, 111. 31 241. 366
Carlhe, Thdmas 11. &, 337, Ill.
24 79, 323; ;is bequest to the
Uhiversity, 111. 26
Carmelite monastery, Greenside,
XI. I01 102
Carmichael, Sir John, 1. 275
Carnegie, Lady Mary, I. 282
C;mlinePark,II. 11~,11I.302.308, m, 311 ; entrance to, 111. *31a
344 11 -32
I. 156
111. 115
Canongate, The. I. 43. 54, 5s. 78,
346, 354, 117. 6, 12, 59. 86, 13+
= 85
111. 71, 79. 83
Cam, Robin,EarlofSomerset,II.366
Carriages, Nuntberof,in 1783~11.282
Carrick. Earls of, 111. 32, 221, 222
Carmbber?s Close, I. 83, 238, 239,
I. 240; gen+lity In 16.
Cam the painter d.
Camoh, Dr. AglioAb Ess, Rector
of the High Sch0oT:II. III, 296
Carruthers, Bishop Andrew 11.179
Carstares or Carstairs, pllincipal,
I. %, 371, 11. 378, HI. 16; tomb,
Carthne?s Wynd, I. IZI
Cassillis, Earls of, I. 91, 111. 4,298
? Castell of Maydens,? The, 1. 15
Castle, The (reeEdinburgh Castle)
Castle, The, from Princes Street,
G t l e Barns, 11. 215
Castlecom y lhe, I. 78
Castle E s p c d e , 11. 230
Castle farm, The, I. 78
Castle Hill, The, I. XI, 7 9 9 4 , 1 5 4
187, 18% 313, 3 4 3?97 33% 33Ir
338. 11. 157, 2m 2317 ?35 2397
111. 12, 99 181 194 195?view
of the I. * k.8 ; h a c , of Mary of
Guise? I. *
Castle doad %e I. *328
Castle rock,? I. ;94, 295, 11. 131,
215, 224, 267, 111. 108
Castle Street, 11. 99, 118, 119, 162,
11. 136, 241.,.242, 3x0; in,
11. 381
PZate 17
163-165 230 270
Castle Te&ace,?I. 295, 11. 214
Casde Wynd. I. 47. 11. 235, 256
Castlehill; Lord, l l r 1 7
Castrum Puellarum I. 15
Casualty Hospital h t h 111. 248
Cat Nick, The I.?rp, li. 306, 307
Catchpel, The &me of, 11. 39
Cathcart Lord I1 348
Catholic? and ?Apostolic Church
Theold 11.184. the new 11 18;
Catholicdhurch ofour Lad;,L;ith,
Catholic Institute The, I. 300;
Causeway-end, The 11. 132
Causeway-side, Th;, I. 326, 111:
doorhead in the,?&
47, 50
Cauvin Louis 11.318 III.131,142
Cauvin?s Hoipital, iI. 318, 111.
131, ?43
The first, Ill. 191
Cayley, Capt., Tragic story of, 11.
Celeste Madame I. 351 ?
Census)of Edindurgh and Leith,
Centenarians, Two, 11. 221
Chain pier Newhaven 111. 303
I? Chaldee ?Manuscript:? The, 11.
Chalmers,? Sir &&e, I. 106, 11.
Chalmers, Dr., 11. 96, 97, 126, 144,
145, 146, 155 204 *. 205,295, Ill.
50, 323; d u e df, 11. 151; his
death 111. 38 148
Chalrneis, theaitiquarian, I. I Z , I ~ ,
111. 113, 164, 215, 218, 230, 357,
Chalmers? Close, I. 240, 261, zrp
Chalmers? Entry 11. 33
Chalmers? HosAtal, I?. 363 ; its
Chalmen ?Memorial Free Church,
Chalmers Territorial Free Church,
140, 156 111. 87 149
founder i6.
XI. 224
Chamher of Commerce and Manu.
facture- I. 123
Chamberlhn Road 111.38
Chambers, Sir W i l i i , the archi-
Zha1116ers?s Edidrwgh Joimral, I.
lhambers Street, I. 381, 11. 256,
2572 2% 2717 272, 274, 2751 276,
Chancery Office, I. 372
Change, The 1. 151 176
Ehantrev. FAncis. i. 15a : statues
* q 7 , 284, 111. 23
by I.-& 11. 151 -..
Chakl Lane, Leith, 111. 231, 235
Chapel of Our Lady 11. zz5
Chapel Royal, Ho&rood House
XI. *49;groundplan of,II.*5zf
bell from, 11. 247
chapel of ease, 11. 346
Chapel Wynd 11. 224
Chapman (or? Chepman) Walter,
the printer, I. 142, Id. 214(ree
Chanty Workhouse, The, 11. 19,
r d , 323, *324
Charles I., I. 50-54, 123, 11.2, 127
181, IEz, 14. 219. 211, 60, 301 f
his -sit to Edinburgh, 1. 50, 51,
11. z,p. zzz, 227, ~ $ 3 , 290, 111.
135, aog; proclamation of, 111.
184 : coronation, I. 51, 72,208, XI.
5% 73
Charles 11, 1. 54, 55, 59, 114 166,
227, 11. 74 I11.151,186 208 222,
352 ; birth? of, I. 200 ; &pukric,
of, 11. 74 ; statue or, I. 176, 182,
111. 72
Charles Edward Prince I. 6 234,
PI 953 1% 138, 196 222, 240, 326,
341, 355; popuhrlty of I. 22
326, 327. 11. a3 ; his &rival i;
Edinburgh, I. 322, 11. 133 ; portraits
of, I. 329,,* 333 ; his w.uetary
I. 351. his farewell ring,
11. 87 ; relics?of, 11. 124; alle ed
marriage of his son, 11. 159 ;%is
death 11. 247, 111. 231- Court of, 11: 22 ; statues of, I. I?84, 186,
Chapel Street, 11. 333, 339, 345;
261, 318, 321i334, ii. 74,? 111.
11. 127
Charles X. of France at Holyrocd,
11. 76, 78
Charles Street, I I . 3 3 3 , ~ ~ 344,345,
Charles?s Field, 11. 333, 334
Charlotte Lane, Leith, 111. 220
Charlotte Square, II.118,172-1 5,
111. 82; mew of the square, 11.
*173 ; the Albert memorial, 11.
?75 *I7 284
Chariotte &reet 11. 165
CharlotteStreet,?Leith. III.221,243
Charteris, Hon. Francis, I. 178
Charteris, Lady Betty, 11. 27
Charteris, Henry, the patient bookseller
11. 102
Charte;is ofAmisfield, Hon. Francis,
11. 168, 111. 270
Charteris Col. Francis 111. 365,
366 ; his love of gambling, i6.
Charters Mrs. the actress, I. 347
Chartergof Edinburgh, I. 34. 35
Chatelherault, Duke of, I. 47, 277,
305 11. 65 111. 2 3 116 178
Chepkn of EwirLnh, W?alter, I.
Chessel s Buildings, 11. * 25
Chess& Court, I. 113, 2 1 7 , h . 23
Chesterhall, Lord, I. 271, 273
Chevalier dq,la BeautB, The, 1. +z
?Chevalier The 11.351 352
Chief magktrate) of Ednburgh,
Titles of 11. 277
Chiesley, dapt., and Lieut. Moodie,
Qua!rel between, 111. 30
Chieslie Major 11.217
Chieslie: Rachd, Lady Grange, 11.
ChiedyofDalry I. 117,248,11.216,
217, 2~3:.tom6of, If. *381; murder
of Sir George Lockhart by,
255, 256
I. 117, 11. I,
Chirurgeons? &:I, 382
Choral Societ 1. a86
Christ Churcl: Morningside. 111.
38, ?41
Christ Church, Trinity, 111. 307
Christie, Sir Robert, ProvostJI. 323
Christison, Sir Robert, the toxicolo-
Christison, ikxander, Professor of
?Christopher North,? I. 7, I?, I1
gist, 11. I 5, 272, 358
Humanity, 11. 295, q4
127,193, z q , 111. 148 ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. C Cable?s Wynd, Leith, XI. 226, 227 Caddies,orstreetmesngers, I. 151, Cadell and ...

Book 6  p. 372
(Score 0.23)

Christ?s Church at the Tron, I. 187
Christ?s Church. Castle Hill. I. 82
Chrystie family,?The, 111, 43, 45
Church Hill 111. 38, 71
Church Lad! 11. 1x5, 111. 38
Church offenders, how punished,
Ci her of Lord Damley and Queen
ham. I. ?16
C+Ls?&e,rIII. 307
Circus Place School 111. 81
Circus, The, Leith?Walk, I. 346,
Ci:adel Port Leith, 111. 257, 258,
261 ; its irection by Monk, 111.
11. 178
187 256
City ? h l e r y Volunteer Corps, I.
City gaol 11. 231
City gates Number of, to be open
daily ~ i . 222
city (;Lard, the Edinburgh, I. 5%
ment of the, 11. z$
City improvements Commence-
City of Glasgow Bant, 11. 162
Civic privileges, Insistauce on by
Civil War, First movements of, I.
Clam Shell Land I. 239
Clam Shell lurdpike, The, I. 149
Clan regiments, I. 327
Clanranald, I. 334, 11. 35, 111. 146
Clanship, Influence of, I. 134,168
Claremont Park, Leith, 111. 266
Chmont Street Chapel, 111. 75
Claremont Terrace, 111. 88
Clarence Street, 111. 78 83 84
Clarendon Crescent IIi. 7;
? Clarinda,.? 11,327: 328 ; house of,
I1 * 32. room in, 11. *333 chic02 CAmrie, 11.159
Clarke Alexander, 11. 242
Clarke: Provost Alexander, I. 193,
Clarkson Stanfield. the oainter. 111.
the citizens, 11. 280
159; events of the, 111. 184
246, 111. 72
, _ ,
tions, 11. 250, 111. 75
a descendant of, 11. a07
?Chudero,? the wit ; his produc-
Claverhouse, l?he spectre of, I. 66 ;
Clavering, Lady Augwta, 11. 139
Cleanliness in the streets, Necessity
?Cleanse the Causeway,? I. 39, 194,
Cleghorn, the physician, 111. 311 ;
Clelland?s Gardens, 111.152
Cleriheugh?s Tavern, I. 120, 184,
for, 1. 193, 199. 203
258, 263, 11. 251
his nephew, rb.
Cl& Sir John, I. 231 232
Clerk? John (Lord Eld$) 11. 186
Clerk?ofEldin. the ~val?tacticim.
111. 359, 3 6
Clerk 01 Penicuick, St George,
111. 359
Clerk of Pennicuick, Sir James, I.
92, 11. 123 ; his wife 11. IZ 124
125,111.192, 193; reiicsof8rinc:
Charles, 11. 124,
Clerk of Penuicuck, Si John, I.
111 11. 137 111. 63 198
Clerk: David,?physici;n, 11. agg
Clerk Street Chapel 111. 51
Clerks, Society of, i. 167
Clermistou, 111. r q
Clestram Lady I. 106
Cleuchdidstode 111. 33?
Clifton Walter df 11. 50
Clinch? the actor, ?I. 352
Clock&.ker, The first, 11. 263
Clockmaker?s Land, I. 31p. *321
Clockmill House, 11.41, 308
Closes, The old, 11. 241, 242
?Clouts Castle of? 11. 355
Clyde Lord 11. 3;3
Clydeidale Bank, The, II.148,III.
Coaches between Edinburgh and
London, I. 55; between Edinburgh
and Glasgow I. 201 between
Edinburghan?d hith,?IIl.
151, 152 Coal Supposed existence of, near
Gkton, 111. 308 ; the Esk coalseams,
111. 358,359
Coal Hill, Leith, 111. 234, 235.246,
247. 250
Coalstoun, Lord, I. 154, 111. 367 ;
anecdote of I. 154
Coates, 11.24, zIr, III. 42, gz
Coates Crescent, 11. 210, 2x1
Coates Gardens, 11. 214
Coates House 11. 1x1 259
Coates Manoi-house i f haster, 11.
Coatfield Gutter, Leith, 111. 194
Coatfield Lane, Leith, 111. ZZO,ZZI
Cobbler A clever I. 271
sculptured stone in, 111. *260
Cochrane, Lady Mary, 11.272
Cockburn, Lord, I. 159, 282 265
307, 362, 366, 374. 375, 3& 11:
81, 84, 90, 9 1 ~ 93, 95, 4 I q ,
114, 162, ?741 2839 339, 34793488r
111. 62, 68, 78, 86, 95,. 110, his
father, 111. 87 ; his residence at
Banally, 111. 326, * 328
Cockburn, Sir Adam, I. 68
Cockbum, Alexander, the city
Cockburn Archibald, High Judge
Cockburn, Henry, the counsel, 11.
Cockburn Provost Patrick, 11. 55
Cockburn? Sheriff, I. 172
Cockburn?ofOrmiston, II.348,III.
58 ; Mrs., the poetess, I. gg. 11.
Cockburn itreet, I. 229, 237, 283,
286 11. ~ r n
?Codked Hat? Hamilton, 11. 139
Cockfighting II.236,III. a63 263 ;
customary:n 1783, 11. 119
Cocklaw Farm, Currie. 111. 331
Cockpit, The, 11. I 6
Coffee-house, The lrst Edinburgh,
Coinage, 1 he Scottish, I. z6g
Colchester?s Cuirarrsien, I. 64
Coldingham,Lord Johnof, II.67,72
Coldingham, Prior of, I. 39
Coldstream. Dr. John, 11. 187
Colinton, 111. 35, 125, zr6, 314,
*321, 322, 323 324; its local
history, 111. 322,? 323
Colinton House 111. 323
Colinton, Lords: 111. 323
Colinton Tower, 111. 333
College The I. 379 11. 255, zsg ;
estabkshmgnt of, h. 8
College Kirk cemetery, 111. 15
College of Justice, I. 121, 166, 182,
195, 219, 259, 340, 368, 11. 203,
207, 325. 111. 49. 202, 316, 3%
334,338,359; firstmembersofthe,
1. 167
College ofPhysicians I. 278 11. 146
College ofsurgeons i1.146?111.15
College Street, 11. &I, 326; 111. 3
College Wynd, 11. ?249, 251, 254,
Colonsay ?Lord i. 159 11. 127 197
Colquho& of ?KillerAont, dchi-
Colquioun ?i?r John 11. 166
Colstoun iady I 282
Coltbridie, I. j36, 111. 102, 103,
Coltbridge house and Hall, 111.
Coltheart?s, Mr. and Mrs., ghostly
Colville, Lord, 11. 335
Colville ofCclross, Alexander Lord,
Colville of Easter Wem
Combe, George, the pEnologist,
Comhe?l Clcse, Leith, 111. 126;
? Comedy Hut, I$ed Edinburgh,?
Comely Bank 111. 7 82, 323
Comely Gardks II? 128, ~ 3 5
Comely Green IiI. rz8
Comiston IIL 316; Lairds of I.
97 ; the?battle stone, 111. *3;6
115, 116
hangman, 11. 231
Admirai, 11. 348
=27r 3?5
1.61, 329, 46
1; 174s 178
274, 383 111. 3 8
bald 11.
114, 118, 19
visitors, I. 228
11. I15
I. 147
1. 384 111. 68
ancient buildin in ib.
Comiston House, 111. 326
Commendator Kobert of Holyrood. - .
1. 239
Commercial Ehuk, The, I. 175,II.
Commercial Street L$h, 111. 258
?Commodore O B k n 111. 154
Communication betwken the north
and south sides of the city, Plan
for I. * 296
Comhunion, how celebrated, 11.
Comyn, 111. 351
Confession of Faith, The, I. 123
Congalton, Dr. Fraucis, the phy-
Biclan, 11. zg8
Congalton of Congalton, 111. 58
Connell, Sir John advocate, 11. 194
Conn?s Close, I. ;go, II. 241
Conservative Club The 11. 125
Constable,Archibaid, th; publisher,
I. 157, 210, 229 291,339, 11. 1x8,
* I Z I , 142. 15:; the h?din6vmh
Rmim, I. ZII ; his customers,
I. 210 ; his shop, I. 2x1, 11. raz ;
Lockhart?s description ofhim, 11.
122; his bankruptcy, ib.; his
portrait, ib.
132 : CUPS, ia.
Constable, Thomas, 111. log, 110
Constable?s Tower, The, I. 36, 49
Constables, Appointment of city, I.
Constables of the Castle I. 78
ConstitutionStreet. Lei;h, 111. 171,
cution oftwopirates, 111.243, a67
Convening Rooms, 11. 104,106
Convenery, The, Leith, 111. aog
Convention of Royal Burghs,
Cooper Dr. Myles 11. 247
Cooper; of Go&, The family of
Coopkrs The, 11.265
Cope, si ohn, I. 322, 325, 326,
Cordiners, or shoemakers The, 11.
184,239, 243, a44. ~ 8 8 , 289 ; exe-
Ancient, I. 186
the 111. 318
327. 333, 11. 281, 111. 132, 263
. . . .
Cordiners of thehougate, 11.19 ;
Cordiners 0) the Portsburgh, A r m s
Corehodse Lord 11. 206, 207
Corn Excbange,?Grassmarket, 11.
Corn Exchange, Leith, 111. 239
Corn Market, The, I. 178, 11. 222,
Cornwallis Lord iI1. 23 193, 335
Corporal &on DL, I. $5
Corooration of Candlemakers. 11.
their king ib.
ofthe 11. 224
230,231 ; the old 11. *z33
a&, 267
Cor oration privileges, Monopoly
CoGoratious, The Ancient, 11. 263
O f 11. I5
. -
111. I<
Correction House, The, 11. 323,
Corri SFgnor 11.178 179
CorriLhie, Bahe of (& Battles)
Corstorphine, I. 254. 323, 324. 111.
IIZ-I~I, 3x8, 3?9, 327, 332, 314;
its name 111. 112, 113
Corstorphine Castle, 111. 118
Corstorphine Church, III. 115,?116,
I m ; its hltory, 111. i15--163
Corstorphine Craigs, 111.113
Corstorphine cream, 111. 114
Corstorphine Cross 111. 113
CorstorphineHill,IkI. xq, 113,118 ;
viewof Edinburghfram, II1.*117
Corstorphine Loch, 111. 42, 118
Cotterell, Lieut.-Col., General Assembly
expelled by, 11. 223.
Cotterill, Right Rev. Henry, Bishop
of Edinburgh, 11.212
Coulter. William. Lord Provost. 11.
283 ; his funerd, 111. 39
Council Chamber The ancient cos! Hill, h i d , 111. a46, 247:
Coull?s Clow, 11. 5, ?7
? 248
Country Dinner Club, The, 111.125
Couutv Hall. The. I. IZZ
Cuupir, Lord 1. ;54 164 111. azz
Couper Stm;, Leith: I l i . 258
Courtof Session, 1.166, ?61, 11. a3 ;
robable extinction of 1. 174
? &U* of Sesuon GarlAd,?? I. 1%
COUrtS Of 1. 157
courts of w, 11. 245
226, 111. 30, 184, 186, I&, 33,;
courage ofthe I 160 161 11.19;
transportatiod 0.i th;, IiI. IQ ;
execution of the 11. 235111.156
Covenanters? Flag: 1. 54
Covenanters? Prison, Entrance to
the, 11. * 381
Coventry, the lecturer 11. 120
Covington, Lord I. :70 272, 338,
Cow Palace, 11. 319
cowan Lord 11.207
Cowan: War;?house of Messrs., 11.
Cowfeeder Row, 111.94
Cowgate, The. I. % 31, 38, 3% 1x0,
123, IP, 148, 157, 161,162, 179.
181, 2071 217, 219, 245. 253, 255,
263, 266, 267, 268, 278. 2 2, 294,
86, 147. 166, 232-68, a m 273,
358, II. 116 Iii. 135 ; ?hi, pwn,
I. 170, 11. :87
295, 3731 374, 375, 378,li: 2, 23.
282. 293, 346 111. 23 31 47 6, 53.
63, 125, 126 ;?its early name, the
Sou?gate, or Southstreet, 11.239,
249 ; origin of the thoroughfare,
11. 239 ; ancient weapons found
therein, 11.240 ; oldhouses in the,
11. * 240, * 244 ; ancient maps of
thecowgate 11. *141, *245,?161;
excavations kade on the site 11.
a45 ; head of Cowgate, P& 21
Cowgate Chapel 11. 194
Cowgate Churcd, 11. 188
Cowgate Head, 11. 168, 241, 267
Cowgate Port, 1.274, 278,298, *pi,
11. 17, 146 ~ 3 9 , 2 1 0 , ~ o 111 156
Cowper, Bishop, t h e g a l k 111: 260
Craftsmen, l?he early, 11. ;63
Craig, Lord, 11. 121, 143, 187, 270,
Craig, sir Lewk I. 226 111. 322
Craig of RiccrtrtAn, Sir khomas, I.
Craig, James, architect, 11. 105,
Craig John the Reformer I1 262
Craiiof Ridcarton, Rob& 11: 123,
Craig hnd, The, 11. 103, 111. 186,
Craig Houx, 111.42; its successive
owners, I I . 4 2 , 4 3 , * ~ ; itsdiningroom
and kitchen, 111. *#
Craigantinnie, JamesNisbetof. 111.
63 Cnugantinnie manor-house, 111.
Cmgantmnie marbles, The, 111.
138, * 144
Craigcrook,III. 78 107 ; itssuccessive
owners, I I ~ . 107 ; a fearful
tragedy and remarkable dream,
111.108, r q
Craigcrook Castle, 111. 106, * 107,
I d 1 9 110 *I12
Craiicrook, d d y , 111. log
Craigie-Wallace, Lady, 111. ya
Craigingalt, or Craigangilt, The
rock 11. 102, 111. 151
Craigkth. III. 94, 107
Craigleith quarry, 111. 82, 83, 111.
Craiglockhart 111. 42, 43
C+glc+hart?HiIl, 111. 42
Cmgmllar, 11. 336, 111. 57. 142,
226,111.321, 322
117, 118, 146
136, 138.7 141
1 3 7 2399 287, 338
Craigmillar, Henry de, 111. 58
Craigmillar Laird of, 111. 61, 94
Craigmil1ar)CnstIe. I. 1s. 42,77,111.
3, p, 58; views of, 111. *6a
Platc 27; its history, I l l . 58-
62; Queen Mary at, 111. 59
Craigmillar Hill 111. 61
Craigmilh pari, III. 51, 58
Craigmillar Road, 111. 58
Craig?s Close I. 179 203 za9. 230
Craig?s plan Af the dew ltreets and
Cramond village, 111. 311. 314-
318, Pkte 34; its history, 111.
314, 31s; the ?Twa Brigs,? 111.
31s. old Cramond Brig, 111.
squares, 11. XI,, XI8 ... INDEX. Christ?s Church at the Tron, I. 187 Christ?s Church. Castle Hill. I. 82 Chrystie family,?The, ...

Book 6  p. 373
(Score 0.23)

2307 33O7 3447.3501 359s
at er, 11. 255; hls fat er
house, 11. 340, *PI; his mdkk
11. 142, 340; his various resi
dences, 11. 163 -164, 165 111.
359; @~study,'II. 163; las; resi
dence in bdtnburgh, 11.210 ; hi!
birthplace, 11.251~255 ; his par
trait, 11. 254; his arms, 11. *a54
his school Me, 11. 293, 294, 326
111. 8 ; his childhood 11. 30
burial-place ofhisfamil;, 11. 383
hls first love ib.; his son, 11,
294 ; his dauihter 11.165
Scott, Anne (sir &alter Scott'!
daughter), 11. 165
Scott of Balcomie, General, 11.191,
201, 269, 111. 42, 307; anecdote
of, 11. 191 ; his wife, 111. 124
Scott of Bavelaw 111. 331
Scott of Branxhoim, Sir Water, I.
ScottofBuccleuch Sir Waiter,]. zz:
Smtt of Cauldhou& 11. 2.9
Scott of Harden, Slr Wllliam, I.
Scott'of Kirkstyle I. 210
Scott ofMalleny;i.hefamiIyof, 111.
a02 111. 136
. .
Scott of Scotstanit, Sir John, I.
167, zm, 11. 3, 223, Ill. 135,199,
ScottbfThirlstane SirFrancis,I.z71
Scott ofThirlstan;, Patrick, 11. a y
Swtt. Lieut.-Col. (Sir Walter'sson),
2903 317. 343, 364
11. 294
Scott, David, the painter, 11. 92,
111. 68, 78, 223
Scott ohn Miracle of, 11. 55, 56
Scottl dicLe1, ?1.
Scott: William. Greek professor.
111; 15 .
k t t centenary, The first, 11. 150,
scb;'is Close, 11.271
kott's monument, I. *r 11. 126,
127, *12g ; statnetteson'it II. 1z1
Scottlsh Academv of Paint& 11. -.
90s 9'
Scottish Antiquar$n Society, 1.
Scottlsh Baptist meeting-house,
Scottrsh Barrack office 11.42
Scottish Chamber ofA&ulture, I.
Scottish currency, Value of the, in
258, 270
+le Square, 11.274
1707, 1.270
Scottish Episcopal chapels, I. 278
Scottish Episcopalians, The, I. 239,
Scottish Equitable Asurance Sc-
Scottish Hentable Security Com-
111. 231
ciety, 11. 170
PanY 11. I53
Scottish Horse Guards The I. 5'
Scottish judge+ Emhent, i. 167,
Scottish Liberal Club 11. 125
Scottish matrons, S& spirit of,
Sck?sh Miniitem' Widows' Fund,
ScottLhmonarchs, Portraits of the,
11. 378
11. 73, 74,177
Scottish National Fire and Life
Scottish Naval anh Militarv
Assurance Company 11.168
Academy, 11. 138
Scottish MV~, Formation of a, 111.
Sc%h Provident Institution, 11.
Scottish Records State of I. 367
11. 119 ; the& removal' to thi
Register House, I. 368
Scottish ReformationSocietp I. 294
Scottish Rights Association i1. 150
Scottish Roscius, The, I. ;47 ; his
Scottiih School of Design 11. 86
ScottishTemplars, Trialsifthe, 11.
ScotkhTreacury Room, The, 1.178
Scottish Union and National Inwife
46 50, 51, 111. 130
surance Company, 11. 170, 171 * 172
Scottish Universities Act, 111.24
Scottish Vulcanite Company, I1
Scotttsk Widows' Fund, 11. 1%
Scou&l, John, the painter, I. 22:
Sculptured stone, Newhaven, I1
Sea Penctbles The 111. 303
Seafield Cha&ello: I. 163
Seafield' Earl of 11: 33 111. 191
Seafield' Leith ill. 14; 263 266
Seafie1d'Hous;and B a d , Hi. 26c
Seafield Toll 111. 286
Sea-fight in k i t h harbour. A. 111
219, 220
168 172
223, 11. 90
299 *3?
duel on the site of rb.
, . r83,-184
the, 11. 307-310
Seaforth Highlanders, Revolt (
Seaforth, Kenneth Mackenzie. Ea
of 11. 307, 3 9
Seaiorth, Franci Lord, 111. IOI
Seal of Edinburgh, The Commox
his son, i6.
1. *a
Se&an'sHospital, Leith, 111.22:
Seamen, Wages of the Leith. 111
Leith 111. 278
Seamen's Friendly Society, Th
Seaton,'Sir Alexander, I. 167
Seceders, 'lhe, 1. 323,325, 333
Secession and Relief Church=
Union of the 111. 88
Secret subtenahean pLssages,Edii
burgh Castle, I. 82
Secretary's Register The I. 370
Sedan chairs, Use o( in Edinburgl
11. 120, 343 ; number of in 1775
11. 282 ; fracas resulting from th
useof, 111. 13
Sederunt, ~ c t s oP I. IW 11.315
Seqave, Sir Johdde, Ilk 351
Selkirk. Earl of, I. 274, 373 11.144
166,205,III. 122; mansion ofthc
1. *273, 274, '276, 11. 246, 249
Selkirk Countess of, 11. 335
Sellars"Ciose, I. 55
Semple, Lords, I. 91,92,11.3oo,35
Semple's Close I. 91
Senate Hall, Edinburgh University
111. 23, 24, 27
Session, Court of, I. 166, 167, 337
11. 174; probable extinction a
the, I. 174
Seton, Lord, 11. 35, 52 ; Lady, 111
52, 53.
Seton, Sir Alexander, III.49,318
Seton family, The, 111. 53, 54, 24
>ton House I1 35
Seven sist2;s oi Borthwick."The
I. 36
%mow Lord Webb 11.347
SbakesGe Club Tie, 111.126
Shakespeare in dinburgh, 11.39
Shakespeare Square, I. 218, 340
343, 336, 47, 3531 11. 176, 336
337 ;new 20, the back of, 1. *34!
Shandwick Place, 11. z q , 210
Shank I. 254
Sharp:, James, Archbishop of St
Andrews, 1. 215 259; his son':
residence, 111. 385
Sharpe of Hoddam Charles Kirk
patrick, 11.191, I&, 193, 243,342
111.99, IZO, 131, 230 ; saleofhir
curiosities, 11. 193
Sharpe of Hoddam, Mrs., 11. 26
Shearsmith, The first, 11. 26
Sheephead Wynd, Leith, 113 227
Shellycoat, The demon, Ill. 282
Shepherds' Ha' 111. 144
Sheridan, the a&, I.
Sheriff Brae, or Shirra &ge, Leith,
111. 247 248 250 ~51,*253,zBs
Sheriff Coirt, i. 166
Sheriff Court Buildings, I. 294, 29:
Sheriff Hall, 111. 16 , 963
ship Hotel,Theold,fxtth, III.rg5,
245 246. the new 111. 245 246
;hipduildiAg at LeAh, Newkven,
&c. 111.281
jhip&ng, Numberof, in Leith, 111.
188 'go 276 277; lawsrespening'the
i11. ;75
jhipmast'ers' Widows' Fund, The,
111. 278
jhoemakers' C!ose, 11. 10, 19
Shoemakers' Lands 11. g 10
Shore, The, Leith,' 111. '177, 184
'94, 1959 207, 209, 21% 227. 22g
Short'Sanh The 111. 282
Short's O&rvat&y, I. 87, 91, I1
ShrubHill 111. 155 163
Sibbald- Si Rohert i 123 167 201
304,&, 363,II. ;4;, I I i . r6;,33:
Sibbald, James, booksellexand anu
quary, I. 181 111. 154
Siddons Mrs.: 1. 108, 343, 344
amusing anecdote of, 111. 24a
Siddons, Henry, 1. 348, 11.125~17:
Siddons, Mrs. Henry, I. 348, 349
350,351,111. 158,159 ; her grand
father, I. 351
Sidey Dr. J. A. 11. 305,347
Signe;, Keeper df the I. 367, $8
librarian of the (sm Ikng, David
Silvermills, The, 11. 117, 182, 111
Sd~~nrulls House, 111.
Sirnon Master of Lovat, 9.3z57, 251
Simon'square, 11.337
Simond, theFrenchtraveller, 11.18:
Simony, Practice of 111. 116
Simple, Robert, the'player, 11. 9
Simpson, Professor Sir Jame
'156, &,170,315,362, III.79,xa
Simpson the architect, 111. 339
Sinclair 'EVI w i l l i I. 661 ; hi
prince& I.&?,III.&7; hisstyb
oflivini ib.
Sinclair(o; St. clair) family, E ~ I !
history of the, 11. 247,111. 34
Sinclairof Dunbeath, Sir John, If1
63 ; Dame, 111. 62, 63
Siclair, Si John, the agriculturist
11. 17, 120, 126, 144, 172; hi
daughter Catherine 11. 126 165
Sinclau, Sir William, k d the kigt
School affray of 1595, I. no
111 297.
Siucl;ir of Roslin, Sir William, 111
Sinclair, Henry first Lord, 11. 251
Sinclair ot Ulbster George 11.30:
Sinclair of Murkle: Lady, iI. 188
Sinclair, John, Bishop of Brechin
Sinclair, Lady Janet, 11. 17~ IM
Sinclair ofstevenaon, Lady, 11. 33:
Sinclair, Catherine, 11. 126, 165
Kinclair, Margaret, 11. 165
Sinclair, the actor, I. 350
Sinclair Fountain, The, 11. 126
Kiclair's, Professor, " Satan's In.
viribleWorld Discovered."I.~z8.
236 238 245,246, 247, PhtC 31
345 ; $er popularity, 1. 345, 346
8- 84.
Young 11. 130. 153, 154, 155
I. 121
Street 11. *r64
Six FeeiClub The 111. 125. 326
jkene, M a j o r h d r a l Robert, 11.
jkene of Rubislaw Sir W. Scott's
friend 11.98 163'III.86,145,3jq
jkenes :f CurAehiil, The, 111.334,
Sir Jam- and Sir John, 11.302,
4kinners The 11. 264,111. z
jkinner'i Cl&, I. 139, 266, 167,
3aney's Hotel, I. 222
ilnteford, I. 323, 111. 326
jlaughterhousea, The city 11. 218
ilezer, Captain, author ofl" Theatrum
Scotire," 11. ,367, 111. 350
heaton's Clore Leith 111. 226
hellie, Williad, thepkter, I. 235,
236,383.11. 87, 1p0 111.31
imellie, the naturalist: 11. 311
imith, Provost Sir John, I. 102, no,
11 "
I.II.334, 335
i%h; Lord Chief Baron, Episcopal
chapel founded by I. 262 11.247
imith, Adam, I. 114 156, i36, 273,
11. 17, 21, 161, 194, 111. 240;
residence of, 11. 21 ; graye of,
with, Alexander, the poet, 111.
102, 30!
Nmith George, I. 113 *117; rob- be4 in concern whh Deacon
Hrodie, I. 113-115
mith, Sydney, 11. 203
11. 29
Smith, Dr. John, the physician, 11,
SZA the banker, Deathof, 11.18,
Smollett, Tobu., I.@, 155,239,lI.
26 127, 111. 262. his sister 11.
26'; his wife, ib. f his h o d , 11.
-e '"
Smythe Sir Jeremiahand theDutch
Snuff-taking in church, an offence,
fleet, i. 58,111. re8
11. 133
Society Close, I. 213, -14
SocietyofEdiburghGolfers III.31
Society for the PropagaAon of
Chrlstian Knowledge, I. 214, 359
Society Port, The, II.231,234,268,
2% 274, 346
Soldiersof EdinburghCastle, Tomb
in memoryof 11. 30
Soldiers first iuartered in Leith,
III. '931 I94
Solicitors before the Supremecourt,
Library of I. 123
Solway, ad of 11.37
Solway, Rout &, 11. 64,65
Sothern the actor, 1. 351
Somers"tavern I. 120
Somerset Dulce of I, 43
Somervilie, Lards,'I. 150, 155,183.
316,II. 161 111. 346
Somervjlle fai!nily, The, 111. 346
Somerville Bartholomew, I. 97, 314
Somerville: Major, and Capt. Crawford
Encounter between I. 95
Somerhle mansion The i. 314
Sounding-boards I i 32d
South back of ;he Longate, 11.
238, 245
South Blacket Place 111. 55, 56
South Bridge, I. 24;. 373-382, 11.
139,238 251 274 282 2 8, 334,
359, I d . I&; %e ;or8 commenced,
I. 374; valueof thesite,
South Bridge Street I 374 111.23
South Castle Street '11: 82 '165
South Clerk Street,'III. 5;
SouthCollegeStreet 1I.330,111.23
South Foulis' Close,'I. 276
South Frederick Street 11. 92
South Gray's C l m 1. ;673 274
South Leith, 111. r&, 165, 166,188,
South Leith, b+dge of, 11. 47
South Leith bunal-ground, 111.171
South Leith Freechurch, 111.1~8,
South Leith Poor-house 111.249
South Lach,The, 1. 8, h . 2 7
South Hanover Street, 11. 162, 192
South Niddry Street, 11. 251
South St.Andrew Street II.99,159
South St. David Street.'II. oz. 160
193, 210, 21
, ~. -162
Southern Market The, 11. 346
Southfield 111. I&
Spalding Pund. The, 11. 92
Spalding Peter 11. 92
Spaldina: the dtorian. 11. 10. 111. . _. . .
Spence, Thomas, Bishop of Aber-
Spence Willim I. 59 6a
Spendthrift Clud, I.he,'III. r z ~
Spjttal, Sir James, 11. 215
Spittal Street, 11. 215, 223
Spattiswc.de, Archbishop, I. 287,
298, 11. 39, 111. 2x9 ; hls house,
I. 208
Spottigwoode I. 166
Sputtkwood 'John, Superintendent
of Lothid I. 46 208
Spottkwood Road,'I11. 46
Springfield, 111. 356, 360
Springfield Street, 111. 163
Spur, The, Edinburgh Castle, 1.36,
Spylaw 111. 34
Spynie'Lord I. mg IIZ. 113
St. Andrew the Apoitle I. 261
St. Asdrew'saltar. Hol;rwd. 11. z8
deen, I. 300, 301
49, 5x1 52, 54, 86, 218
St. Andrew's Chapel, 'Carrubbeis
St. Andrew's Church. Geom
Close, I. 239.11. 242
Street, 11. 120, 144, *145, 14,
17' ; interior of, 11. 148
9t. Andrew's Hall, 1. 302
St. Andrew's Lane, 11.160
3t. Andrew's Port, I. 366
3. Andrew's Square, I. 2r7, 222,
267, 279, 11. 110, 118, 136, 161, ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. 2307 33O7 3447.3501 359s at er, 11. 255; hls fat er house, 11. 340, *PI; his ...

Book 6  p. 388
(Score 0.22)

.Her!or brewery, The, 11.374
Henot free schools, 11. 374 37:
Heriot Kow, 11.1~5, 158,194, 201
.Heriot's Bridge, 11. 234
Heriot's Green, 11. 371, 372, 373
Heriot's Hill, I l l . 86, 87
.Heriot's Hill House, 111. *88
Heriot's Hospital, I. 48, 55, 64, 76,
134, 176, 242, 335, 11. 33s 84, 115.
its designer, rb. ; curious itemsof
expenditure, ib.; generaldescription
of the building 11. 369, 370 ;
views of the hospidl, II.364,368,
Heriot's School, I. 198, 11. 184, 250,
37% 373, 376, 379. pb& 24
265. 266
Heriot's Trust, 11. 358
Hermand, Lord (sec Fergusson,
Hermitage, The, Leith Links, 111.
Hermitage Hill, Leith, III.175,186,
Hermitage Place, 111. 79
Hermitage Terrace 111. 266
Heron's Court. I. ,b~
Herries, Sir Rbberi I. 179
Herring Sir John 111. 346
Herrini fishery, $he Newhaven,
111. $2 - -
Hertford, Earl of, I. 43, lob, 217,
11. 2, 48, 56, 111. 169, 179, 218,
3'07 347,
.Heme Prinrr of 111. 194
High kalton T i e street 11. 103
High Churc'h The, &.* Giles's
Cathedral, 1: 14x '148 149
High Constables o t the dalton, 11.
High Constables, Society of, 11. 23
Highest buildings in Edinburgh, I.
Hiehla;ldar;dAericultural Society's
*168 191 193
chambers, I.'zg~, zg
Highland Society of &cotland, I.
ighlanders in Edinburgh, I. 322
323,324. 11,133 ; employmental
11. 235 ; Gaelic chapel for ib.
Highlanders,Revultofthe S'eaforth,
Highrtggs, 11. 222, 223, 230, 325,
366 111. Z,%
Highiiggs 80use 11. 223
.High School of ddinburgh, I. 110,
963, 11. 1 1 ~ 1 1 3 , 168, 2-1 259,
303, 327, 314! 111. 3, 86;k:story
of the old igh School, 11. 287-
193; thesecond High School, 11.
193; the new High School, 11.
1x0-114; views of the High
School, 11. *113, *q*, *z#;
carved stone over the entrance to
the first High School 11. .
eminent masters and kctors:%:
11. 307-310
Hiih S&Al brawls 11.289
High School Close '11. 17
High School Club'The, 11. 113
High School, Leith 111. *265
High Fhool Wynd, I. 11. 249,
High'School Yard, 11. 275, 293,
J&h'J%t, The, I. P, 31, 43, 79,
947 I212 123, 126, 1.53, 1541
155,183,187,191-a82~335,II. 64,
95, 119, '57s 239, 24'2 2431 25%
138, I++; conflicts in the, I. 39,
50, 55 194-196. first paved and
lighteh, I. '92'; high-storeyed
houses, ib. ; removal of household
garbage, 193; the night watch,
194 ; use offire-arms in the streetr
forbidden, ib . fights between
rival clans, 1&196 ; abduction
of women and girls, 197 ; sump
tuary laws a inst women 197
198 ; the LorrF'rovost, 19;; th;
a t y police, ib. ; banquets at the
C m , zoo; city constables, I.
203 ; cleanliness enforced, ib. 1
the city lighted withgas, ib. ; the
Black Turnpike, zq; bitter re.
ception of Queen Mary, ib. ; the
house of Fentonbans. 207 j Ban-
253, 286, 287, 112 I2
283, 2938 294, 375, Id. 6, Ia,47.
natwe, the printer ib. . the
Bishop's Land, 208 its dishguished
residents, ib. ; the Earls
of Crawford zag - the first shop
of Allan Kakay,' 210 ; Ancrum
Hou~e, zrz: the first shop of
Constable and Co., 212 213;
Manners and Millar, book&llers,
213; ancient houses, ib. ; Knox's
house and church, ib. ; &herino
mansion, ib. ; the preaching
window Knox'shouse 214; house
of Archbishop Shkpe, 21s ;
the Nether Bow Port, ar,; the
earlier gate ib, ; the Kegent
Morton's su&riw party, 218. the
last gate, ib.; the ancient marirets,
zr9 ; house of Adam Rothwell
Bishop of Orkney, ib. ; the bishoi
and Queen Mary, ib . Sir Wilrim
Dick of Braid, z;dr 221 ; his
colo~sal wealth, a m ; hard fortune,
ib. ; Advocates' Close, ib. ;
Sir James Stewart's house, ib. ;
Andrew Crosbie, ib. ; Scougal's
picture-gallery, 223 ; Roxburghe
Close, ib. ; Warriston's Close. ab. ;
William and Robert Chambers
224-226 ; house of Sir Thond
Craig, 226 ; Sir Archibald Johnston
of Warriston 226 127 ; Mary
King's Close i27 f Mr. and
Mrs. Colthearh ghostly visitors
rb. . Craig's Close 229 * Andd
H& bwkselly, b. ; tke " Isle
of Man Arms, 230; the Cape
Club cb . the Poker Club ib .
Old k&p Office Close, '23; f
Fortune's lavern, ib. ; the Countess
of Eglinton, 231-234 ; murderous
riot in the Close, 234 ; the
Anchor Close 235; Dawney
Dou 185's tavirn 235 236; the
CpcLllan Club,' 235 f Smellie's
printing-office 235, 236. Mylne's
Square, 2 3 d z 3 8 : ~orld AI='s
house, 237; thecountess ofSutherland
and lady Glenorchy,
237, 238; Halkerston's Wynd
238 : Kinlochs Clox, ib. ; Car!
rubber's Close, 238140 ; Capt.
Matthew Hendemn, 239 ; Alkn
R-y's theatre, ib.; its later
tenants, id. ; the Tailors' Hall
239,240 ; *' Hyve awa, lads, I d
no deid yet ib. . Chalmers'
Close, -16. ; hope's'house, ib, ;
Sandiland's Close, ib. ; Bishop
Kennedy's house, ib.; Baron
Grant's House, ,:41; the " Salamander
Land 242 ; the old
Fishmarket Close, ib. : Heriot's
mansion ib. . the Deemster's
house ib.; Bbrthwick's Close
ib. ; I k d Dune's house, i6. ; th;
old Assembly Rooms, ib. ; Miss
Nicky Mum 243 ; formalities
of the balls it: ladies' fashions
245; Bell': Wynd $6. . BIa&
Street and Hunter'; Squire, ib. ;
' Kennedy's Close, ib. ; Niddry's
Wynd, ib. ; Provost Nicol
Edwards' house, 245, 246, 247 :
Lockhart's Court, r6. ; St. M a j s
Chapel, lb. ; Masonic Lodge
meetings, ib. ; Lady Glenorchy,
ib. ; story of Lady Grange 248-
251; St. Cecilia Hall Z;I; its
old-fashioned concerts,'ib. ; the
belles of the eighteenth century,
ib. . the name Niddry, 252 ;
Diikson's and Cant's Closes, 253 ;
house of David Allan, zb. ; Rosehaugh's
Close, id. ; house of the
Abbots of hIelrase, ib. ; Sit
George Mackenzie of Rwhaugh,
254 ; Lady Anne Dick, lb. ; Lord
Strichen, ib.; the manners 01
17 0, ib. ; Provost Grieve, 255 ; J t o n Dhu, ib. ; Lad Lovat's
Land, ib. ; Walter Ehepman,
rimer, ib. ; Lady Lovat 257 ;
backfriars Wynd, 258 : Sir Wdrim
Stewart slain by Rothwell
259 ; escape of Archbisho;
Sharpe, rb . Cameronian meeting-
house, ' >b. ; house of the
Regent Mortan ib. : Catholic
chapels of the'eighteenth cen
tury, 261. Bishop Hay ib.
Baron Smi;h's chapel, 262'; Car
d i d Beaton's house 263; Its
historical association:, io. ; IU
ultimate occupants 264; the
United Industrial School, 265 ;
Toddricks Wynd, 2 6 6 ; Lord
Leven's house in Skinner'sClose,
267 ; the Scottish Mint, ib. ;
Argyle's lodging,a70; Dr.Cullen,
271 ; Elphinstone's Court, 272;
Lords Loughborough and Stonefield
z7r 273' Lord Selkirk 274'
Dr. kutierfoid, ib. ; house Af th;
Earls of Hyndford ib. ; the
three romps of MoAreith, 275;
Anne Countess of Balcarres, 276 ;
Souti Foulis' Close, ib. ; Fountain
Close. ib. ; Endmylie's Well
ib. ; house of Bailie Fullerton:
277; Koyal College of Physicians,
278 ; Tweeddale Close, ib. ; hollse
of the Marquis of Tweeddale, ib.;
the British Linen Company, 279 ;
murder of Begbie, 280; the
World's EndClose,z81; the Stanfield
tragedy, ib. : titled residents
in the old closes, 282
ligh Street, Portobello, 111. 152,
* I53
Till Mrs. the xulptor, 11. 131
-Iill!house'Field, Leith, 111. go, 273
lill Street, 11. 159, 165
lobart Lord 11. 373
logarih Gedrge W.S., 11. 26
7ogarth' The Scbttish I. 253
logg. J k e s , the EttrigkShepherd,
1. 7, 15. 339, 11. '27, 1409 142,
'7% '99, 111. 747 7 I 126, 1277 I79
Holderness Robert %arl of, 11. 39 ' Hole in the Wall" Inn, 11. 268
Holland John projector of the
Bank ;If Scotlkd, 11. 93,95
HoLstein Visit of the Duke of, to
Edinbhrgh I. III
Holy Cross, Abbey of the, 11. 288
Holy Cross, Kirk of the, 11. ~ o o
Holyrood Abbey, I. 19, m, 4 4 116,
139, 2f7.s 23p 11. 11, 42-60> 379;
its ongin, 1. 42, 43, 4; its endowments
11. 44, 46, 111. 49;
list of abbbts, I1.46-49,III. 41 ;
seal of the Abbey, 11. *46; its
relicsandrevenues, II.5o;church
of 11. * 5 6 ; nave of, 11. *57;
d&s;truction of, 11. 57, 58 : right
of sanctuary, 11. 60 ; Hollar's
print of, 11. *45 ; Gothic porch
and gatehouse 11. 11
Holy Rood Acd, The, 11. 239
H+rocd, Ancient chapel of the,
11. 239
Holyrood chapel, St. Giles's church.
Holyrood dairy 11. * 305
Holyrwd Foun$in,The, 11. g *SI
Holyrood House, I. 199 ; the &&I
Royal, 11. * 49
Holyroodhouse, Lord, I. go, 158,
zm. aza, 11. 49,111. zgg
Holyrood Palace, I. xi 6, 40, 42>
54 55, 58, 7% 791 90. '75,204, 11.
at, 11. 66-7'. 111. 4, 7 ; Charles
I. at, 11. 73; James Duke oi
York and Albany at, I. 335 11.
75, 111. 11; arrival of Pr'incc
Charles Edward at, I. 316; Comtc
d'Artois at, 11. 76, 78 ; isometric
projectionof the Palace, 11. 61
views of the Palace, 11. 68, * 6q
*72;modemviews, II.*73 *Bo
81 ; monuments, I. 196, zm: 238
the old Mint, I. 267 : sanctuaq
of, 11. 11, 281, 303 ; plan ofth:
sanctuary, 11. * 3 q ; Hollar:
print of, 11. ' 45
yard, I. 256
L 7 9 , 236, 354; Queen Maq
Holyrood Tennis Court, 111. 125
Home Earl of, 11. 31
Home: Lord, I. 40, 49,II. zzz, 111
Home, Sir John, I. 102
Home, Alexander Lord, Provost
Home Alexander Provost 11. z&
Home: George, Cierk of .%Lion, I
29. 134, 298
11. 279
Home, Sir George, Lord Provost
Home ofthe Heugh, Patrick, III.3(
Home of Polwarth, Patrick, I1
Home of Wedderburn,David, 1.4, t:
111. 46
180. 111. 36
Iome, NinQn, the dominie, 111.156
Iome Lady I. a82 11. 31
iamb, John,'autho:of '' Douglas,"
11. 24-7 127.334 111. 45,21g,
24o-zp ; hisancestors, III. 240 ;
h~s death and burial-place, ib.
Iome Street, 11. zaz
iowerton the actor, I. 350
Iornildon'Hill (see Battles)
ioneyman, Bishop ofOrkney, 1.259
ioneyman, Sir William, Lord
Armadale, 1. 259
Iooly, Mount, I. 383
looped ladies, r. z++ 245
iope of Granton, imd Jwtice-
Clerk, 1. 159. 11. 159
lope, Right Hon. Charles, of the
Edinburgh Volunteers, 11. *I 7
mal 268, 372, 374, 111. 311 ; k
conduct as Lord Advocate, 11.
102 a03
lor, I. 36 , 111 77
maAsion of, 11.243
house of I. 240
{ope: %Alexander, Lord Rankeil-
<ope Sirlrchibald, 111. 270
4ope' Sir Thomas, I. 116, 11. 243;
<ope, John de, I. 94; supposcd
<ope Major-General, 11, 19
<ope' Profesar John 11. 293
lope' President 11. ;gs
4ope'of Carse, iI. 281
lope of Craighall, The family os
111. 316
agriculturist, 11. 3;7
*ope of Craighall, Sir Thomas,
Hope of Rankeillor Thomas, the
Hope Dr. John, I. 3631*364. 111.161
Hope' Robert, physician, 11. zg8
Hope' Park, 11. 339,347, 348, W.
Kope Jark Chapel, 111. 51
Hope Park Congregational Church,
Rope Park Crescent, 11. 349
Hope Park Terrace 11. 3
Hope Park United Pregyterian
Church, 111. 51
Hope Street, 11. 130,165
Hope's Close, 1. 116
Hopetoun, Earl of, I. 238, 3
354 513 I!I. 54
111. 5'
111. 57
Hope Park En4 11. ~ 9 , 351, 35%
, 11.
38, 1% 171, 1%~ 34% IIp16rs
190, 323,362; houseof, I. 40, IL
26; monument to 11. 171 .
Hopetoun Fenciblei, 11. 236
Hopetoun House 111. 77
Hopetouu Laird'of 111. 57
Hopetoun'Rooms h. 158, 111. 78
Hopkins, Mrs. a&ess, 11. 24
Horn Charity,'The, I. 308
Horn Lane 111. 76
Horn Orde: The 111. IZZ
Horner, Frkcis,'I. 379, 11. 187,
Horner, Leonard, I. 165, 291, 379,
292, 29.52 347
111. 342,
Horseracing on Leith Sands, 111.
Horse Wynd, I. 267. 282, 11.27, 38,
Hos~italbfO&Mlessed Lady,I.po
Hospital of St. Thomas, 11. 39 47
Hospitallers of St. Anthony, L k h ,
Hotels, The street for, 11. 123
House of Correction, I. 301.302
House of Industry 111. 125
House in High &reet, with memorial
window (' Heave awa,
Lids, I'm no deidyet," I. z4oo,*24r
H o u ~ of the Kirk-of-Field, 111.
39 .& 255 256, 158, 274, 282
111. 216
4, 6, 7
Household garbage, The streets
formerly receptacles for 1. 192
Houses in the New Tom: Number
Houston, Archibald, Murder of, I.
Houston Lad 11. 331
Howe Sireet, fi. 1%
Howard, the philanthropist, I. 132,
Howf The Leith 111. 23r
Hugk Mill& (scs kfiller)
Hugh Miller Place, 111. 75
Human heads Exposure of 11.4
Humane smiity of Leith, ~ I I . a%
. - 48, !49
Of, 11. 175
... INDEX. 379 .Her!or brewery, The, 11.374 Henot free schools, 11. 374 37: Heriot Kow, 11.1~5, 158,194, ...

Book 6  p. 378
(Score 0.21)

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