Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Bookshelf


Index for “brown square”

C a n d l d a Raw.] GEORGE BROWN. 269 ?
school ; but Lord Hailes, after removing from
Todrig?s Wynd, occupied a house in ?The So-
. ciety,? before locating himself in New Street.
Brown Square, now nearly swept away, was a
small oblong place, about zoo feet east and west,
by 150 north and south. During the long delay
which took place between the first project of having
a New Town, and building a bridge that was to
lead to it, a rival town began to spring up in
another quarter, which required neither a bridge
nor an Act of Parliament, nor even the unanimity
of several interested proprietors to mature it, and
it soon became important enough to counteract for
some years the extension by the ridge of the Lang
In this quarter a fashionable boading-school
for young ladies was established in the middle of
$he last century by Mrs. Janet Murray, widow of
Archibald Campbell, collector of the customs at
Prestonpans. She died in the Society in 1770,
and the establishment was then conducted by her
friends under the name of ? Mrs. Murray?s Boarding
To those who remember it in its latter days the
locality seems a strange one for a young ladies?
On the ground acquired so cheaply he proceeded
at once to erect, in 1763-4, houses that were
deemed fine mansions, and found favour with the
upper classes, before a stone of the New Town
was laid. Repenting of their mistake, the magistrates
offered Mr. Brown Az,ooo for the grouid;
but he, perceiving the success of his scheme, demanded
Lzo,ooo, so the city relinquished the
idea The square was quickly finished on nearly
three sides, including the Society, znd one old
mansion having an octagon turnpike stair, dated
17 18, at the north-east corner next Crombie?s Close,
and became filled with inhabitants of a good class
while George Square rose collaterally with it.
Dykes. This might have been prevented had the
magistrates contrived to acquire a piece of ground
south of the Old Town, which was offered to them
for only ~ I , P O O , but which was purchased by a
builder and architect namedGeorge Brown, abrother
of Brown of Lindsaylands and Elliston. He was
the projector and builder of George Square, and
Jso built the large house of Bellevue (for General
Scott of Balcomie), which stood so long in Dmmmond
THE CUNZIE HOUSE, CANDLEMAKER ROW, ... So- . ciety,? before locating himself in New Street. Brown Square , now nearly swept away, was a small oblong ...

Book 4  p. 269
(Score 4.11)

means he soon waxed warm, and by degrees his imagination became dreadfully
excited. Before leaving Edinburgh, he was so miserably reduced in his circumstances
as to be committed to prison for debt, where his pupils attended his
lectures. His liberation from jail was principally attributable to the exertions
of the eccentric but amiable Lord Gardenstone.
Shortly after his arrival in London, the peculiarity of his appearance as he
moved along-a short, square figure-with an air of dignity, in a black suit,
which made the scarlet of his cheeks and nose the more resplendent-attracted
the notice of certain '' Chevaliers d'lndustrie," on the look-out for spoil in the
street. They addressed him in the dialect of his country: his heart, heavy as
it must have been from the precariousness of his situation and distance from his
native land, expanded to these agreeable sounds. A conversation ensued, and
the parties by common consent adjourned to a tavern. Here the stranger was
kindly welcomed to town, and, after the glass had circuIated for a time, something
was proposed .by way of amusement-a game at cards or whatever the
Doctor might prefer. The Doctor had been too civilly treated to demur ; but
his purse was scantily furnished, and it was necessary to quit his new friends in
search of a supply. Fortunately he applied to Mr. Murray the bookseller, who
speedily enlightened him as to the quality of his companions.
A London sharper, of another denomination, afterwards tried to take
advantage of the Doctor. This was an ingenious speculator in quack medicines,
He thought a composition of the most powerful st,imulants might have a run
under the title of " Dr. Brown's Exciting Pill ;" and, for the privilege of the
name, offered him a sum in hand, by no means contemptible, as well as a share
of the contemplated profits. Poor Brown, needy as he was, to his honour
indignantly rejected the proposal,
By his sojourn in London Brown did not improve his circumstances : he
persisted in his old irregularities, projecting at the same time 'great designs,
and entertaining sanguine expectations of success ; but on the 7th of October
1788, when he was about fifty-two years of age, he was seized with a fit of
apoplexy, and died in the course of the night.
Writing, we have little doubt, his " Elements of Medicine," a new edition of
which, revised and corrected by Dr. Beddoes, was printed in two vols. 8v0, in
1793. ... SKETCHES. 61 means he soon waxed warm, and by degrees his imagination became dreadfully excited. ...

Book 8  p. 87
(Score 3.07)

270 OLD AND *NEW EDINBURGH. [Brown Square.
Till about 1780 the inhabitants of these districts
formed a distinct class of themselves, and had their
own places of amusement, independent of all the
rest of the city. Nor was it until the New Town
was rather far advanced that the sowfh side lost its
attractions; and we are told that, singular as it
may appear, there was one instance, if not more, of
a gentleman living and dying in this southern district
without having once visited, or even seen, the
New Town, although at the time of his death it
had extended westward to Castle Street. (Scott?s ?? Provincial Antiquities.?)
In the notes to ? Redgauntlet,? the same author
tells us, that in its time Brown Square was hailed
?as an extremely elegant improvement ? on Edmburgh
residences, even witli its meagre plot of
grass and shabby iron railings. It is here he
places the house of Saunders Fairford, where Man
is described as first beholding the mysterious Lady
GreenmanfZe, and as being so bewildered with her
appearance, that he stood as if he had been
senseless. ? The door was opened, out she went,
walked along the pavement, turned down the
close (at the north-east end of the square leading
into the Cowgate), and put the sun, I believe,
into her pocket when she disappeared, so suddenly
did dulness and darkness sink down on the
square when she was no longer visible.?
To show how much this new locality was thought
of, we will here quote a letter in the Edinburgh
Adverfiser of 6th March, 1764 (Vol. I.) :-
?Su,-\Vith pleasure I have observed of late
the improvements we are making in this metropolis,
and there is nothing which pleases me yore than
the taste for elegant buildings, than which nothing
can be a greater ornament to a city, or give a
stranger a greater impression of the improvement
of the inhabitants in polite and liberal arts.
? That very elegant square, called Brown Square,
which, in my opinion, is a very great beauty to the
town, is now almost finished, and last day the
green pasture was railed in. Now, I think, to
complete the whole, an elegant statue in the
middle would be well worth the expense; and I
dare say the gentlemen who possess houses there
would not grudge a small sum to have that part
adorned with an equestrian statue of his present
Majesty George the Thud, and which I should think,
would be contributed to by public subscriptions,
set a-foot for that purpose. Whie we are thus
making such improvements, I am surprised nobody
has ever mentioned an improvement on our
College [the old one was then extant] which, as it
now is, gives strangers but an unfavourable idea of
our University, which, however, is at present so
flourishing. . . . , To have a handsome building
for that purpose is surely the desire of every good
citizen. This could be easily accomplished by
various means. Suppose a lottery should be proposed,
every student I dare say would take a
ticket, and I would venture to ensure the success
of it.?
But George 111. was fated not to have a statue
either in Brown Square or Great King Street, according
to a suggestion some sixty years afterwards
; yet as a proof that the square was deemed
alike fashionable and elegant, we may enumerate
some of those who resided there. . Among them
were the Dowager Lady Elphinstone (daughter of
John sixth Earl of Wigton) who had a house here
in 1784; Henry Pundas (afterwards Viscount
Melville), when a member of the Faculty of Advocates;
Sir Islay Campbell, Bart., of Succoth, in the
days when it was the custom of the senators to
walk to court in the morning, with nicely powdered
wigs, and a small cocked hat in the hand-a practice
retained nearly to the last by Lord Glenlee:
he was afterwards Lord President. He bought
Lord Melville?s house in Brown Square, and after
a time removed to York Place.
His successor in the same residence, No. 15,-
was John Anstruther of that ilk, Advocate, with
whom resided the family of Charles Earl of
Traquair, whose mother was a daughter of Sir
Philip Anstruther of Anstrutherfield. Other residents
were Lord Henderland and the future Lord
President Blair of Avontoun, both when at the bar,
and William Craig, afterwards a Lord of Justiciary
in 1792; Sir John Forbes-Drummond, when a
captain of the Royal Navy, and before he became
Baronet of Hawthornden ; Henry Mackenzie, the
ubiquitous ? Man of Feeling ; ? Lord Woodhouselee,
and the Lord President Miller, whose residence
was the large house (No. 17) with the painted front,
on the north side, the interior of which, with its
frescoes and panelings, is now one of the finest
specimens remaining of a fashionable Edinburgh
mansion of the eighteenth century; and therein
lived and died his son Lord Glenlee, who (uZtimus
Scoforum 2) resisted the attraction of three successive
New Towns, to which all his brethren had
long before fled.
He retained, until within a few years of his death,
the practice referred to, of walking daily to Court,
hat in hand, with a powdered wig, through Brown
Square, down Crombie?s Close, across the Cowgate,
xnd up the Back Stairs to the Parliament Houser
ittended by his valet, and always scrupulously
kessed in black. In 1838, when nearly eighty
years of age, this grand lord of the old school, ... OLD AND *NEW EDINBURGH. [ Brown Square . Till about 1780 the inhabitants of these districts formed a distinct ...

Book 4  p. 270
(Score 2.9)

340 OLD AND ?NEW EDINBURGH. [George Square.
Centenary celebration in 1872 was a ?? Contract
between James Brown, architect in Edinburgh, and
Walter Scott, W.S., to feu and bui!d a dnellinghouse,
with cellars, coach-house, &c., on the west
side of the great square, called George Square
(No. 25), at the annual feu of &s 14s.~ the first
payment to commence on Whit Sundayl 1773. Six
pages, each signed WaZfeer Scoft.?
In this house, then, with its back windows overlooking
the Meadow Walk, beneath its happy
my infirmity (his lameness) as she lifted me
coarsely and carelessly over the flinty steps which
my brother traversed with a shout and bound. I
remember the suppressed bitterness of the moment,
and, conscious of my own infirmity, the envy with
which I regarded the elastic steps of my more
happily-formed brethren.?
In No. 25 Scott received, from private tutors,
the first rudiments of education ; and he mentions
that ?our next neighbour, Lady Cumming, sent
parental roof, were spent the bright young years
of Scott, who there grew up to manhood under the
eye of his good mother. Among his papers, after
death, there was found a piece of verse, penned in
a boyish hand, endorsed in that of his mother,
? My WaZter?sJfrst lines.?
?My father?s house in George Square,? says
Scott, ?continued to be my most established place
of residence (after my return from Prestonpans in
1776) till my marriage in 1797.?
Writing of an incidentof his childhood, he says:-
?? Every step of the way (the Meadow Walk, behind
George Square) has for me something of an early
remembrance. There is the stile at which I
recollect a cross child?s maid upbraiding me with
to beg that the boys might not be all flogged at the
same hour, as though she had no doubt the punishment
was deserved, yet the noise was dreadful !?
There, too, he had that long illness which confined
him to bed, and during which the boy, though
full of worldly common sense, was able to indulge
in romantic and poetical longings after a mediad
age of his own creation, and stored his mind with
those treasures of poesy and romance which he
afterwards turned to such wondrous account.
During the weary weeks of that long illness he
was often enabled to see the vista of the Meadow
Walk by a combination of mirrors so arranged that
while lying in bed he could witness the troops marching
out to exercise in the Links, or any other ... OLD AND ?NEW EDINBURGH. [George Square. Centenary celebration in 1872 was a ?? Contract between James Brown, ...

Book 4  p. 340
(Score 2.54)

*lEe %we.] THE LORDS ROSS. 339
long, from where the north-east end of Teviot Row
was latterly. There were the stable offices; in
front of the house was a tree of great size, while
its spacious garden was bordered by Bristo Street.
When offered for sale, in March, 1761, it was
described in a newspaper of the period as ?ROSS
House, with the fields and gardens lying around
it, consisting of about twenty-fou acres, divided as
follows : About an acre and a half in a field and
court about the house; seventeen acres in one
field lying to the south-west, between it and Hope
Park j the rest into kitchen-gardens, running along
Bristo Street and the back of the wall. The house
consists of dining, drawing, and dressing rooms,
six bed-chambers, several closets and garrets; in
the ground storey, kitchen, larder, pantry, milkhouse,
laundry, cellars, and accommodation for
servants, &c?
This house, which was latterly used as a lying-in
hospital, was occupied for some time prior to 1753
by George Lockhart of Carnwath, during whose
time it was the scene of many a gay rout, ball, and
ridotto ; but it was, when the family were in Edinburgh,
the permanent residence of the Lords Ross
of Halkhead, a family of great antiquity, dating
back to the days of King Willmm the Lion,
In this house died, in June, 2754, in the seventy
third year of his age, George, twelfth Lord ROSS,
Commissioner of the Customs, whose body wa
taken for interment to Renfrew, the burial-place 01
the family. His chief seats were Halkhead and
Melville Castle, He was succeeded by his son,
the Master of Ross, who waa the last lord of that
ilk, and who died in his thirty-fourth year, unmarried,
at Mount Teviof the seat of his uncle, the Marquis
of Lothian, in the following August, and was alsa
taken to Renfrew for purposes of interment.
His sister Elizabeth became Countess of Glas
gow, and eventually his heiress, and through he1
the Earls of Glasgow are also Lords Ross of
Halkhead, by creation in 1815.
Another sister was one of the last persons in
Scotland supposed to be possessed of an evil
spirit-Mary, who died unmarried. A correspondent
of Robert Chambers states as follows:-
??A person alive in 1824 told me that, when a
child, he saw her clamber up to the top of an oldfashioned
four-post bed. In her fits it was impossible
to hold her.?
At the time-Ross House was offered for sale
the city was almost entirely confined within the
Flodden Wall, the suburbs being of small extent-
Nicolson Street and Square, Chapel Street, the
southern portion of Bristo Street, Crichton Street,
Buccleuch Street, and St. Patrick Square; though
some mere projected, the sites were nearly alI
fields and orchards. The old Statistical Account
says that Ross Park was purchased for ;GI,ZOO,
and that the ground-rents of the square yield
now (i.e., in 1793) above LI,OOO sterling per
annum to the proprietor.
James Brown, architect, who built Brown Square,
having feued from the city of Edinburgh the lands
of Ross Park, built thereon most of the houses of
the h?ew Square, which measures 220 yards by
150, and is said to have named it, not for the king,
but Brown?s elder brother George, who was the
Laud of Lindsaylands and Elliestown. It speedily
became a more popular place of residence than
Brown Square, being farther from town, and possessing
houses that were greatly superior in style
and accommodation.
Among the early residents in the square in
1784, and prior to that year, were the Countesses
of Glasgow and Sutherland, the Ladies Rae and
Philiphaugh, Antliony, Earl of Kintore, eighth
Lord Falconer of Halkertoun, Sir John Ross
Lockhart, and the Lords Braxheld, Stonefield, and
Kennet; and in 1788, Major-General Sir Ralph
Abercrombie, who died of his wounds in Egypt
It has been recorded as an instance of Lord Braxfield?g
great nerve that during the great political
trials in 1793-4, when men?s blood was almost at
fever heat, after each day?s proceedings closed,
usually about midnight, he always walked home,
alone and unprotected, through the dark or illlighted
streets, to his house in George Square,
though he constantly commented openly upon the
conduct of the Radicals, and more than once
announced in public that ?? They wad a? be muckle
the better 0? bein? hung !
Here, too, resided in 1784 the Hon. Henry
Erskine (brother of the Earl of Buchan), the witty
advocate, who, after being presented to Dr. Johnson
by Mr. Boswell, and having made his bow in
the Parliament House, slipped a shilling into
Boswell?s hand, whispering that it was for the sight
of his English bear.
To those named, Lord Cockburn, in his ?Memorials,?
adds the Duchess of Gordon, Robert
Dundas of Amiston, Lord Chief Baron of Exchequer,
the hero of Camperdown, Lord President Blair,
Dr. John Jamieson, the Scottish lexicographer, and
says, ?a host of other distinguished people all
resided here. The old square, with its pleasant
trim-kept gardens, has still an air of antiquated
grandeur about it, and retains not a few traces of
its former dignity and seclusion.?
Aniong the documents exhibited at the Scott ... to the proprietor. James Brown, architect, who built Brown Square , having feued from the city of ...

Book 4  p. 339
(Score 2.47)

E I 0 GR A P €I I CA L S K E T C HE S. 347
Brown Square, No. 17, where his house presented a rather striking contrast to
the plebeian aspect of the dwellings that surrounded it.’
Formerly it was the custom of the Judges to walk to the Court in the
morning with their wigs nicely powdered, and a small cocked hat in their hands:
Lozd Glenlee, we believe, was the last to give up this practice. So late as
1830, or even later, his lordship might be met every morning during the
Session, except Monday (when the Court does not meet), walking from his own
house down Crombie’s Close, across the Cowgate, and up the ‘‘ back stairs,”
that led to the Parliament House. He was always dressed, with most fastidious
neatness, in a plain suit of black. He had afterwards recourse to the use of a
sedan-chair, and was carried by George the Fourth’s Bridge-as the new approach
from the South is called-an improvement with which his lordship was greatly
Sir William long enjoyed the reputation of an excellent and accomplished
scholar, adding to the learning of the schools the polish and attainments early
acquired by foreign travel ; while, in his own peculiar profession of the law, he
had for nearly half-a-century been considered one of the brightest ornaments of
the Scottish bench. Few men in his rank of life maintained a character so
generally esteemed, as well by the exalted as the low ; and no man ever united
more real dignity of manner with the same humility and benevolence of disposition.
A philosopher, in the true sense of the word, he faithfully performed
the duties of his station throughout a term of years not usually allotted to
man-conducting himself, amid the varied trials and afflictions from which
human nature is rarely exempted, with a fortitude at once exemplary and
becoming. We allude more particularly to the lamented death of his son,
Lieut.-Colonel William Miller of the Guards, who fell at Waterloo. He was
an officer of the utmost promise ; and the gallant manner in which he met his
--“His failing eye
Still bent where Albion’s banners Ay”-
dwelt long in the memory of many of his countrymen. The following extract
from a letter, dated “Brussels, June 23, 1815,’7-which went the round of
It is said his lordship was greatly annoyed by au itinerant minstrel, who, frequenting the
square, endeavoured to “ discourse eloquent music,:’ by blowing upon a cracked clarionet, deficient
of one key, and marvellously stiff in the others. For an hour at least every Monday were the visits
of this “blind Apollo” repeated, awakening the slumbering echoes with “ Black-Eyed Susan,” till
the very name of that popular air became as hateful to the inhabitants of Brown Square, as that of
Monsieur Tomma was to the ear of Moiuiew~ Nor6Zieu. The annoyance was the more insufferable
to Lord Glenlee, as, the Court not sitting on Monday, that day is usually set apart by the judges
of the Inner House for studying the cases they are to advise during the week. He at length
despatched his servant with half-a-crown, with a request to the musician that he would discontinue
his favours for the future, particularly on the Monday. Highly incensed, the latter replied, “ Give
my compliments to Lord Glenlee, and tell him-pocketing the half-crown-I cannot change my
rounds for a’ the Lords 0’ Edinburgh.” So saying, his wounded dignity wm appeased, like
“ Roasting-Jacks,” by blowing niore fiercely, furiously, and inharmoniously than ever. ... I 0 GR A P €I I CA L S K E T C HE S. 347 Brown Square , No. 17, where his house presented a rather striking ...

Book 9  p. 461
(Score 2.39)

Full of years and honours, Tam 0? the Cowgate
died in 1637. At Tynninghame, his family seat,
:here are two portraits of him preserved, and also
his state dress, in the crimson velvet breeches of
which there are no less than nine pockets. Among
many of his papers, which remain at Tynninghame
House, one contains a memorandum which throws
a curious light upon the way in which political
matters were then managed in Scotland. This
paper details the heads of a petition in his own
each way, and had a border of trees upon its east
and south sides. Latterly it bore the name of
Thomson?s Green, from the person to whom it
was leased by the Commissioners of Excise.
The Hammerman?s Close, Land, and Hall, adjoined
the site of this edifice on the westward.
The Land was in I 7 I I the abode of a man named
Anthony Parsons, among the last of those who
followed the ancient practice of vending quack
medicines on a public stage in the streets. In the
THE FRENCH AMBASSADOR'S CHAPEL. (From a Drawing by W. Geikie.)
hand-writing to the Privy Council with a prayer to
?gar the Chancellor? do something else in his behalf
The Excise Office was removed about 1730 from
the Parliament Square to the houge so long occupied
by the Earl of Haddington, which afforded excellent
accommodation for so important a public
institution. The principal room on the second
floor, the windows of which opened to the Cowgate,
was one of great magnificence, having a stucco
ceiling divided into square compartments, each of
which contained an elegant device, and there was
also much fine paneling. At the back of the
house, extending to where the back of Brown
Square was built, and entered by a gate from the
Candlemaker Row, it measured nearly zoo feet
October of that year he advertised in the Scofs Postman-?
It being reported that Anthony Parsons
is gone from Edinburgh to mount public stages in
the country, this is to give notice that he hath left
off keeping stages, and still lives in the Hammerman?s
Land, near the head of the Cowgate, where
may be had the Orvicton, a famous antidote against
infectious distempers, and helps barrenness,? &c
Four years subsequently Parsons-an Englishman,
of course-announced his design of bidding adieu
to Edinburgh, and in that prospect offered his quack
medicines at reduced rates, and likewise, by auction,
?a fine cabinet organ.?
The last of these English quacks was Dr. Green,
gauger, of Doncaster, who made his appearance in ... AND NEW EDtNEURGH. [The Cowgate. Full of years and honours, Tam 0? the Cowgate died in 1637. At ...

Book 4  p. 260
(Score 2.26)

Dr. Smith happened to come late, and the company had sat down to dinner.
The moment, however, he came into the room, the company all rose up; he
made an apology for being late, and entreated them to sit down. “No,” said the
gentlemen, ‘(we will stand till you are seated, for we are all yozcr schoZars.”
His mother died in extreme old age in 1784. His own health and strength
gradually declined (for he began very early to-feel the infirmities of age),
till the period of his death, which happened in July 1790. A few days previous
to this he gave orders to destroy all his manuscripts, excepting some
detached Essays, which were afterwards published, having been entrusted to the
care of his executors, Dr. Joseph Black and ‘Dr. James Hutton, with whom
he had long lived in habits of the most intimate friendship. Although Dr.
Smith‘s income for the latter years of his life was considerable, he did not
leave much fortune, owing to the hospitality and generosity of his nature. No
man ever did more generous things. It is understood that his library, which
was a valuable one, is still .preserved entire. It had devolved to his nephew,
the late Lord Reston, and afterwards became the property of his widow.
The third figure represents GEORGE BROWPIT, Esq., of Lindsqlands and
Elliestown, one of the Commissioners of his Majesty’s Board of Excise for Scotland,
a gentleman of amiable temper and suavity of manner. He had been an
officer in the army, and was cousin-german to the late Lord Coalstone, one of the
Lords of Session. His brother James was an architect of some eminence. He built
Brown’s Square (which was named after him), near to the Candlemaker Row,
the west side of which has been taken down, for an opening to George the Fourth’s
Bridge ; and having feued from the city of Edinburgh the ground upon which
George Square is built, he erected most of the houses in it. He built also
that large mansion formerly occupied by General Scott of Balconie, in Drummond
Place, now the Excise-Office!
The Commissioner was very attentive to the business of the revenue, and was
for a considerable number of years senior member of the Board of Excise in
Scotland. He lived in George Square, and latterly in St. James’s Square, and
died on the 5th March 1806, in the eighty-fourth year of his age. He married
Miss Dorothea Dundas of Dundas, by whom he had two sons and three daughters,
Viscountess Hampden, Lady Wedderburn of Ballendean, and the Hon.
Lady Alexander Hope.
THE Doctor is here represented with his celebrated work, “The Wealth of
This house wa removed in 1844-1845, in consequence of 8 railway tunnel being carried
Nations,” on the table before him.
immediateIy underneath ‘it. ... SKETCHES. 75 Dr. Smith happened to come late, and the company had sat down to dinner. The moment, ...

Book 8  p. 108
(Score 2.25)

deliver in the public hall the usual academical exercise prescribed prior to ordination
as a clergyman of the Scottish Establishment. At this point he stopped,
and relinquished the profession of divinity altogether ; the sequel will sufficiently
explain his motives for this change. Its immediate consequence was his retreat
from Edinburgh to Dunse. Here he engaged himself as usher to the school
which he had lately quitted ; and in this capacity he officiated a whole year, in
the course of which one of the classes in the High School at Edinburgh
becoming vacant, Brown appeared as a candidate, but proved unsuccessful.
When Brown renounced divinity, he turned his thoughts to the study of
medicine ; and in order to defray the necessary expense attendant upon this
new pursuit, he became what in college parlance is termed a “grinder,” or
preparer of Latin translations of the inaugural dissertations which medical
students are bound to publish before taking their degree as Doctors in Medicine.
His attention was first directed to this employment by accident. Application
being made to one of his friends to procure a person sufhiently qualified to
turn an essay of this kind into tolerable Latin, Brown was recommended, and
performed the task in a manner that exceeded the expectations both of the
friend and the candidate. When it was observed how much he had excelled
the ordinary style of such compositions, he said he had now discovered his
strength, and was ambitious of riding in his own carriage as a physician. This
occurred towards the close of 1759.
Brown next turned his attention to the establishment of a boarding-house
for students, a resource which would enable him to maintain a family. His
reputation for various attainments was, he thought, likely to draw round him a
number sufficient to fill a large house. With this prospect he married in 1765
Miss Euphemia Lamont, daughter of Mr. John Lamont, merchant in Edinburgh,
by whom he had twelve children. His wccess answered his expectations, and
his house was soon filled with respectable boarders ; but he lived too splendidly
for his income ; and it is said that he managed so ill, that in two or three years
he became bankrupt. Towards the end of 1770, he was miserably reduced in
circumstances, but he nevertheless continued to maintain his original independence
of character. He seemed to be happy in his family ; and, as far as could
be observed, acquitted himself affectionately both as a husbhd and a parent.
He still attended the medical classes, which, according to his own account, he
had done for ten or eleven years.
From the celebrated Cullen he early received the most flattering marks of
attention. This speculatist, like Boerhaave, and other men of genius in the same
station, was accustomed to watch the fluctuating body of students with a vigilant
eye, and to seek the acquaintance of the most promising. Brown’s intimate
and classical knowledge of the Latin language served him as a peculiar
recommendation ; and his circumstances might induce Cullen to believe that
he could render this talent permanently useful to himself. Taking, therefore,
its possessor under his immediate patronage, he gave him employment as a
private instructor in his own family, and spared no pains in recommending ... SKETCHES. 5s deliver in the public hall the usual academical exercise prescribed prior to ...

Book 8  p. 84
(Score 2.24)

114 [Bmdie?r Close.
from, and tried it on the lock by way of experiment,
but went no further then.
On the 5th of March, Brodie, Smith, Ainslie,
and Brown, met in the evening about eight to make
the grand attempt. The Deacon was attired in
black, with a brace of pistols ; he had with him
several keys and a double picklock. He seemed
themselves in danger when they heard Mr. Bonar
coming down-stairs, they cocked their pistols, determined
not to be taken.?
Eventually they got clear off with their booty,
which proved to be only sixteen pounds odd, when
they had expected thousands ! They all separated I -Brown and Ainslie betook themselves to the New
in the wildest spirits, and as they set forth he sang
the well-known ditty from the ? Beggar?s Opera?-
? Let us take the road,
Hark ! I hear the sound of coaches!
The hour of attack
approaches ;
To your arms brave
boys. and load.
?See the ball I hold ;
Let chemists toil
like asses-
Our fire their fire
And turns our lead to
gold !?
The office was
shut at night, but
till ten. Ainslie
kept watch in
Chessel?s Court,
Brodic inside the
outer door, when
he opened it,
while Smith and
Brown entered the
cashier?sroom. All
save the first carwhistle
by which he was to sound an alarm if
necessary. In forcing the second or inner door,
Brown and Smith had to use a crowbar, and the
coulter of a plough which they had previously stolen
for the purpose. Their faces were craped; they
had with them a dark lantern, and they burst open
every desk and press in the room. While thus
engaged, Mr. James Bonar, the deputy-solicitor,
returned unexpectedly to the office at half-past
eight, and detection seemed imminent indeed !
?The outer door he found shut, and on opening it
a inan in black (Brodie) hurriedly passed him, a
circumstance to which, not having the slightest
suspicion, he paid no attention. He went to his
room up-stairs, where he remained bnly a few
minutes, and then returned, shutting the outer
door behind him. Perceiving this, Ainslie became
Town, Brodie hurried home to the Lawnmarket,
changed his dress, and proceeded to the house of
his mistress, Jean Watt, in Liberton?s Wynd, and
on an evening soon after the miserable spoil
was divided in
equal proportions.
By this time the
town was alarmed,
and the police on
the alert. Brown
(alias Humphry
Moore), who
proved the greatest
villain of the
whole, was at that
time under sentence
of transportation
for some
crime committed
in his native
country, England,
and having seen
an advertisement
offering reward and
pardon to any person
who should
discover a recent
Homer, one of the many transactions in which
Brodie had been engaged of late with Smith and
others, he resolved to turn king?s evidence, and
on the very evening he had secured his share of
the late transaction he went to the Procurator
Fiscal, and gave information, but omitted to mention
the name of Brodie, from whom he expected
to procure money for secrecy. He conducted
the police to the base of the Craigs, where they
found concealed under a large stone a great number
of keys intended for future operations in all
directions. In consequence of this, Ainslie, Smith
and his wife and servant, were all arrested. Then
Brodie fled, and Brown revealed the whole affair.
Mr. Williamson, king?s messenger for Scotland,
traced the Deacon from point to point till he reached
Dover, where after an eighteen days? pursuit he ... [Bmdie?r Close. from, and tried it on the lock by way of experiment, but went no further then. On the 5th of ...

Book 1  p. 114
(Score 2.2)

him to others. The favoured pupil was at length
permitted to give an evening lecture, in which he repeated, and sometimes
illustrated, the morning lecture of the professor, for which purpose he was
entrusted with Cullen’s own notes. This friendship, however, was not of
permanent duration.
When the theoretical chair of medicine became vacant, Brown gave in his
name as a candidate. On a former occasion, of a nature somewhat similar, he
had disdained to avail himself of recommendations, which he might have
obtained with ease; and, though his abilities were far superior to those of
the other candidates, private interests then prevailed over the more just
pretensions of merit. Such was his simplicity that he conceived nothing beyond
pre-eminent qualifications necessary to success. The Magistrates and Council
of Edinburgh were the patrons of this professorship, and they are reported,
deridingly, to have inquired who this unknown and unfriended candidate was ;
and Cullen, on being shown the name, is said to have exclaimed, “Why, sure
this can never be our Jock ! ”
Estranged from Dr. Cullen, Brown gradually became his greatest enemy,
and shortly afterwards found out the New Theory, which gave occasion to his
publishing the ‘‘ Elementa Medicinq,” in the preface to which work he gives an
account of the accident that led to this discovery. The approbation his work
met with among his friends encouraged him to give lectures upon his system.
Though these lectures were not very numerously attended by the students,
owing to their dependence upon the professors, he had many adherents, to
whom the sobriquet of (‘Brunonians ” was attached.’ It is unnecessary to
enter upon all the angry disputes that subsequeritly arose. Suffice it to say that
the enmity of his medical opponents, his own violence, and the pecuniary
embarrassments he laboured under, ultimately compelled him to leave Edinburgh
for London in 1786. During his residence in Edinburgh, Dr. Brown
was elected President of the Medical Society in 1776, and again in 1780.
Observing that the students of medicine frequently sought initiation into
the mysteries of Freemasonry, our author thought their youthful curiosity
afforded him a chance of proselytes. In 1784 he instituted a society of that
fraternity, and entitled it the “ Lodge of the Roman Eagle.” The business was
conducted in the Latin language, which he spoke with uncommon fluency. “ I
was much diverted,” observes Dr. Macdonald, ‘‘ by his ingenuity in turning into
Latin all the terms used in Masonry.”
In lecturing, Dr. Brown had too frequently recourse to stimulants. He usually
had a bottle of spirit,s-whisky generally-on one side, and a phial of laudanum
on the other. Whenever he found himself languid preparatory to commencing,
he would take forty or fifty drops of laudanum in a glass of whisky, repeating
the quantity for four or five times during the course of the lecture. By these
A close intimacy ensued.
It may be mentioned as a curious fact, that a “perlegi” was ordered to be put at the end of
each medical Thesis, for the purpose of seeing that no part of the Brunonian system was introduced
by the candidates for a degree. ... BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, him to others. The favoured pupil was at length permitted to give an evening lecture, ...

Book 8  p. 85
(Score 2.15)

A friend of his, a Mr. Corbett from Stirling, had occasion to visit the Excise
Office for the purpose of drawing money. Brodie accompanied him ; and while
in the cashier’s room the idea first occurred to him. He immediately acquainted
his colleagues with the design, and frequently after made calls at the Office,
under a pretence of asking for Mr. Corbett, but with the sole purpose of becoming
better acquainted with the premises. On one of these visits in company
with Smith, he observed the key of the outer door hanging on a nail, from
which he took an impression of the wards with putty ; and on the night of the
30th November, with the key formed from this model, they opened the outer
door, by way of experiment, but proceeded no farther.
It was not till the 5th of March following that the final attempt was made;
on which occasion all hands were engaged. Their plan of procedure was previously
well concerted, and their tools prepared. They were to meet in the house
of Smith about seven o’clock ; but Brodie did not appear till eight, when he
came dressed in an old-fashioned suit of black, and armed with:a brace of pistols.
He seemed in high spirits for the adventure, and was chanting the well-known
ditty from the “ Beggars’ Opera : ”-
“ Let us take the road,
Hark ! I hear the sound of coaches !
The hour of attack approaches ;
To your arms, brave boys, and load.
See the ball I hold ;
Let the chemists toil like asses-
Our fire their fire surpasses,
And turns our lead to gold.”
Brodie also brought with him some small keys and a double picklock. Particular
duties were assigned to each. Ainslie was to keep watch in the courtyard-
Brodie inside the outer door-while Smith and Brown were to enter the
cashier’s room. The mode of giving alarm was by means of a whistle bought
by Brodie the day before, with which Ainslie was to call once, if only one person
approached-if two or more, he was to call thrice, and then proceed himself to
the back of the building to assist Brown and Smith in escaping by the windows,
All of them, save Ainslie, were armed with pistols. Brown and Smith had
pieces of crape over their faces. They chose the hour of attack from the circumstance
of the office being generally shut at eight o’clock, and no watchman being
stationed till ten.
Ainslie and Brodie
took up their respective positions, while Brown and Smith proceeded to the
more arduous task of breaking into the cashier’s room. Smith opened the first
door with a pair of curling-irons ; but, in forcing the second or inner door, they
had to use both the iron crow and the coulter of a plough, which they had previously
stolen for the purpose. Having with them a dark lantern, they searched
the whole apartment, opening every desk and press in it. While thus engaged
a discovery had nearly taken place, the Deputy-Solicitor, Mr. James Bonnar,
having occasion to return to the offibe about half-past eight. The outer door he
The party accordingly advanced to the scene of action. ... BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. A friend of his, a Mr. Corbett from Stirling, had occasion to visit the Excise Office ...

Book 8  p. 362
(Score 2.13)

. The two waiting-men, Brown and Scott, both of whom had been nearly
forty years in the establishment, were amply provided for by the long-continued
munificence of their aged masters. Scott purchased a property in Leopold
Place, where he and Brown resided. The latter bought a small estate in
LORD METHVEN was the son of David Smythe of Methven, and born in
1746. In possession of the
family estates, to which he succeeded on the death of his father in 1764, he
did not seek to obtain practice at the bar, but resided entirely in Perthshire,
and took an active and influential part in everything that related to the local
interests of that county. It was not until after the death of his first wife, in
1795, that he returned to Edinburgh, and betook himself to the law as a profession.'
He was shortly afterwards appointed Sheriff-Depute of Perthshire,
which office he held until he was promoted to the bench on the death of Lord
Gardenstone in 1763. He was appointed one of the Commissioners of Justiciary
in the room of Lord Abercromby in 1796.
As a judge Lord Methven is represented to have possessed extensive general
knowledge and soundness of understanding. He resigned his appointment as
a Justiciary Lord in 1804; and died on the 30th of January 1806. His
death was remarkably sudden. He was taken ill while walking on the street,
and expired in half an hour after having been carried home. His remains were
interred in the Canongate churchyard ; and the great attendance at his funeral
testified the general esteem in which he had been held.
He was twice married ; first
to Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Robert Murray of Hillhead, Bart., and sister to
General Sir James Murray Pulteney, Bart. ; secondly, to Euphemia Amelia,
daughter of Mungo Murray, Esq. of Lintrose.' He had large families by
both marriages, of whom there survived three sons, Robert Smythe, Esq.
He studied law, and passed advocate in 1769.
Lord Methven lived in St. Andrew Square.
1 His practice aa an advocate was limited. In speaking, he hesitated considerably, appearing
frequently at a loss for a word ; consequently, although his judicial qualifications were respectable,
he appeared to great disadvantage among his brethren.
!a This lady was distinguished, on account of her beauty, by the appropriate appellation of the
Flower of Strathmore ; and celebrated by Burns in his song of " Blithe waa she," having been seen
by that poet when on a visit to her relative, Si William Murray of Ochtertyre.-Mmy of Lintrose
waa succeeded by Mnngo Murray, Esq., late of Mumy and Cochrane, printem, Edinburgh. ... SKETCHES. 325 . The two waiting-men, Brown and Scott, both of whom had been nearly forty years in ...

Book 9  p. 433
(Score 2.11)

The Royal Eank of Scotland.
The Scottish Provident Institution.
The British Linen Company's Rank
The Scottish Widows' Fund Office.
CHAR L 0 T T E S (2 U X R E.
Charlotte Square-Its Early Occupants-Sir John Sinclair, Bart.-Lamond of that Ilk-Sir Williarn Fettes-Lord Chief Commissioner Adam-
Alexander Dirom-St George's Church-The Rev. Andrew Thornson-Prince Consort's Memorial-The Parallelogram of the first New
CHARLOTTE SQUARE, which corresponds with that
of St. Andrew, and closes the west end of George
Street, as the latter closes the east, measures about
180 yards each way, and was constructed in 1800,
after designs by Robert Adam of Maryburgh, the
eminent architect ; it is edificed in a peculiarly
elegant and symmetrical manner, all the fasades
corresponding with each 0the.r. In 1874 it was
beautified by ornamental alterations and improvements,
and by an enclosure of its garden area, at a
cost of about d3,000. Its history is less varied
than that of St. Andrew Square.
During the Peninsular war No. z was occupied
by Colonel Alexander Baillie, and therein was the
Scottish Barrack office. One .of the earliest OCCUpants
of No. 6 was Sir James Sinclair of Ulbster, ... AND NEW EDINBURGH. cst. Andrew Sq- ST. ANDREW SQUARE, The Royal Eank of Scotland. The Scottish Provident ...

Book 3  p. 172
(Score 2.03)

afterwards possessed by the ancient family of the Nisbets of Dirleton, and by Gordon of
Braid ; but, if so, it must have been as tenants, as it was sold by Mr Baird to A. Brown,
Esq., of Greenbank, from whom it passed successively to his sons, Colonel George Brown,
and Captain James Brown, commander of the ship Alfred, in the East India Company’s
service. From these later owners, Brown’s Close, where the modern entrance to the house
is situated, derives its name.
The name of Webster’s Close, on the same side of the street, by which Brown’s Court
was formerly known, served to indicate the site of Dr Webster’s house, the originator of
the Widows’ Scheme, and long one of the ministers of the old Tolbooth Kirk. He was a
person of great influence and popularity in his day, and entertained Dr Johnson often at
his table during his visit to Edinburgh. At a later period it was occupied by the Rev. Dr
Greenfield, Professor of Rhetoric and Belles Lettres in the University, after whose time
it passed through various hands, and closed its career as a cholera hospital, previous to its
demolition in 1837, to make way for the Castle Road. Dr Webster built another house
immediately adjoining this, from stones taken out of the North Loch. It was first occupied
by Mr Hogg as a banking house, and afterwards, for twenty years, by the Society of
Scottish Antiquaries, during the whole of which period, Alexander Smellie, Esq., the
Emeritus Secretary, resided in the house.
A very handsome old land of considerable breadth stands to the east of this. It presents
a polished ashler front to the street, ornamented with string courses, and surmounted by
an elegant range of dormer windows, with finials of various design. Over the main entrance,
in Boswell’s Court, there is a shield bearing a fancy device, with the initials T. L.,
and the inscription, 0 * LORD a IN THE IS AL MI * TRAIST. In a compartment
on the left of the shield, there are also the initials, I. L., R. W. ; a similar compartment
on the right is now defaced.’
Immediately to the west of the Assembly Hall, a tall narrow land forms the last remaining
building on the south side of the Castle Hill. In the style of its architecture it differs
entirely from any of the neighbouring houses, presenting a pediment in front, surmounted
with urns, and otherwise adorned according to the fashion that prevaqed during the earlier
part of the last century.
This house, as appears from the title-deeds, was built by Robert
Mowbray, Esq., of Castlewan, in 1740, on the site of an ancient
mansion belonging to the Countess Dowager of Hyndford. The
keystone of the centre window in the second floor is orpamented
with a curiously inwrought cipher of the initials of Robert Mowbray,
its builder; from whose possession it passed into that of
William, the fourth Earl of Dumfries, who succeeded his mother,
Penelope, Countess of Dumfries in her own right, and afterwards, by the death of his
1 The close, we believe, derives ita name from a Dr Boawell, who reaided there about eighty years since. We were
Znformed, hdwever, by the good lady who very politely conducted us over the house, that it was the Earl of Bothwell’s
mansion, ‘‘ An’ nae doubt,” said she, aa she showed ua into the best room, with its fireplace lined with Dutch
tiles, ‘‘ nae doubt mony queer doings hae taen place here between the add Earl and Queen Mary 1 ” Nothing is 80
amusing, in investigating our local antiquities, iw the constant association of Queen Mary’s name with everything that
is old, however homely or even ridiculous. ... MEMORIALS OF EDINBURGH. afterwards possessed by the ancient family of the Nisbets of Dirleton, and by Gordon ...

Book 10  p. 151
(Score 2.02)

The Excise Office was then in Chessels’ Court, Canongate. In the reign of Charles
11. it stood a little below John Knox’s house, just within the Nether Bow Port, From
thence it was removed to a fine old building in the Cowgate, on the site of the southeru
arches of George IV. Bridge, originally the mansion of the Earl of Haddington, the
favourite of James I. Froni this it was transferred to Chessels‘ Court in 1772, and
then to the fine mansion of Sir Lawrence Dundas in St. Andrew Square, now the Royal
Bank.of Scotland. Brodie’s own house was in .the Lawnmarket, a little below the
West Bow, styled after him Brodie’s Close.
Among the earliest Scottish photograph portraits, taken with paper negatives, by
the late D. 0. Hill, R.S.A., is a very characteristic photograph of Dr. Alexander
Monro Tertius.
The Earl of Buchan’s house was at the north-east corner of St. Andrew Sqnare, with
its east windows on North St. Andrew Street. There the Society of Antiquaries was
originated ; and there the eccentric nobleman figured in such scenes as that of Apollo
and the Muses, described in the following note.
Page 305, HADDOH’SO LE.
The Little Kirk, or Haddo’s Hole, waa the north-west division of Old St. Giles’s
Church. Until near the close of last century it was entered through a beautiful
Norman porch, the last remains of the earliest structure ; and over this was a chamber
to which Maitland gives the name of the Priest’s Prison. In this apartment Sir John
Gordon of Haddo was imprisoned in 1644, previous to his trial, and beheading by the
Maiden. Hence the name of Haddo’s Hole.
Page 306, MUIR of Huntershill and his MONUMENT.
The monument referred to as in prospect was at length successfully raised in spite
of the proceedings which interdicted its erection for a time, and wasted the funds in law
proceedings ; thereby reducing the scheme to the poor obelisk now in the Old Caltou
The houses referred to in the note were, it is presumed, in Brown Square. Lord
Melville occupied the most westerly house on the north side of the square. The next
house was occupied for a time by Sir Ilay Campbell, the predecessor of Lord President
Blair. The locality was conveniently near the Parliament House, with easy access by
the Cowgate and Old Parliament Stairs. Hence the square was a favourite resort of
the Judges. Lord Justice-clerk Miller was succeeded in the centre house on the same
side by his son, Lord Glenlee, who continued to occupy it long after the general fashionable
migration to the New Town.
Pennant, in his Second Tour, gives some account of the contents of Mr. John
Macguan’a “ small but select private cabinet.” Some of the objects found in the neighbourhood
of Edinburgh appear to have possessed considerable local interest; and
especially a fine Roman bronze, representing a beautiful Naiad, with a wine-vat on her
head, and a small satyr in one arm. ... houses referred to in the note were, it is presumed, in Brown Square . Lord Melville occupied the most westerly ...

Book 8  p. 603
(Score 1.99)

Bellaniy, Mrs., 33
Bennet, Mr., surgeon, 25
Berri, Due de, 198
Berri, Duchesse de, 199
Bertrani, Rev. Mr., 107, 108
Reugo, the engraver, 411
Beveridge, Mr. David, 403, 407
Binning, Lord, 125
Birnie, Patie, 410
Bisset, Mr., 124
Blacas, Due de, 201
Black, Rev. Mr., 39
Black, Dr., 75, 450, 451
Black, Rev. Thomas, 192
Black, Rev. Mr., 245
Black, Air. John, 407
Black, Alr. John, junior, 407
Black, Mr., surgeon, 471
Blackenay, General, 271
Blacklock, Dr., 136
Blackwood, air. Jsmes, 403
Hair, Sir James Hunter, 56, 29f
Blair, Robert, Esq., of $ventor
(afterwards Lord President), 91
251, 380, 433, 439
Blair, Rev. Hugh, D.D., 93, 41:
Blair, Villiam, Esq., 130
Blair, Colonel, of Blair, 412
Blakeman, -, 362
Blncher, hiarshall, 296
Bogue, Kev. Dr., 39
Eonaparte, Napoleon, 51, 52, 67.
Ronar, Mr. John, 19
Bonar, John, Esq., of Ratho, 10:
Bonar, Alexander, Esq., 105
Bond, Oliver, 176, 177
Bordeaux, Due de, 198, 202
Boswell, James, Esq., 20, 57, 58,
Boswell, Sir Alexander, 99, 277,
Boswell, John, Esq., 277
Boue, Dr., 454
Boyd, Mr. George, 10
Boyd, Dr., 14
Boyd and Oliver, Messrs., 99, 357
Boyd, Justice, 173
Boyle, Hon. David, Lord Justice-
Boyle, Hon. Patrick, 417
Boyle, John, Esq., 418
Boyle, Patrick, Esq., 418
Bradford, Sir Thomas, K.B., 307
Braidwood, Mr., 11
Braidwood, Nr. William, 122
68, 198, 261
Clerk, 326
Braidwood, Mr. William, of th
Baptist Congregation, 124
Braidwood, Dir. James, 124
Braidwood, Mr. William, 124
Brain, George, 43
Bransby, Professor, 452
Ereadalbane, Earl of, 411
Bremner, Mr. James, 121
Breton, Eliab, Esq., 246
Brewster, Sir David, 142, 453
Briggs, Dr., 134
Bright, Dr., 452
Brodie, Deacon, 8, 120, 121, 28t
Brothers, Richard, 309
Brongham, Lord, 21, 142, 388
413, 414, 432, 447
Brown, Mr., 9
Brown, Dr., 33
Brown, -, carter, 78
Brown, Mr. Robert, 87
Brown, Rev. Dr. William Law
Brown, Walter, Esq., 105
Brown, Dr. Andrew, 110
Brown, Rev. John, 237, 279, 35:
Brown, Rev. Robert, 279
Brown, Rev. Dr. John, 280, 281
Brown, Archibald, 323, 325
Brown, Professor Thomas, 388
Brown, Nr., 454
Brown, William Henry, Esq., 45:
Browne, Citizen M. C., 191
Browne, James, LL.D., advocate
Rrownlee, James, Esq., 322
Bruce, Professor John, 19
Bruce, Captain, 76
Brnce, Mr., of Kennett, 76
Bruce, Rev. Professor, 244
Bruce, Nessrs., 286
Bruce, King Robert, 317, 328
Brnce, John, 406
Bnice, James, the Abyssinian
traveller, 466
Brune, General, 189
Brunswick, Duke of, 115
Bryce, Mr., 124
Bryce, Rev. Dr., 458
hccleuch, Duke of, 25, 45, 139,
140, 239, 273, 341
hccleuch, Duchess of, 138
3uchan, Mr. John, W.S., 4
hchan, Earl of, 65, 154,195, 449
k h a n , Mr., 334
hchanan, Rev. Dr., 39, 311, 223
luchanan, George, 191
rence, 104
Buchanan, Pipe-Major, 273
Buchanan, James, 368
Bugon, Dr., 199
Bulloch, Miss Isabella, 278
Burgoyne, General Sir John, 467
Burke, Edmund, 184
Burn, Mr. Robert, 94
Burns, Robert, the poet, 1, 59,
93, 94, 128, 132, 136, 313, 325,
384, 400, 422, 423, 430
Burns, Rev. Dr. George, 134
Bnrnside, Rev. Mr., 223
Burnett, Mrs., 135
Rurnett, Miss, 135, 136, 137
Burnett, William, Esq., 436
Burnett, Miss Elizabeth, 436
Burnett, Miss Anne, 436
Burnett, Miss Robert Dundas,
Burnett, Birs., 437
Rurt, Dr., 101
Bustard, Mr., 13
Bute, James second Earl of, 72
Bute, John third Earl of, 72, 181
Butler, Hon. Sirnon, 121, 168,
Butler, Hon. Edwnrd Lynch, I77
Butter, Mr., senior, 32, 92
Butter, Miss Helm, 35
Butter, Miss Anne, 35
Butter, Miss Janet, 35
Butter, Miss Jane, 35
3yron, Admiral, 106
3yron, Lord, 391
:ADELL, Robert, publisher, 475
>adelk Mr. of Tranent, 446
>ajan, the giant, 115
hllander, John, Esq., of Craig-
>allander, Colonel Janies, 51
:allander, air., 361
:allender, Dr., 447
hllender, Miss, 447
hlvin, John, 420
:amage, William, 177
hmeron, Jean, 218
lameron, Colonel, 273
lameron, Messrs. J. and P., 314,
'ameron, Chief of Lochiel, 349
hmpbell, Major-General, 7
!ampbell, Lady Charlotte, 25
'ampbell, Captain John, 35
!ampbell, Archibald, Esq., 35
forth, 51
315 ... INDEX TO THE NAMES, ETC. Bellaniy, Mrs., 33 Bennet, Mr., surgeon, 25 Berri, Due de, 198 Berri, Duchesse de, ...

Book 9  p. 683
(Score 1.96)

memorials of still earlier fabrics here and there
meet the eye, and carry back the imagination to
those stirring scenes in the history of this locality,
\+hen the Queen Regent, with her courtiers and
allies, made it their stronghold and chosen place of
abode ; or when, amid a more peaceful array, the
fair Scottish Queen Mary, or the sumptuous Anne
of Denmark, rode gaily through the street on their
way to Holyrood.?
It is a street that carries back the mind to the
days of Wood and the Bartons, when the port of
Leith was in constant communication with Bordeaux
and the Garonne, and when the Scots of those
days were greater claret drinkers than the English ;
and when commerce here was as we find it detailed
in the ledger of Andrew Haliburton, the
merchant of Middelburg and Conservator of Scot-
? tish Privileges there, between 1493 and 1505-a
ledger that gives great insight to the imports at
Leith and elsewhere in Scotland.
Haliburton acted as agent for churchmen as well
as laymen, receiving and selling on commission the
raw products of the Netherlands, and sending home
nearly every kind of manufactured article then in
use. He appears often to have visited Edinburgh,
settling old accounts and arranging new ventures ;
and with that piety which in those days formed so
much a part of the inner life of the Scottish people?
the word JHESUS is inscribed on every account.
Haliburton appears to have imported cloths, silk,
linen, and woollen stuffs; wheelbarrows to build
King?s College, Aberdeen ; fruit, dyugs, and plate ;
Gascony, Rhenish, and Malvoisie mines ; pestles,
mortars, brass basins, ?and feather beds ; an image
of St. Thomas ZL Becket, from Antwerp, for John of
Pennycuik ; tombstones from Middelburg ; mace,
pepper, saffron, and materials for Walter Chapman,
the early Scottish printer, if not the first in Scotland.
We reproduce (p. 212) Wilson?s view of one of
the oldest houses in the Kirkgate, which was only
taken down in 1S45. The doorway was moulded;
on the frieze was boldly cut in old English letters
Pherrarr flaria, and above was a finely-moulded
Gothic niche, protected by a sloping water-table. A
stone gurgoyle projected from the upper storey.
Local tradition asserted that the edifice was a chapel
built by Mary of Lorraine ; but of this there is no
evidence. In the niche, no doubt, stood an image,
which would be destroyed at the Reformation.
Above the niche there was a small square aperture,
in which it was customary, as is the case now in
Continental towns, to place a light after nightfall,
in order that passers-by might see the shrine and
,make obeisance td it.
Another very old house on the same side of the
Kirkgate, the west, displays a handsome triple
arcade of three round arches on squat pillars, with
square moulded capitals, a great square chimney
rising through the centre of the roof, and a staircase
terminating a?crowstepped gable to the street.
A tavern in the Kirkgate, kept by a man named
John Brown, and which, to judge from the social
position of its visitors, must have been a respectable
house of entertainment, was the scene of a tragedy
on the 8th of March, 1691.
Sinclair of Mey, and a friend named James
Sinclair, writer in Edinburgh, were at their lodgings
in this tavern, when at a late hour the Master of
Tarbet (afterwards Earl of Cromarty) and Ensign
Andrew Mowat came to join them. ? There was
no harm? meant by any one that night in the hostelry
of John Brown, but before midnight the floor was
reddened with slaughter.?
The Master of Tarbet, son of a statesman of no
mean note, was nearly related to Sinclair of Mey.
He and the ensign are described in the subsequent
proceedings as being both excited by the liquor
they had taken, but not beyond self-control. A .
pretty girl, named Jean Thompson, on bringing
them a fresh supply, was laughingly invited by the
Master to sit beside him, but escaped to her own
room, and bolted herself in. Running in pursuit
of her, he went blunderingly into a room occupied
by a French gentleman, named George Poiret, who
was asleep. An altercation took place between
them, on which Ensign Mowat went to see what
was the matter. The Frenchman had drawn his
sword, but the two friends wrenched it out of his
hand. A servant of the house, named Christian
Erskine, now came on the scene of brawling, together
with a gentleman who could not be afterwards
At her urgent entreaty, Mowat took away the
Master and the stranger, who carried with him
Poiret?s sword. Here the fracas would have ended,
had not the Master deemed it his duty to return
and apologise. Exasperated to find a new disturbance,
as he deemed it, at his room door, the
Frenchman knocked on the ceiling with tongs to
summon to his assistance his two brothers, Isaac
Poiret and Elias, surnamed the Sieur de la Roche,
who at once came down, armed with their swords
and pistols, and spoke with George, who was
defenceless and excited, at his door; and in a
moment there came about a hostile collision between
them and the Master and Mowat in the
Jean Thompson roused Brown, the landlord, but
he came too late. The Master and Mowat were ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Leith. memorials of still earlier fabrics here and there meet the eye, and carry back ...

Book 6  p. 214
(Score 1.95)

High Street.] LORD
Justice Clerk in 1748, who long occupied two flats
on the west side of the square, the back windows
of which overlook the picturesque vista of Cockburn
Street, and the door of which was among the
last that displayed the ancient riq.
This cadet of the loyal and ancient house of
ALVA. 23 7
Wily old Simon Lord Lovat, of the ?45, who
was perpetually involved in law pleas, frequently
visited Lord Alva at his house in Mylne?s Square ;
and the late Mrs. Campbell of Monzie, his
daughter, was wont to tell that when Lord Lovat
caught her in the stair ?he always took her up
I ?
Mar was born in 1680, and died in 1763. Before
the nse of the new city, it affords us a curious
, glimpse of the contfnted life that such a legal
dignitary led in those days, when we find him
happy during winter in a double flat, in this
obscure place, and in summer at the little villa of
Drumsheugh, swept away in 1877, and of which
no relic now remains, save the rookery with its old
trees in Randolph Crescent.
in his arms and kissed her, to her horror-he was
In this mansion in Mylne?s Square Lord Alva?s
two step-daughters, the Misses Maxwell of Reston,
were married; one, Mary, became the Countess
of William Earl of Sutherland, a captain in
the 56th Foot, who, when France threatened
invasion in 1759, raised, in two months, a regment
among his own clan and followers; the
so ugly.?l ... Street.] LORD Justice Clerk in 1748, who long occupied two flats on the west side of the square, the back ...

Book 2  p. 237
(Score 1.93)

___-- -
Approaching the Cowgate by Infirmary Street and the High School Wynd,
we are reminded of the pathetic story of Rub and his 2+ietzds, by dr. John
Brown, which opens so happily : ' Four-and-thirty years ago, Bob Ainslie
and I were coming up Infirmary Street from the High School, our heads together
and our arms intertwisted, as onIy lovers and boys know how or why.'
The small engraving on the right shows the old High School, and that on the
----i - - __ - ... - 7 0 EDINBURGH PAST AND PRESENT. Approaching the Cowgate by Infirmary Street and the High School Wynd, we ...

Book 11  p. 111
(Score 1.92)

Few men ever enjoyed a course of uninterrupted good health equal to Mr. Sym.
When confined to the house for a few days in the latter part of his life, he used
to say that no medical man had ever felt hispulse, and that he did not remember
having ever in his life taken 6reakfast in bed. Truly B favoured son of Hygeia,
he attributed his exemption from disease chieffy to regular living, and to his
fondness for early morning exercise.
He and
Osborne (formerly noticed) were the right-hand men of the grenadiers; and
from his stature (six feet four inches), the former had to procure a firelock
considerably longer than the common regimental ones. He acted for some time
as fugleman to the first regiment; and it is told that, in his anxiety on one
occasion to perform his part well, he so twisted his body, while his arms were
poised above his head, as to be completely Zoclce&incapable of movement. In
tliis painful predicament he stood a few moments, till aided by the famous
Major Gould, who, on observing the circumstance, ran to his assistance.
Mr. Sym belonged to the old school of Tories, and was intimate with Lord
Melville, Chief Baron Dundas, and the other contemporary leaders of the
party. The well-known Editor of Blackwood’s Magazine, Professor Wilson, was
his nephew; as were also Robert Sym Wilson, Esq., Secretary to the Royal
Bank ; James Wilson, Esq., of Woodville, the eminent Ornithologist ; and the
Rev. John Sym, one of the ministers of the Old Greyfriar’s Church, Edinburgh.
Though in his younger years a gallant of no mean pretension, and in high
favour with the ladies, Mr. Sym continued all his life a bachelor. At one
period he resided in the buildings denominated “ The Society,” Brown Square,
but for the last forty years and upwards he was an inhabitant of George
Mr. Sym was a member of the Royal Edinburgh Volunteers.
MR. GREY was born at Alnwick, in the county of Northumberland, in the year
1778. In early life
he was left to the care of a kind and pious mother, who watched over her son
with the most tender and anxious assiduity, and lived to receive the reward of
her love and devotedness in her son’s clerical reputation and unceasing affection.
Mr. Grey received the elements of English education at a private school in his
native town. When eight years old he was placed at a seminary in Highhedgely,
conducted by an intelligent curate of the Church of England, where he
His father was a gentleman of the medical profession.
VOL 11. 3N ... he resided in the buildings denominated “ The Society,” Brown Square , but for the last forty years and ...

Book 9  p. 610
(Score 1.91)


Book 3  p. 169
(Score 1.89)

who was a shrewd, strong-headed man, liked nothing better than to engage
Brown in a discussion ; and the nonsense the latter used to utter was vastly
amusing. Here
the Doctor was in his element. Xumerous were the encounters he had had with
the enemy of mankind and his emissaries ; and repeatedly had he defeated them;
nay, he had killed the devil and slaughtered numbers of the imps of darknesshence
his soubriquet of “ The Devil Killer.”’
Brown died about the year 1822 ; and we cannot close this sketch of his
life more appropriately than by quoting the epitaph or elegy which he composed
upon himself-
One favourite subject was the power of his Satanic Majeaty.
‘‘ The discoverer of the Perpetual Motion,
This cold grave is all his portion.
The stars will show you at a glance,
The perpetual motion is Omnipotence.
Before I was, I did not exist, I now exist no more-
Nature has to me been just-I’m what I was before.”
MISS BURNSo, r MATHEWS( for she assumed both names), represented herself
as a native of the city of Durham, in England, where her father had been at one
time a wealthy merchant ; but latterly becoming unfortunate, and having con-
1 About this same time, the Parisians were much amused with a character somewhat resembling
Dr. Brown, although still more extravagant in his fancies. M. Berbiguier de Terreneuve du Thym
-for that was the Frenchman’s name-published a work in three octavo volumes, with plates,
entitled “The :Hobgoblins ; or all the Demons are not in the Other World.” M. Berhiguier’s
frenzy wa9 entirely of a religious cast ; and he believed himself commissioned to destroy all the
demons, which, according to his faith, still lurk unseen in the nether world. His weapons of warfare
were brushes, pins, sponges, and snuff. With these he attacked the unembodied enemies of
mankind ; and, according to his own account, he allowed no day to pass without imprisoning in a
bottle at least thirty hobgoblins. Thus benefiting mankind, M. Berbiguier held on his course with
much self-esteem and satifaction, until his work attracted the notice of the Editor of the I‘ Biographie
de8 Contemporaires,” who designated it as the “work of a madman,”and severely castigated
the publisher for lending his aid to the birth of such a production. This led the much-offended
catcher of hobgoblins into the Tribunal of Correctional Police, with an action for damages against
the Editor of the ‘ I Biographie,” where he pleaded his own cause in a manner so ridiculous as to set
the gravity of the bench and the audience at defiance. With hie pins, sponges, b~shesa,n d bottles,
he was clamorous for an opportunity of showing his power. “Mr. President,” said he, “you see
this instrument ; if there be in this assembly a single damned soul, in two minutes you shall see it
in thh bottle ?” At length M. Berbiguier was
ordered to be silent ; and the Court decided that there was no ground for a charge of libel. Much
enraged, the hobgoblin champion threatened to appeal from this decision to the Cow Royale, where
he was 8ure there were “ no Satanists amongst ita memben.”
He even proposed catching the President himself! ... SKETCHES. 399 who was a shrewd, strong-headed man, liked nothing better than to engage Brown in a ...

Book 9  p. 534
(Score 1.84)

in Parliament Square, is supposed to be under the stone shown in the
Engraving.) The Edinburgh Reviewers-Jeffrey, Sydney Smith, Brougham,
Dr. Thomas Brown, Francis Horner, and the rest,-are cultivating the
Muses ,on a little oatmeal, moistened by not a littre usquebaugh. Walter
Scott is getting up his Border MinstreZsy. Leyden is gulping down
languages like Behemoth rivers. Thomas Campbell is completing the
incubation of his PZeasures of Hope. Hector MacNeil is resting under
the little laurels of his WiZZ a d l e a n and Mary of CasfZecary. Dr. John
Jarnieson has come from Forfar to preside over an Anti-Burgher congregation
in Nicolson Street, and to issue his stupendous Dictwmzy of the
ScottzX hnpuge. Mrs. Grant of Laggan is publishing her Bters from fhe
Mozintatits. James Grahame is singing with sweet though rather sepulchral
notes his Sabbat/r and Birds of ScotZad. Mrs. Hamilton is brimful of her
exquisite novel, 23~C offagerso f GZenbumL; and Mrs. Brunton has secretly
prepared a surprise for the world, and her husband too, in her stirring and
animated Se(f-ControZ. In the Edinburgh pulpit, Dr. John Inglis, Dr. Brunton,
and other magnates, are propping up the Established Church, while in the
Relief body Struthers of College Street is gathering together such crowds as
have rarely been seen in Edinburgh before, and are not to be seen again till
the advent of Chalmers, and is, by his sermon on the battle of Trafalgar, to
electrify his audience as much as the news of the great victory had done,
while Alison and afterwards Morehead and Sandford are sustaining the credit of
the Episcopalian Church. But the period between the year 1815 and 1830 or
1835 may perhaps be called the culmination of Fdinburgh's intellectual- glory.
During that time was commenced ihe immortal series of the Waverley Novels,
in Iieu of, but a vast stride before, Scott's highly popular Poems. (The
D ... OLD TOWN. 25 in Parliament Square, is supposed to be under the stone shown in the Engraving.) The Edinburgh ...

Book 11  p. 43
(Score 1.83)

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